[UAI] CFP: Desktop Search Workshop at SIGIR 2010 - Submission Deadline June 3

2010-05-13 Thread Liadh Kelly
[Apologies if you receive this call more than once. Please feel free to forward to other interested parties.] ** This is a friendly reminder that the paper submission deadline for the SIGIR 2010 Desktop Search Workshop (Understanding, Supporting and Evaluating Personal Data Search) is 3 weeks aw

[UAI] SAT 2010 - Call for Participation

2010-05-13 Thread Stefan Szeider
- SAT 2010 - 13th International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing Edinburgh, UK, July 11-14, 2010 http://ie.technion.ac.il/SAT10/ as part of FLoC 2010 -

[UAI] Postdoctoral position: Multiobjective Optimization with Preferences

2010-05-13 Thread Souhila Kaci
The Microsoft Research-CNRS chair ``Optimization for Sustainable Development'' (http://chaire-osd.polytechnique.fr/) at Ecole Polytechnique (near Paris) is inviting applications for a postdoctoral position. Many real life applications (transportation, design, ...) can be modelled as an optimiza

[UAI] [CFP] AAAI Fall Symposium on Proactive Assistant Agents (PAA-2010), Arlington, VA, November 11-13, 2010

2010-05-13 Thread Jean Oh
--- [CFP] AAAI FALL SYMPOSIUM ON PROACTIVE ASSISTANT AGENTS (PAA-2010) West Arlington Gateway, Arlington, Virginia, November 11-13, 2010 --

[UAI] CiE 2010 - Call for Participation and Informal Presentations

2010-05-13 Thread S B Cooper
*** Call for Participation and Informal Presentations *** CALL FOR INFORMAL PRESENTATIONS There is a remarkable difference in conference style between

[UAI] Postdoctoral-researcher position

2010-05-13 Thread herskovits edward h
One postdoctoral-researcher position is available at the University of Pennsylvania, in the Department of Radiology. The position involves the development of multivariate Bayesian data-mining techniques for multispectral brain-image data. Although this project centers on mathematics and computer sc


2010-05-13 Thread Sebastian Ventura
[Apologies for possible multiple copies] [Please feel free to send this invitation to other colleagues that may be interested in these topics] = SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS International Wor

[UAI] CFP: UMUAI Special Issue on User Interfaces for Recommender Systems

2010-05-13 Thread Alexander Felfernig
*** CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on User Interfaces for Recommender Systems User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (An international journal published by Springer Verlag) UMUAI Web

[UAI] CfP: "Real-World Applications of OWL" SWJ special issue

2010-05-13 Thread Pascal Hitzler
== journal special issue, call for papers == REAL-WORLD APPLICATIONS OF OWL = Description = The "Semantic Web" journal invites submissions for a special issue on "Real-world Applications of OWL." Submissions should consist of short papers describing depl