> BTW, what is the netiquette regarding mailing lists as to snipping
> previous
> parts of the thread--should I cut out everything below this, or leave it
> be
> (leaving it be until I hear/read otherwise).
You should keep just enough for everybody to understand what you are talking
My bad!
I fixed it by moving the line to process the msg outside of the "strip out
the carriage return and line feed" loop:
procedure TfClientMain.ClientDataAvailable(Sender: TObject; Error: Word);
iMsgCode, iMsgTableID: Integer;
with Sender as TTcpSrvClient do begin
{ Sinc
And to add to the mystery, or provide a clue, in the first instance the
string message sent has a #$D appended, but in the second case it doesn't...
The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
10:28 AM
To: 'ICS support mailing'
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Still "rassling" with sending and receiving
Right now, though, it's working TOO good
My ClientDataAvailable() procedure (assigned to my TWSocketServer's
OnDataAvailable() event as shown below) is firing twic
upport mailing
Subject: Re: [twsocket] Still "rassling" with sending and receiving
Hello Clay,
> OK, by going over the clidemo and TCPServ projects (which successfully
> communicate with each other) with a fine-toothed comb, and setting all my
> design-time and run-time properties, et
Behalf Of Clay Shannon
Sent: Tuesday, November 21, 2006 9:55 AM
To: 'ICS support mailing'
Subject: [twsocket] Still "rassling" with sending and receiving
When I send a string from my test utility, the ClientConnect() even
Hello Clay,
> OK, by going over the clidemo and TCPServ projects (which successfully
> communicate with each other) with a fine-toothed comb, and setting all my
> design-time and run-time properties, etc., as in those demos, I was able to
> get it to work.
Good :)
Rgds, Wilfried [TeamICS]
When I send a string from my test utility, the ClientConnect() event(*)
fires in my app, which is listening for messages, but the
ClientDataAvailable() event(**) is not fired.
And when I send the message a second time from the test utility, I get
"Connect: socket already in use".
Also, the
Hello Clay,
Seems you mix up 2 different things:
> When I send a string from my test utility, the ClientConnect() event(*)
> fires in my app, which is listening for messages, but the
> ClientDataAvailable() event(**) is not fired.
You cannot send data if there is no connection. The OnClientConne