[apologies for multiple postings]



ADT 2013

Third International Conference on ALGORITHMIC DECISION THEORY

Brussels, Belgium, Nov. 13-15, 2013



The International Research Group on Algorithmic Decision Theory in
collaboration with the European working group on preferences is proud to
announce the Third International Conference on Algorithmic Decision
Theory (ADT 2013). ADT seeks to bring together researchers and
practitioners coming from diverse areas such as Artificial Intelligence,
Database Systems, Operations Research, Decision Theory, Discrete
Mathematics, Game Theory, Multiagent systems, Computational Social
Choice, and Theoretical Computer Science in order to improve the theory
and practice of modern decision support and automation systems. The
contemporary theory and practice of decision theory and decision
analysis must account for the presence of massive databases containing
data extracted from the web or via data mining, combinatorial
structures, partial and/or uncertain information, and distributed,
possibly interoperating decision makers, and the existence of masses of
potential users on the web. Such problems arise in various real-world
decision making problems such as electronic commerce, and recommender
systems, network optimization (communication, transport, energy), risk
assessment and management, e-government.
ADT provides a multi-disciplinary forum for sharing knowledge in this
area with a special focus on algorithmic issues in Decision Theory. The
two first International Conference on Algorithmic Decision Theory (ADT
2009, 2011) brought together researchers and practitioners from diverse
areas of computer science, economics, and operations research from
around the globe, with proceedings published in LNAI 5783 and LNAI 6992.
ADT 2013 seeks to continue this tradition and invites technical research
papers on the following areas:

- Algorithmic Challenges to Modern Decision Support and Automation
- Uncertainty and Robustness in Decision Making
- Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis and optimization
- Collective Decision Making
- Preferences in Reasoning and Decision Making
- Decision Theoretic Artificial Intelligence
- Learning and Knowledge Extraction for Decision Support

More specifically contributions to the conference are sought in the
following topics: Preference Modeling and Aggregation; Multiobjective
optimization; Planning and Sequential Decision Making under uncertainty;
Robustness in Decision Making; Computational Social Choice; Compact
Representation of Preferences; Preference Elicitation, Queries in Data
Bases; Universal Languages for Preferences; Efficient Algorithms for
Decision Making and Support; Multi-Agent Systems; Algorithmic Game
Theory ; Communication Complexity; Argumentation and Explanation in
Decision Support; Preferences and Policies Learning; Knowledge
Extraction; Algorithm Tuning; Recommender Systems; Decision Support Systems.

The ADT 2013 Program Committee invites submissions of technical research
papers that will be reviewed based on the standard criteria of clarity,
relevance, significance, originality, and soundness. These papers are
expected to convey substantial technical contributions to the field, or
to describe case studies and deployed applications, all placed in the
context of existing work.

Important dates:
Title and abstract submission: May 10, 2013; (****new date***)
Paper submission: May 19, 2013 (***new date***)
Notification:  around June 7, 2013 (will be extended accordingly to the new
submission deadline)
Final version June 28, 2013;
ADT'13: November 13-15, 2013;

Submission Details:
Two types of submission are proposed:

- Submission for proceedings: Submissions are invited on significant,
original, and previously unpublished research on all aspects of
Algorithmic Decision Theory. Papers must be at most 12 pages long in the
LNCS format. The proceedings of ADT 2013 will be published by Springer
Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series. Papers
will be accepted for either oral or poster presentation, or both.
However, no distinction will be made between accepted papers in the
conference proceedings.

- Submission without proceedings: Submission are invited on significant
recent results on Algorithmic Decision Theory. Papers must be at most 12
pages long. They will not appear in the proceedings and can be submitted
elsewhere. Selected papers in this category will be accepted for either
oral or poster presentation, or both. In any case, at least one author
of each accepted paper is required to attend the conference to present
the work. Authors will be required to agree to this  requirement at the
time of submission. Papers must be submitted via the Easychair system
(see the conference web page for details).

Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.

Organization Committee:
Marc Pirlot (U. of Mons), Yves De Smet (U. Libre of Brussels), Patrice
Perny (U. of Pierre et Marie Curie, PC Chair), Alexis Tsoukiàs (CNRS - U.
Dauphine),  Paolo Viappiani (CNRS - U. of Pierre et Marie Curie).

Paolo Viappiani, PhD, CNRS researcher
CNRS-LIP6 laboratory - Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC)
4, Place Jussieu 75252 Paris, France
tel. +33 (0)1 44 27 24 40

Paolo Viappiani, PhD, CNRS researcher
CNRS-LIP6 laboratory - Université Pierre-et-Marie-Curie (UPMC)
4, Place Jussieu 75252 Paris, France
tel. +33 (0)1 44 27 24 40
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