2014-10-07 Thread Linda Wood
*Collective Intelligence 2015 * May 31 – June 2 Conference @ the Marriott Santa Clara in Santa Clara, CA Call for Papers Please go to the conference link below and click on the Call for Papers tab for more information and to make a submis

[UAI] Computational genomics post-doc position at the Roslin Institute of University of Edinburgh

2014-10-07 Thread Gregor Gorjanc
Dear members of the UAI mailing list, We would like to circulate the available position for a research fellow at the Roslin institute of University of Edinburgh that might be of interest to you or your colleagues. Research Fellow *Salary Range:* £31,342 - £37,394 The Roslin Institute is a world

[UAI] CfP Deadline Extension - Active Learning in Robotics WS at Humanoids

2014-10-07 Thread Herke van Hoof
To enable as many researchers as possible to participate, we extend the deadline for submissions to the workshop on active learning in robotics to October 14th, 2014. Full details can be found below and on the workshop website: http://www.robot-learning.de/Workshops/Humanoids2014ActiveLearning. Th

[UAI] IJCAI 2015 Machine Learning Track - CALL FOR PAPERS

2014-10-07 Thread IJCAI 2015 Publicity Chairs
[Apology for cross-postings] * Machine Learning Track CALL FOR PAPERS 24th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI-15) Machine Learning Track Buenos Aires, Argentina / 25 Ju

[UAI] IJCAI 2015 Doctoral Consortium - CALL FOR APPLICATIONS

2014-10-07 Thread IJCAI 2015 Publicity Chairs
[Apology for cross-postings] * IJCAI 2015 - Doctoral Consortium Call for Applications Students are invited to apply for admission to the doctoral consortium to be held at the IJCAI conference, Bueno

[UAI] IJCAI-2015 Call for Workshop Proposals - EXTENDED DEADLINE

2014-10-07 Thread IJCAI 2015 Publicity Chairs
*** * [Apology for cross-postings] * IJCAI-2015 Call for Workshop Proposals *** Extended submission deadlin


2014-10-07 Thread IJCAI 2015 Publicity Chairs
[Apology for cross-postings] * KR Track CALL FOR PAPERS Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) is an exciting, central, and well-established area of Artificial Intelligence. In KRR, a fundament


2014-10-07 Thread IJCAI 2015 Publicity Chairs
[Apology for cross-postings] * IJCAI 2015 CALL FOR TUTORIALS IJCAI-15 invites proposals for the Tutorial Program. Tutorials will be held on July 25--27, 2015, immediately prior to the technical confe

[UAI] CFP MIC'2015 - Save the date

2014-10-07 Thread El-ghazali Talbi
*** 11th Metaheuristics International Conference MIC'2015 7-10 June, 2015 Agadir, Morocco http://www.lifl.fr/MIC2015 *** Scope of the Conf

[UAI] reminder: CFP ABC in Montreal Workshop at NIPS 2014

2014-10-07 Thread Ted Meeds
CALL FOR PAPERS NIPS 2014 Workshop: ABC in Montreal December 12 or 13, 2014 Montreal, Quebec, Canada Approximate Bayesian computation (ABC) or likelihood-free (LF) methods have developed mostly beyond the radar of the machine learning community, but are important tools for a large segment of t