Re: [tor-relays] More recent rpm somewhere?

2017-09-17 Thread a tor op > Original Message > Subject: Re: [tor-relays] More recent rpm somewhere? > Local Time: September 17, 2017 12:53 PM > UTC Time: September 17, 2017 12:53 PM > From: > To: > &

Re: [tor-relays] Blocking outbound 22 or no?

2017-10-05 Thread tor-relay . dirk
Hello AMuse, we faced the same about 1-2 month ago. Actuall people use fail2ban which creates abuse mails to you provider. Thats not new. But recently the abuse mails have risen to numbers which lead us to believe there are acutally more people abusing ssh via tor than people really using it. In

[tor-relays] FYI: Subpoena Received

2018-06-07 Thread "IPfail (Tor Admin)"
purposes of documenting the approximate ratio of "complaints / traffic processed", these nodes have handled ~515TB and are using the recommended reduced exit policy. tor-rela

Re: [tor-relays] FYI: Subpoena Received

2018-06-08 Thread "IPfail (Tor Admin)"
ng the recommended >> reduced exit policy. >> tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] FYI: Subpoena Received

2018-06-08 Thread "IPfail (Tor Admin)"
comfortable > sharing. I am not able to provide legal advice, but if this looks like a > situation where legal advice will be required, I have some contacts who may > be able to provide assistance. Thank you for running exit relays. > On Jun 8, > 2018, at 5:43 AM, Matt Traudt wrote:

[tor-relays] HAProxy + tor

2014-09-25 Thread list-tor-relays
Hello, My tor exit has been building up reputation for months but still fails to saturate a 100 Mbps line while barely using any CPU. Therefore, I recently decided to start a second tor process on the same server which is now slowly building up reputation. I gave the second process a different

[tor-relays] simple relay setup

2015-04-18 Thread tor-server-creator
I need some help. My dedicated server is running debian and is new, set up by my serverhoster. I want to run a TOR-Relay: - It should always update to latest stable automatically. - It should be save. I will edit the torrc by myself. What i need is simple copy+paste codeline for: - isntall

Re: [tor-relays] simple relay setup

2015-04-18 Thread tor-server-creator
to deal with rsa key? will tor be utoupdated at new release with "apt-get -y upgrade" or how to manage automated actuality?   On Saturday, April 18, 2015 3:46 PM, Julien ROBIN wrote:   Hi ! You can try a mix between this (ultra simple), from

Re: [tor-relays] running multiple bridges on one machine?

2015-04-28 Thread
Hi! > let's begin: is it possible to run 5 bridges on one low-end VPS? [...] > and would 5 processes be too much for a 2-core VPS with > 256mb memory? I did run a single Relay on a small vps (2 GB VRam 2 Ghz VCore). Tor itself did run smooth but the VPS was unable to mana

[tor-relays] descriptions still valid?

2015-05-10 Thread tor-server-creator
___ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Job for tor.service failed.

2015-05-13 Thread tor-server-creator
hi there. on debian jessie: "service tor reload" causes message: "Job for tor.service failed. See 'systemctl status tor.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details." it says something like "failed to

Re: [tor-relays] Job for tor.service failed.

2015-05-13 Thread tor-server-creator
simple stuff that works like: shell, ps, tail, less, and vi ./tor kill -hup It's a prerequisite before trying to read and figure out whatever abstractions were put upon you by your OS or package. Search, manpade, and run the stuff you quoted. ______

[tor-relays] a line "enable IPv6 on your relay"

2015-05-24 Thread tor-server-creator
hi, about that following lines in the mail from Moritz Bartl. [tor-relays] Please enable IPv6 on your relay! In short, you add: ORPort [IPv6::address]:port IPv6Exit 1 ExitPolicy reject6 *:* shouldnt there be a "a" in the first line? how important ist the letter a? i guess some oper

[tor-relays] [Fwd: Re: a line "enable IPv6 on your relay"]

2015-05-24 Thread tor-server-creator
------ Betreff: Re: [tor-relays] a line "enable IPv6 on your relay" Von: yl Datum: Sonntag, 24. Mai 2015 19:54 An:   Am 24.05.2015 um 19:25 schrieb shouldnt there be a "a" in the first l

Re: [tor-relays] [Fwd: Re: a line "enable IPv6 on your relay"]

2015-05-24 Thread tor-server-creator
hi, its very easy: just put your IPv6 adress somewhrere within square brackets into torrc. ORPort [2001:DB8::1]:9050 - afaik it shouldnt matter where you put it into torrc - also put IPv6Exit 1 ExitPolicy reject6 *:* somewhere in

Re: [tor-relays] tor network "loses" ~50 relays/day due to bw auth problem

2015-05-26 Thread tor-server-creator
indeed, thanks for you promptly interverntion. it feels good to see the mb/s rising! also tor websurfing already responds faster subjectively to me GIGGITY ((:   Am Montag, 25. Mai 2015 16:32 schrieb Marcus :   Hey, thank’s a lot my relay is now also able to support Tor. After over 2 weeks

[tor-relays] IPv6 adress valid?

