[UAI] Post-Doc Opening at Northeastern University--Boston

2013-04-12 Thread Raymond Fu
Post-Doc Opening at Northeastern University, Boston Area: Machine learning, computer vision and pattern recognition. Project Description: Applications are invited for an open Postdoctoral Fellow Research Scientist position at Northeastern University, Department of Electrical and Computer Engi

[UAI] Tenure track or tenured positions in machine learning and data analysis

2013-04-12 Thread Kaski Samuel
Aalto University School of Science (Helsinki, Finland) invites applications for TWO TENURE TRACK OR TENURED POSITIONS IN INFORMATION AND COMPUTER SCIENCE The positions are located at the University's Department of Information and Computer Science (http://ics.aalto.fi/), and are open to outstandi

[UAI] Final CFP - ICML '13 Workshop: Role of Machine Learning in Transforming Healthcare

2013-04-12 Thread Shipeng Yu
--Apologies for cross-postings— CALL FOR CONTRIBUTIONS ICML '13 Workshop: Role of Machine Learning in Transforming Healthcare Date: June 20-21, 2013 Location: Atlanta, USA https://sites.google.com/site/icmlwhealth/ Important Dates Apr 12


2013-04-12 Thread 2013 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning fo Signal Processing
Call for Papers 2013 IEEE International Workshop on MACHINE LEARNING FOR SIGNAL PROCESSING (MLSP) September 22-25, 2013 Southampton, United Kingdom http://mlsp2013.conwiz.dk/ This year the Latent Variable Analysis (LVA) Conference will take place as a two-day track within the MLSP Workshop: MLSP

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Empathic Computing

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Call for Papers Technology has made strides investigating how computational models of emotions can be built. In recent years, Computer Science researchers have realized that emotion models cannot be effectively used in real-world applications by themselves. They need to be analyzed in light of huma

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Computational Creativity, Concept Invention, and General Intelligence

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
* Workshop on Computational Creativity, * * Concept Invention, and General Intelligence 2013 * *3rd and 4th of August, 2013, Beijing/China* In conjunction with the 23

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Call for Papers 9th International Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning (NeSy’13) (3 or 4 Aug 2013) http://neural-symbolic.org/NeSy13 In conjunction with IJCAI-13, Beijing, China The Workshop on Neural-Symbolic Learning and Reasoning is intended to create an atmosphere of exchange of

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
[Our apologies for cross posting] == Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media (PANSOM'13) at IJCAI-13 2013 http://soccom.kmi.open.ac.uk/pansom2013/

[UAI] Call for Contribution: ACM Recsys 2013, October 12-16, Hong Kong, China

2013-04-12 Thread Mi Zhang
[Our apologies for cross posting] CALL FOR PAPERS, WORKSHOP PROPOSALS, TUTORIAL PROPOSALS and DEMOS ACM International Conference on Recommender Systems (RecSys) 2013 Oct 12-16, 2013, Hong Kong, China http://recsys.acm.org/recsys13/ =

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] Final Reminder: CfP for IJCAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems (MLIS'13)

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Key Features of MLIS'13: + Proceedings published in the ACM digital library + Four internationally renowned invited speakers __ IJCAI Workshop on Machine Learning for Interactive Systems (MLIS'13): Bridging the Gap between Perception, Action

[UAI] First CFP: Argumentation Technologies@CLIMA XIV

2013-04-12 Thread Paolo Torroni
[Please accept our apologies if you receive multiple postings.] First Call for Papers Special Session on Argumentation Technologies CLIMA XIV - 14th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems http://centria.di.

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [IJCAI-13] Advertising Semantic Cities Workshop

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain such pre-eminent positions or re-posi

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Advertising Semantic Cities

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
[Our apologies for cross posting] Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain su

[UAI] RSS Workshop on Active learning in robotics: Exploration, Curiosity, and Interaction

2013-04-12 Thread Manuel Lopes
Robotics Science and Systems, June 27, Berlin Workshop on Active learning in robotics: Exploration, Curiosity, and Interaction Workshop description Applications of robots are expanding at a fast rate and are expected to operate in less controllable and harder to model domains. Learning and ada

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] IJCAI Workshop on Weighted Logics for AI: Logic, Uncertain Beliefs, Preferences, Partial Truth

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
=== IJCAI 2013 Workshop WL4AI Weighted Logics for AI: logic, uncertain beliefs, preferences, partial truth === (3-5 August, 2013, Beijng, China) * Web site: http://www.iiia.c

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [IJCAI-13] Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
== Workshop on Understanding the Positive and Negative Sides of Social Media (PANSOM'13) at IJCAI-13 2013 http://soccom.kmi.open.ac.uk/pansom2013/ 3-5th Aug 2013. Beijing,

[UAI] [IJCAI-Announcements] [IJCAI-13] Advertising Semantic Cities Workshop

2013-04-12 Thread ijcai13
Description Cities around the world aspire to provide superior quality of life to their citizens. Furthermore, many are also seen as centers of unique opportunities, like business, fashion, entertainment and governance, for their citizens. Cities want to retain such pre-eminent positions or re-posi

[UAI] Machine learning researcher positions, NICTA (Sydney and Canberra, Australia)

2013-04-12 Thread Bob Williamson
We have multiple openings for researchers in NICTA's machine learning research group. We are a large group of world-class machine learning researchers both developing cutting edge machine learning technologies and applying them to large and important real problems. Read more about the group: h