2008-10-17 Thread ICLP 08
CALL FOR PARTICIPATION ** EARLY REGISTRATION DEADLINE EXTENDED ** ** October 26, 2008 ** ICLP'08 24th International Conference on Logic Programming Udi

[UAI] (papers due this Firday): NIPS 2008 Workshop on Cost-Sensitive Learning

2008-10-17 Thread Oksana Yakhnenko
Apologies if you are receiving multiple copies ==Call for Papers: NIPS 2008 Workshop on Cost-Sensitive Learning== http://www.cs.iastate.edu/~oksayakh/cslworkshop_nips2008.html Description and background The goal of cost-sensitive learning is to minimize data acquisition

[UAI] NIPS workshop on algebraic methods in machine learning (reminder)

2008-10-17 Thread Guy Lebanon
CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS Algebraic Methods in Machine Learning NIPS 08 Symposium and Workshop December 11-12, Vancouver and Whistler, BC URL: http://www.gatsby.ucl.ac.uk/~risi/AML08/ There has recently been a surge of interest in algebraic methods in machine learning. In no particular order, this

[UAI] Stanford MS&E Faculty Search

2008-10-17 Thread Ross Shachter
Stanford University Department of MANAGEMENT SCIENCE & ENGINEERING Faculty Opening We invite applicants who are at the frontiers of Management Science & Engineering, broadly defined, including candidates from engineering and the mathematical, medical, social, and physical sciences. Appointments a

[UAI] New Deadline _Information Fusion_ public health informatics issue

2008-10-17 Thread Paul Snow
NEW AND FINAL DEADLINE CALL FOR PAPERS Special issue of _Information Fusion_ on Information Fusion in Public Health Informatics and Surveillance - * New submission deadline: November 30, 2008 * Submission procedures: http://dccwww.bumc.bu.edu/imp/IFJ-CFP-PHI-Final.pdf (Yes, the pdf stil

[UAI] ICDM 2008 Travel Grants

2008-10-17 Thread lawyn
ICDM 2008 Travel Grants === Thanks to the NSF (National Science Foundation), the Unesco Privacy Chair, and IBM, ICDM 2008 is able to offer travel grants. Below there is information on eligibility and application requirements for each of these grants. The required documentatio

[UAI] ISMIS 2009 CfP

2008-10-17 Thread Petr Berka
Call for Papers The Eighteenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS'09) September 14-17, 2009 University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic The scope of ISMIS'0

[UAI] CFP: CICLing 2009 with Lexicom 2009: NLP & Computational Linguistics, Springer LNCS, Mexico City

2008-10-17 Thread Alexander Gelbukh (CICLing-2009)
CICLing 2009 + Lexicom 2009 10th International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics; pre-conf event: Lexicom-Americas 2009 workshop Mexico City, Mexico CICLing: March 1-7, 2009