[UAI] Call for Demos and Posters at RTAS 2009

2009-02-16 Thread Thomas Nolte
[Please accept our apologies if you get multiple copies of this message] --- CALL FOR DEMOS AND POSTERS - RTAS 2009

Re: [UAI] A perplexing problem

2009-02-16 Thread Paul Snow
Dear Paul, If the Weather Channel is Bayesian, then say they used that empricial prior that you did (5%), and they observed evidence E to arrive at their 70% for the snow S given E. Their Bayes' ratio is 44.3. Yours, effectively, is 10 (assuming that the event "They say 70%" coincides with "They

Re: [UAI] A perplexing problem

2009-02-16 Thread Ann Nicholson
Hi Paul, Your calculations are correct (although I note you really mean P("70%"|not S) = 0.01 in the calc below). ^^^ Sometimes it helps to think about what the numbers actually mean. First 0.05 prob of snow is quite a low prior. You need to have quite "certain" evidence to move that up

Re: [UAI] uai Digest, Vol 50, Issue 12

2009-02-16 Thread Jorge Moraleda
Dear Paul, Your numerical application of Bayes rule is correct. Thus given your model, your estimate is accurate assuming the numbers you assigned to your prior and conditional probabilities are accurate for your location. However, you model the information provided by TWC as a binary variable (E

[UAI] Call For Participation: IPSN '09 Extreme Sensing Competition

2009-02-16 Thread Thomas Nolte
[Please accept our apologies if you get multiple copies of this message] Call For Participation What: IPSN '09 Extreme Sensing Competition When: April

Re: [UAI] A perplexing problem

2009-02-16 Thread Peter Szolovits
If TWC is really calibrated, then your conditions 5 and 6 are false, no? On Feb 13, 2009, at 4:28 PM, Lehner, Paul E. wrote: I was working on a set of instructions to teach simple two- hypothesis/one-evidence Bayesian updating. I came across a problem that perplexed me. This can’t be a new

[UAI] Researcher positions at NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece

2009-02-16 Thread George Paliouras
The Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications of NCSR "Demokritos" is looking for outstanding researchers. For more information, please refer to: http://www.cra.org/ads/adtext/ads4990679f1d9e7.php The Institute has a strong focus on Artificial and Computational Intelligence. George Paliour

Re: [UAI] A perplexing problem

2009-02-16 Thread Konrad Scheffler
Hi Paul, Your calculation is correct, but the numbers in the example are odd. If TWC really only manage to predict snow 10% of the time (90% false negative rate), you would be right not to assign much value to their predictions (you do assign _some_, hence the seven-fold increase from your prio

[UAI] IIS 2008 Conference - deadline extended - 23.II.09

2009-02-16 Thread IIS'09 Conference
Sorry, if you received this message more than once. Feel free to distribute it to those who might be interested. #

Re: [UAI] A perplexing problem

2009-02-16 Thread rif
1. Note that you haven't really used the "70%" at all. You could restate the problem with any other statement you liked in there. 2. Your basic reasoning is correct. However, your modelling choice seems poor. I would try replacing "TWC forecasts 70% chance of snow" with "TWC fore

Re: [UAI] A perplexing problem

2009-02-16 Thread Marek J. Druzdzel
Paul, I'm not aware of this being discussed anywhere but my observation is that the information given makes TWC quite lousy -- the probability of the forecast "70% chance of snow" is much too high when there is no snow. It is a very specific piece of forecast and I would expect this probabil