[UAI] [CFP] The First CLIMA Contest

2005-05-10 Thread Juergen Dix
[we apologize for multiple copies of this e-mail] *** The First CLIMA Contest *** Organised by JÃrgen Dix, Technical University of Clausthal, and Mehdi Dastani, Utrecht University http://clima.deis.unibo.it/contest.html Multi-agent systems are beginning to play an important ro

Re: [UAI] The concept of cointensive precisiation

2005-05-10 Thread Peter McBURNEY
Javier, all -- The assertion that science only concerns about beliefs, not about actions, may be true for basic science, but not for applied science. Would you say that decision analysis or any of its branches (for instance, medical decision making) is not science? I agree with you that applied sc

Re: [UAI] The concept of cointensive precisiation

2005-05-10 Thread Francisco Javier Diez
Peter McBURNEY wrote: Surely a fundamental difference between scientific argument and legal argument is that the former concerns argument over beliefs, about what is true of the world, while the latter is argument over actions, about what to do in some situation. Any rational consideration abo

[UAI] ACIDCA-ICMI'2005 : Final CFP and Extended Deadline (May 31, 2005)

2005-05-10 Thread Adel M. Alimi
[ Apologies for multiple postings ]   EXTENDED DEADLINE : May 31, 2005-- International Conference on Machine IntelligenceTozeur, Tunisia, November 5-7, 2005http://www.acidca-icmi2005.org   Pleanary sessions, invited talks, work