[UAI] ICLP'10, FLoC'10: Call for Workshops Deadline Extension to Sept. 1rst

2009-08-01 Thread Veronica Dahl
Dear all, FLoC 2010: Call For Workshops Deadline Extension: Workshop proposals can now be submitted up to Sept. 1, 2009. The original Call for Workshops is at http://www.floc-conference.org/cfw.html . Organizers will be notified by October 15, 2009. Proposals should be submitted electronically

[UAI] ECAI-2010: 1st Call for Workshop Proposals (deadline: 11 December 2009)

2009-08-01 Thread Ulle Endriss
[Please distribute widely and accept our apologies for cross-posting.] ## ## ECAI-2010 ##1st Call for Workshop Proposals ## ECAI-2010 ## ## The Ninetee

[UAI] Final CFP: ISWC'09 workshop on Ontology Matching (OM-2009)

2009-08-01 Thread Pavel Shvaiko
Apologies for cross-postings FINAL CALL FOR PAPERS: submission deadline is approaching: 15 days left

[UAI] Second Call for Papers: PADL'10, Madrid, January 2010

2009-08-01 Thread Manuel Carro
[We apologize in advance for duplicate reception] [Please redistribute as appropriate] --- CALL FOR PAPERS Twelfth International Symposium on Practical Aspects of Decla

[UAI] [CfP] AAMAS 2010

2009-08-01 Thread Jordi Sabater Mir
We /apologize/ for /multiple postings / Call for Papers-AAMAS 2010 The 9th International Conference on Agents and Multi Agent Systems Toronto, Canada Important dates: Conference: May 10 - 14, 2010 El

[UAI] Call for submissions for the ISBA 2010 World Meeting

2009-08-01 Thread heidi sestrich
(apologies for cross-posting) The ISBA 2010 World Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Ninth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, June 3-8 2010 in Benidorm, Spain. There will be tutorials on the first day, contributed talks in the late afternoons, and poster session

[UAI] CfP: ECAI-2010

2009-08-01 Thread Michael Wooldridge
## ## ECAI-2010 ## Preliminary Call for Papers ## ECAI-2010 ## ## The Nineteenth European Conference on Artificial Intelligence 16-20 August 2010 ##

[UAI] Postdoc positions in Machine Learning/Bioinformatics: Applications of dynamic graphical models to proteomics

2009-08-01 Thread Jeff Bilmes
Postdoc positions in Machine Learning/Bioinformatics: Applications of dynamic graphical models to proteomics Keywords: graphical models, dynamic graphical models, bioinformatics, proteomics, dynamic Bayesian networks, sequence modeling, machine learning, pattern recognition The University of Wash

[UAI] CfP: Workshop for Women in Machine Learning 2009

2009-08-01 Thread Finale P Doshi
WORKSHOP FOR WOMEN IN MACHINE LEARNING FIRST CALL FOR STUDENT ABSTRACTS Co-located with NIPS, Vancouver, BC December 7, 2009 http://www.wimlworkshop.org Deadline for student abstract submissions: October 1, 2009. INTRODUCTION Machine learning is one of the fasted growing areas of computer scie

[UAI] Call for Papers: 11th Int'l Symp. on AI and Math (Jan 6-8, 2010, Ft. Lauderdale)

2009-08-01 Thread Prof. Martin Charles Golumbic
ISIAM 2010 Call for Papers 11th International Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics January 6-8, 2010 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida John Franco and Raj

[UAI] ISKE2009 CFP (Deadline is extended to 30 April, 2009)

2009-08-01 Thread 纪晓岚
* I apologize if you received multiple copies. Due to numerous requests, the ISKE2009 paper submission deadline has been extended to 30 April, 2009. CALL FOR PAPERS The 4th International Conference on Intelligent Systems & Knowledge Engineering (ISKE2009) Theme: Intelligent De

[UAI] NIPS 2009 Call For Mini-Symposia

2009-08-01 Thread Chris Hiestand
CALL FOR MINI-SYMPOSIUM PROPOSALS Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS) -- Natural and Synthetic NIPS*2009 Mini-symposia December 10, 2009 Hyatt Regency Hotel, Vancouver, BC, CANADA

[UAI] CFP Learning Monotone Models From Data

2009-08-01 Thread Ad Feelders
Dear Colleagues, I thought the members of this list might be interested in the following Call for Papers: We are pleased to announce the workshop "Learning Monotone Models From Data" (MoMo 2009). MoMo 2009 is a full-day workshop organized at ECML PKDD 2009 in Bled, Slovenia. It will take place on

[UAI] AIStats 2009 Art Exhibition

2009-08-01 Thread AIStats 2009
Dear machine learning artists, this is a reminder that you now have about a week to submit your works of art to the AISTATS Art Exhibition, and and about 1.5 weeks until the Exhibition itself. The submission site will not be closed, but your entries should be in by April 12 if you want to be sure