[UAI] CFP: 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web (URSW 2008)

2008-06-15 Thread Thomas Lukasiewicz
CALL FOR PAPERS 4th International Workshop on Uncertainty Reasoning for the Semantic Web http://c4i.gmu.edu/ursw/2008 In conjunction with the 7th International Semantic Web Conference Karlsruhe - Germany October 26-27, 2008 You are invited to participate in the upcoming International Workshop

[UAI] job posting

2008-06-15 Thread Gernot D. Kleiter
Research position in uncertain reasoning Department of Psychology at the University of Salzburg, Austria. We are hiring a full time 3-year postdoc (or PhD student) in a project on uncertain reasoning. The title of the project is "Modeling human inference within the framework of probability logic"

[UAI] 2nd CFP: ICAPS'08 Workshop on A Reality Check for Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty

2008-06-15 Thread Daniel Bryce
Notice: Deadline Approaching on June 18th! -- A Reality Check for Planning and Scheduling Under Uncertainty An ICAPS'08 Workshop Sydney, Australia September 15, 2008 -- http://www.ai.sri.com/~bryce/I

[UAI] PhD Position: SULSA Prize Studentship in Systems Biology

2008-06-15 Thread V. Anne Smith
Dear UAI List Members, Please share the below PhD studentship advertisement with any interested parties. Also feel free to print off a PDF (link below) and post it somewhere students pass by. Thank you, Anne Smith A PhD student position is available in the laboratory of V Anne Smith at th