2015-06-01 Thread tor-server-creator
hi, is that IPv6 adress valid for example "becks" [2a01:4f8:162:7345::2]? how do i know if IPv6 is correct and reachable? thanks _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Updating tor to get fix for #15083? (Elliott Jin)

2015-06-05 Thread AlexK (Tor lists) schreef op 05/06/15 om 14:00: > Updating tor to get fix for #15083? (Elliott Jin) > > - Is Tor (git-43a5f3d91e726291) actually the newest stable > version, or did I mess something up when trying to update tor? > - Would it be

Re: [tor-relays] Bridge Usage and Setup

2015-06-07 Thread tor-server-creator
    I want to investigate why obfs4 is nearly never used.   hi, may you want to have a look into tails bug #9268 adressing some obfs issue   ___ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] avira exits as24875

2015-06-07 Thread tor-server-creator
hey seems like avira is joining us running 24 exits through as24875. seems to be about double the size of mozillas relays. Yay! ___ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] avira exits as24875

2015-06-07 Thread tor-server-creator
SIGNATURE- ___ tor-relays mailing list ___ tor-relays mailing list https

[tor-relays] exit to via germany gema

2015-06-23 Thread tor-server-creator
german exit for is breaking functionality due to disunity between google and gema. since years now. anyhow german exits shouldnt block youtube ip's, now should they? _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] exit to via germany gema

2015-06-24 Thread tor-server-creator
exact, thats what im talking about   Am Dienstag, 23. Juni 2015 23:28 schrieb cacahuatl :   On Tue, Jun 23, 2015 at 08:00:53PM +0200, wrote: german exit for is breaking functionality due to disunity between google and gema. since years

Re: [tor-relays] BWauth no-consensus state in effect

2015-08-05 Thread tor-server-creator
x27;m not sure how useful a relay in an exotic location, if it's expensive to run and pushes very little traffic. Maybe others can comment.   I think it is reasonably priced; $20USD/month for unmetered 100Mb/s. I am willing to contribute money to Tor because I believe in what it suppor

Re: [tor-relays] Bots, love 'em or hate 'em?

2015-08-23 Thread tor-server-creator
from crusty old botnet bots running ancient versions of the Tor daemon. But all that bot traffic creates a lot of statistical "background noise," and so may be providing a service in making it more difficult for advanced adversaries to perform traffic correlation a

Re: [tor-relays] Bots, love 'em or hate 'em?

2015-08-23 Thread tor-server-creator
Just thoughts: To throttle how about assign twisted consensus weight to outdated versions? Highest consensus weight to slowest relays and vice versa? Wouldnt they overload/throttle themselfes nicely?   Am Sonntag, 23. August 2015 10:24 schrieb   Would be

Re: [tor-relays] Calling for more Exit Relays

2015-09-02 Thread tor-server-creator
                   reject *.* isnt it a bad idea? will i be flagged as bad exit by reducing exit like so^? wouldnt it take some load from the network while excude all complains cause this are tor-friendly ips? thanks meanwhile   Am Freitag, 21. August 2015 02:23 schrieb

Re: [tor-relays] Calling for more Exit Relays

2015-09-03 Thread tor-server-creator
schrieb Tim Wilson-Brown - teor :     On 3 Sep 2015, at 14:55, wrote:   hi, what do you think about high restricted exits? i thought about solely accept some single ips.   In order to be assigned the Exit flag, a relay needs to exit to at least a IPv4 /8

Re: [tor-relays] Experience hosting exit relay with Costa Rica Servers:

2015-09-06 Thread tor-server-creator
u should reduce your exit policy and give it a try:   Am Sonntag, 6. September 2015 06:06 schrieb Patrick O'Doherty :   hey all, I'm look

