The Microsoft Research-CNRS chair ``Optimization for Sustainable Development'' 
( at Ecole Polytechnique (near Paris) is 
inviting applications for a postdoctoral position.

Many real life applications (transportation, design, ...) can be modelled as an 
optimization problem where multiple objectives are considered. Multiobjective 
optimization (MOO) problems are search problems which select solutions w.r.t. 
different objectives. It has been early recognized that looking for a single 
solution which optimizes all objectives simultaneously is a difficult problem 
as objectives are generally competitively related. For example increasing the 
performance of an engine leads to a high cost while reducing the cost of an 
engine may affect its performance. Consequently MOO problems return a 
(generally exponential) set of Pareto-optimal solutions, i.e., there is no 
solution that is better to these solutions w.r.t. all objectives. 
Pareto-optimality based optimization assumes that all objectives have equal 
importance, however a user may express preferences over objectives. Therefore 
preferences act as a filter and select the "preferred"
 solutions among Pareto-optimal ones. Preferences can be incorporated in MOO at 
different levels: before resolution, during the search process or after the 
resolution process. On the other hand, representing and reasoning about/with 
preferences have been extensively developed in Artificial Intelligence over the 
past decade resulting in robust and successful languages for preferences 
representation. The aim of this project is to integrate these languages into 
MOO problems.

* Suitable profile:

Applicants must have *completed* their PhD in Operations Research. Knowledge of 
theory of preferences, multicriteria optimization, stochastic programming is a 

* Details:
- Duration: one year 
- Starting date: October 2010
- Location: LIX Laboratory, Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, France
- Applications should include a motivation letter, a detailed CV including a 
complete list of publications and two reference letters. They should be sent to 
Souhila Kaci ( The deadline for applications is **** June 30, 
2010 ****
Dr. Souhila Kaci
Associate Professor (MCF-HDR)
CRIL - IUT de Lens
Rue de l'Université SP 16
62307 Lens France
Tel: (00 33) 3 21 79 32 74
Fax: (00 33) 3 21 79 32 72

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