[UAI] ECMLPKDD 2015 : PhD Session

2015-04-24 Thread ECMLPKDD 2015
The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases (ECMLPKDD 2015) will take place on September 7 of 2015, in Porto Portugal ( http://www.ecmlpkdd2015.org/). The conference includes a PhD session that provides a

[UAI] CFP for Workshop MetaSel-2015 of ECML/PKDD-2015

2015-04-24 Thread Pavel Brazdil
[Apologies for cross-postings] # ECML/PKDD 2015 Workshop on Meta-learning & Algorithm Selection (MetaSel) CALL FOR PAPERS http://metasel2015.inesctec.pt/ # The 2015 I

[UAI] Call for Papers: ICML'15 Deep Learning Workshop

2015-04-24 Thread Kingma, D.P.
Hi Bruce D'Ambrosio, You would help us tremendously if the following could be posted on the UAI mailing list. Please let me know if this is not appropriate. === CALL FOR PAPERS: DEEP LEARNING WORKSHOP @ ICML'15 === The Deep Learning Workshop will be held in conjunction with the International Con

[UAI] Last CFP: ICML Workshop on Advances in Active Learning (Fri, July 10 in Lille, France)

2015-04-24 Thread Active Learning
*Call For Participation* We invite participation in the Workshop on *"Advances in Active Learning - Bridging Theory and Practice "*, to be held as a part of the ICML 2015 conference in Lille, France (July 6-11, 2015). *Confirmed