4th International Workshop on
Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web
In conjunction with the
7th International Semantic Web Conference
Karlsruhe - Germany
October 26-27, 2008
You are invited to participate in the upcoming International Workshop
Research position in uncertain reasoning
Department of Psychology at the University of Salzburg, Austria.
We are hiring a full time 3-year postdoc (or PhD student) in a project
on uncertain reasoning. The title of the project is "Modeling human
inference within the framework of probability logic"
Notice: Deadline Approaching on June 18th!
A Reality Check for Planning and Scheduling
Under Uncertainty
An ICAPS'08 Workshop
Sydney, Australia
September 15, 2008
Dear UAI List Members,
Please share the below PhD studentship
advertisement with any interested parties. Also
feel free to print off a PDF (link below) and
post it somewhere students pass by.
Thank you,
Anne Smith
A PhD student position is available in the
laboratory of V Anne Smith at th