Re: [tor-relays] Relay Speed

2015-09-07 Thread tor-server-creator I want to upgrade/move my relay. How do I keep the same key? When upgrading your Tor relay, or running it on a different computer, the important part is to keep the same identity key (stored in "keys/secret_id_key" in your Dat

[tor-relays] First Tech CU apparently blocking all Tor nodes

2015-09-12 Thread Tor Relay @ WeFu.Org
It appears that First Tech Federal Credit Union is blocking all Tor nodes (including non-exit nodes) from connecting to their website, This seems ... misguided on their part. Blocking exit nodes is one thing, but preventing random people who happen to run a Tor middle

Re: [tor-relays] Why are Globe/Atlas not showing my upgraded (& advertised) bandwidth

2015-09-20 Thread tor-server-creator
. September 2015 06:36 schrieb Tor Stuff :     I have been running this node (nickname 'Geheimschreiber') with fingerprint C69D24F9353E16D85E82B4A9E4571DFAF6DCF531 for many months so expected Atlas/Globe to pickup my changed capabilities fairly quickly.   Am I being too impatient or have

Re: [tor-relays] Flipping from guard and back again

2015-09-24 Thread tor-server-creator
alternately, limit the bandwidth to stop it fluctuating so much. Tim (teor) Tim Wilson-Brown (teor) teor2345 at gmail dot com PGP 968F094B teor at blah dot im OTR CAD08081 9755866D 89E2A06F E3558B7F B5A9D14F _______ tor-relays mailing list tor-relay

Re: [tor-relays] 130 "11BX1371" relays joined on 2015-10-30

2015-11-01 Thread tor-server-creator
, non-exit + exit relays and more than one /16 network). _______ tor-relays mailing list _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] 130 "11BX1371" relays joined on 2015-10-30

2015-11-02 Thread tor-server-creator
st people" with "grow the network as large as possible, so we can be robust against more subtle attackers".   ___________ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Tor Weather not working?

2015-11-20 Thread tor-server-creator
whos then receiving home-addresses from longtime relay-owners earned t-shirts?!   Am Dienstag, 17. November 2015 21:00 schrieb nusenu :     tor weather hasn't been working for me for a long time and AFAIK it is not maintained... _______ tor-r

Re: [tor-relays] Unbelieveable

2015-12-04 Thread tor-server-creator
  Am Freitag, 4. Dezember 2015 08:57 schrieb Josef 'veloc1ty' Stautner :   Have you restarted Tor after you made changes?   Yes. After ive done changes i always restart the Server hard. Tor is Running As Daemon so hours after restart i just do a check at

Re: [tor-relays] Custom bandwith for different time ranges

2015-12-07 Thread
Hi! > Hi All > Is it possible to schedule the time when bandwith will looks as follow: > > 8:00 - 18:00 - Tor relay bandwith 250kb/s > > 18:00 - 8:00 - Tor relay bandwith 10 000kb/s > > > How may I schedule this in tor relay ? Is it possible to limit traffic > on

[tor-relays] authority signatures consensus-health

2015-12-08 Thread tor-server-creator
hi, wondering what happened to consensus lately? weight-drops, list says was missing authority signatures ? thanks ___ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Mozilla11

2015-12-08 Thread tor-server-creator
Mozilla <3   ___ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Unused Tor exit nodes capacity

2015-12-13 Thread tor-server-creator
follwing advice: For each Tor process set in torrc: BandwidthRate 1300 bytes BandwidthBurst 13375000 bytes So you end up with Server1: 4x 1300 bytes = 4x13MB/s Server2: 4x 1300 bytes = 4x13MB/s (in each direction) 104+104=208 MB/s You hopefully will end up with ~540TB per month. (oh

[tor-relays] relays possible sybil

2016-01-12 Thread tor-server-creator
hi, just wondering whats the matter with these 66+ relays "cloudvps" ... guess they get vote, should we discard some iprages? thanks _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] relays possible sybil

2016-01-19 Thread tor-server-creator
since not declaring $family could cause risk to Tor-Network: action should take place if relayoperator is not responding&changing config, right?   Am Dienstag, 19. Januar 2016 20:28 schrieb nusenu :     just wondering whats the matter with these 66+ relays "cloudvps" ...

Re: [tor-relays] Running 5000 relays...

