[Please excuse possible reception of multiple copies]
Dear Colleague,
I am cordially inviting you to submit a paper at the 2nd International
Workshop on Social and Personal Computing for Web-Supported Learning
Communities - SPeL 2009 (see CfP below). Please feel free to distribute
the CfP to all
Konrad Scheffler wrote:
I strongly disagree with this. The ("true") relative frequency is not the
same thing as the correct posterior. One can imagine a situation where the
correct posterior (calculated from the available information) is very far
from the relative frequency which one would obt
Apologies for multiple copies, please forward to anyone who may be
Machine Learning for Aerospace
3 - 4 July, Marseille France
www: http://web.mac.com/davidrh/MLA09/
Sponsored by PASCAL network of excellence http://www.pascal-network.org
Dear Colleagues,
Due to numerous requests, the deadline for paper submission to Fusion'09
has been extended.
12th International Conference on Information Fusion
Grand Hyatt, Seattle Washington, USA, 6-9 July 2009
Important Deadlines:
Papers submission