[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Call for papers: Workshop on New Learning Frameworks and Models for BigData, Silicon Valley, USA

2013-05-03 Thread Massih-Reza Amini
First Call for Papers Workshop on New Learning Frameworks and Models for BigData During IEEE international conference on BigData 6 October 2013, Silicon Valley, USA DESCRIPTION --- Huge amounts of data are now easily and legally available on the W

[UAI] ADT 2013 - Final Call for Papers - Extended deadlines: May, 10 (abstract) May, 19 (papers)

2013-05-03 Thread Paolo Viappiani
[apologies for multiple postings] FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS = ADT 2013 Third International Conference on ALGORITHMIC DECISION THEORY Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 13-15, 2013 www.adt2013.org ===

[UAI] CLEF-ER deadline extension until May 15 for challenge and abstracts

2013-05-03 Thread Johannes Hellrich
CALL FOR PAPERS / PARTICIPATION -- CLEF-ER 2013 Workshop (CLEF Conference) Valencia, 23-26 Sep 2013 CLEF-ER 2013: Named Entity Recognition (NER) in parallel multilingual biomedical corpora (aiming for terminology translation) apologies for crossposting CALL FOR PAPERS -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -

[UAI] Call for Doctoral Symposium: ACM Recsys 2013, October 12-16, Hong Kong, China

2013-05-03 Thread Mi Zhang
[Our apologies for cross posting] Call for Doctoral Symposium: ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2013, October 12-16, Hong Kong, China Conference Website: http://recsys.acm.org/recsys13/

[UAI] Call for Contribution: ACM Recsys 2013, October 12-16, Hong Kong, China

2013-05-03 Thread Mi Zhang
[Our apologies for cross posting] CALL FOR PAPERS, WORKSHOP PROPOSALS, TUTORIAL PROPOSALS and DEMOS ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2013 Oct 12-16, 2013, Hong Kong, China http://recsys.acm.org/recsys13/ Submission is now open https://www.easychair.org/acc

[UAI] Last Call for RSS Workshop on Active learning in robotics: Exploration, Curiosity, and Interaction

2013-05-03 Thread Manuel Lopes
Last Call! Robotics Science and Systems, June 27, Berlin Workshop on Active learning in robotics: Exploration, Curiosity, and Interaction Workshop description Applications of robots are expanding at a fast rate and are expected to operate in less controllable and harder to model domains. Lear

[UAI] CFP: CSBio 2013

2013-05-03 Thread Kyu-Baek Hwang
* Apologies if you received multiple copies of this announcement. * Kindly forward to those who may be interested. Thanks. ** CSBio 2013 - 1st Call for Papers * CSBio 2013 : 4th International Conference on Computational Systems-Biology and Bioinformatics Seoul, Korea, November 7-9

[UAI] Second CFP: CLIMA XIV - 14th Int'l Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems

2013-05-03 Thread Joao Leite
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple postings.] Second Call for Papers CLIMA XIV 14th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems with special sessions on: * Argumentation Technologies * Norms and Norm

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Second CFP: CLIMA XIV - 14th Int'l Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems

2013-05-03 Thread Joao Leite
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple postings.] Second Call for Papers CLIMA XIV 14th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems with special sessions on: * Argumentation Technologies * Norms and Norm