2016-03-21 Thread tor-server-creator
and commit 2f8cf524b.   Tim   Tim Wilson-Brown (teor)   teor2345 at gmail dot com PGP 968F094B teor at blah dot im OTR CAD08081 9755866D 89E2A06F E3558B7F B5A9D14F ___ tor-relays mailing list https://lists.torproject

Re: [tor-relays] Middleman/guard nodes raided in the Netherlands

2011-11-10 Thread Orionjur Tor-admin
On 10.11.2011 11:48, David wrote: > I just wanted to let everyone know that my two Tor nodes have been > raided (+all my computer equipment and everything that could store data). > > I'm not sure what triggered all this unwanted attention, but I suspect > that it's th

Re: [tor-relays] Unnamed flag

2012-08-15 Thread Exocet Tor Node
6 months. -- Exocet node _______ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Does obfsproxy advertise ?

2013-03-19 Thread Exocet Tor Node
o packet to the dedicated port). The service is running for more than 2 weeks now. My question is : does obfsproxy advertise like the regular bridge service ? Best regards. _______ tor-relays mailing list https://lists.torproj

Re: [tor-relays] Netcraft spam

2023-01-09 Thread
jvoisin via tor-relays wrote: > Is this something other operators have seen too or are we alone? You're not alone, they're desperately trying to advertise themselves and you shouldn't give them any form of importance by replying to them. In fact, they will probably discard

Re: [tor-relays] Police request regarding relay

2023-04-12 Thread
We receive this mostly from France and Germany. We figured out that they downloaded the Tor Browser then looked at the Tor Circuit widget and just collected the addresses they could see there. This is the same as when Police, Attention Seekers, Cyber White Knights, Censors and other scoundrels c

Re: [tor-relays] Police request regarding relay

2023-04-13 Thread
ice. ___ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Help Turkmens to bypass Internet censorship: run an obfs4 bridge!

2023-07-26 Thread
lacklist, they maintain a whitelist, that is, everything is blocked but what's on the list. The result is that people can't even update software, things start to break and then they are forced to lift the filtering up a little bit which sometimes result in making bootstrapping Tor possible.

Re: [tor-relays] FYI: Subpoena Received

2018-07-23 Thread IPfail (Tor Admin)
Vasilis, It turned out to be a pretty "non-event". The jurisdiction was a relatively small one on the east coast of the US. The staff of the prosecutor's office were all very professional and pleasant to work with. Phoul coordinated the production of a letter from the Tor Pr

Re: [tor-relays] Hello

2019-04-04 Thread Old Man Tor
t let these new relays turn into Conrad and Nathaniel 'Cordially' Suchy's DeadGreyPonyIT show again. No one else cares about you and your confused lackeys attempts to be big-boy tor relay operators. If you wish to join the network again, please do it in the style of someone resp

Re: [tor-relays] Hello

2019-04-04 Thread Old Man Tor
. ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐ On Thursday, April 4, 2019 8:08 PM, Nathaniel 'Cordially' Suchy wrote: > Following up, > > I am not longer associated with Greypony IT nor Mr. Rockenhaus. If Mr. > Rockenhaus decides to discuss his next Tor Exit Hosting Service do know >

Re: [tor-relays] Anyone interested in running FreeBSD or Linux Exit Relays on AS19624?

2019-04-17 Thread Old Man Tor
me directly. > > Thanks, > > Conrad_______ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] removal from the Fallback Directory list

2019-08-18 Thread contact-tor-turing
hello, I managed until now the relay tor-turing -  8456DFA94161CDD99E480C2A2992C366C6564410 - ip for four years and it was in the list of Fallback Directory. However he did not answer for 2 weeks, the support of my hosting provider told me that the motherboard is out of order

Re: [tor-relays] these ~790 tor relays will be removed from the network unless they upgrade

2019-10-07 Thread a tor op
Well, can be hard to say just looking at that number. Linux is not Windows.. it doesn't have to reboot every time it's patched. A tor op Originalmeddelande På 4 okt. 2019 14:35, Steve Snyder <> skrev: On 10/4/19 7:39 AM, li...@for-privacy

Re: [tor-relays] A way to reduce spam and brute attacks...

