Dear all,
In my application I am using a TWSocket in a working thread for heavy traffic
to/from server. Since there is no window in thread the TWSocket requires the
MessageLoop() to receive events. My approach is when there is no data to send
the TWSocket keeps to be looped within the Message
Hi all,
I am using ICS with BCB6. I attempt to use a TWSocket in a thread. Since
TWSocket is asynchronous all its action is event-driven. To make it works in a
thread its message loop method must be called. My question is how can I add
custom messages to the object so that custom message ha
Dear all,
While the ReadMe6.txt mentions that BCB6 ICS components are contained in
.\delphi\vc32 of, no such package files can be found.
Am I missing something?
Thanks for any kind advice.
Best regards,
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Thanks to Francois, Wilfried and Angus for your kind response.
For monitoring the MySrv application at service level, I have already spawning
a process periodically to connect to MySrv and in case it fails, an alarm is
triggered. What I am trying to do is to find the root cause.
> Yo
> I have this "guard" mechanism implemented in several of my application. It
> is also implemented in many other application. Basically you write a
> second
> independent application which monitor the main application. Exactly what
> monitoring means depends on the application. In your case, you
Dear all,
I have an application derived mostly from the ICS's MtSrv example (I call it
MySrv hereafter). MySrv follows MtSrv in maintaining a listening socket in the
main thread, and creating a new client thread when a new socket is connected.
Client thread (socket) creation rate is around 5-
Hi all,
I would like to add MIME decoding capability into my pop3 mail client. The
overbyte web page mentions that there is a "MimeDemo" app that instructs how to
use the TMimeDecode component. However I could not find C++ samples in the
installed directory of ICS, only in Delphi. I am using
The Pop3Cli is working in worker thread, after setting the
Pop3Cli->CtrlSocket->MultiThreaded to true.
Thanks to all that have kindly responded.--
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Thank you for your response.
> Or use the messageLoop of TWSocket if you dont need to receive custom
> messages. Set Multithreaded to true.
But may I know how? I am not quite familiar with Delphi. From the
Pop3prot.hpp MultiThreaded is a protected bool of TSyncPop3Cli, which is
inherited from
Dear all,
I am using BCB6 and ICS. I reference The MailRcv application as a start of my
new task. It works fine as long as the Pop3Cli is created and used in the main
GUI context. For my app I need to do the POP3 mail client as a worker thread.
However it does not work as the event Pop3Clie
Sorry for mis-posting here, before I found the mail list specifically for
Posts there helped me to solve the problem.
Thanks and regards,
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Dear all,
When attempted to install the MidWare package, BCB failed to compile the
RFormat.pas with the following errors:
[Pascal Error] RFormat.pas(2003): Undeclared identifier: 'VarArrayDimCount'
[Pascal Error] RFormat.pas(2017): Undeclared identifier: 'VarArrayLowBound'
[Pascal Error] RFormat
Dear all,
I am using BCB5 for application development. The native console wizard creates
no message loop by default.
I browse the ICS source code and find there is a ConApp.pas that has its
message loop. How can I start a console project in BCB by invoking this ConApp
instead of the console
Thanks for your response, Wilfried
> I'm not 100% sure, but I thought you dan step trough pascal units with
> cbuilder. Try to delete the SmtpProt.obj and SmtpProt.dcu files (maybe
> only one of them is there), check the debug options in IDE and rebuild
> the project.
I tried removing SmtpProt.o
> Message-based component are 100% OK in a console mode application. There are
> a lot of console mode
> samples delivered with ICS (at least written in Delphi). Start looking by the
> most recent which are
> always the best.
I want to step into the SmtpProt.pas and trace the variables value to
Thanks for your advice.
Console program does not have message pump by default. I built a simple
function to peek messages in the following way:
void __fastcall PumpMessages()
MSG Msg;
unsigned short TimeTick = 0;
while(TimeTick < 50)
if(PeekMessage(&Msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE
SmtpClient->OnRequestDone = SmtpClientRequestDone;
Is it the proper way to assign event handler? How can I trace where the
problem is in failing to connect to SMTP server?
Many thanks,
Patrick Wong
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