2020-11-11 Thread
delegated our filtering to third parties and never felt that we should do so. We get thousands of brute force attacks a day, SSH, SMTP AUTH, whatever. And so what? It does absolutely nothing. _______ tor-relays mailing list ht

[tor-relays] Thoughts and insight before bridge moving

2021-03-08 Thread a tor op
Hello I was thinking of perhaps asking and checking if the list has some comments on thoughts I have. I'm attaching a picture, hope that's not a problem, guess it's better than providing a URL to a file upload place (or maybe that's ok too?). I've been running a TOR b

Re: [tor-relays] G-Core Labs and their humanoid robots

2021-06-09 Thread
Thank you for sharing that. It's obvious that they are either using third-parties or that they are afraid of being bullied by the Spamhaus gang. _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] G-Core Labs and their humanoid robots

2021-06-11 Thread
an some website or brute force an SMTP relay. Then they triggered the filtering in fear of being put in blacklists. ___________ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Need help with Dir Address and Exit Address

2021-09-20 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
-- Version: ProtonMail wnUEARYKAAYFAmFJOgQAIQkQ07hp34FMyg4WIQSgEMifmnN5ohFWvfnTuGnf gUzKDs8DAP4hSvlEPrlDkIY5vlLULhJHuNVbq/UT3r5mfBg/cg+p0wEAltfV bPlU/3wfg7j0b31h6R4g+Ik+96fkoq9VTqiydQg= =6AAW -END PGP SIGNATURE- publickey - - 0xA010C89F.asc Description: application/pgp-keys

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-09-23 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
one day previous.FYI all, if you show overloaded, it may not be tor, it may be that distcc compiling you did yesterday!On Thu, Sep 23, 2021 at 09:39, Silvia/Hiro <> wrote: Hello all,One of our goals with our current performance work is to reduce theoverload of relays

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-09-27 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
looking for! Thank you ‐‐‐ Original Message ‐‐‐ On Monday, September 27th, 2021 at 10:23 AM, Gary C. New via tor-relays wrote: > George, > > The referenced support article provides recommendations as to what might be > causing the overloaded state, but it doesn't pro

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-09-28 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
, September 28th, 2021 at 11:31 AM, Gary C. New via tor-relays wrote: > David, > > This is exactly the type of information I was hoping for. You should make > this an article and link it to the overloaded support page. > > I guess I assumed that Tor preformed external timeout mon

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-09-30 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
and report overloaded states, but I only know so much about Tor.Hope this helps.Respectfully,Gary On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, 10:28:42 AM PDT, Bleedangel Tor Admin wrote:

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-10-04 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
Agreed . My relay is wellBelow all of the thresholds for “overloaded”, for gods sake 64gb ram and 12 cpus should be adequate for a tor relay? 10gb connection?I’ve asked multiple times for help trying to figure this out and have gotten zero response. It seems to be very difficult to get any help

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-10-06 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
ny other color) "recovery" indicator for 72 hours. At least the relay operator would know that the overloaded state has been repaired. 2) metricsport - This is such an enigma to someone who is not familiar with prometheus, or torrc beyond the basics. As a matter of fact, when installing the

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-10-07 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
Can you link to where I can edit the documentation? I cannot find this feature.Thanks Sent from ProtonMail for iOS On Thu, Oct 7, 2021 at 06:48, <> wrote: On Wednesday, October 6, 2021 8:55:01 PM CEST potlatch via tor-relays wrote:> Tor has always

Re: [tor-relays] Bridge showing offline

2021-10-14 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
You are running, maybe updating to a newer version of tor will help?Sent from ProtonMail for iOS On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 03:02, Georg Koppen <> wrote: Eddie:> Looking at tor metrics, one of my bridges is showing as off-line:> B080140DC1BAB5B86D1CE5A4CA2E

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-10-14 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
wholeheartedly believe in more status indicators on the search page:Green - goodRed - offlineYellow - overloaded**Blue - was overloaded within 72 hours ago but currently is not**Sent from ProtonMail for iOS On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 09:25, Arlen Yaroslav via tor-relays <tor-relays@lists.torproject.

Re: [tor-relays] Overloaded state indicator on relay-search

2021-10-14 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
The problem is that it’s *not* currently overloaded, there’s nothing to see. Maybe you can check your syslogs for anything out of the ordinary system-wide? Sent from ProtonMail for iOS On Thu, Oct 14, 2021 at 10:09, Arlen Yaroslav via tor-relays <> wrote:

Re: [tor-relays] Crashed Relay

2021-11-06 Thread Bleedangel Tor Admin
If you upgraded tor as a package on your Linux OS recently, it may have overwritten your torrc with defaults? It’s a long shot!Sent from ProtonMail for iOS On Sat, Nov 6, 2021 at 12:52, sysmanager7 via tor-relays <> wrote: I was notified by Uptime Robo

[tor-relays] Re: [Possible phishing attempt] install OBFS4

2024-11-21 Thread - - via tor-relays
Add Tor's repo in your system: Then install unattended-upgrades too: Unattended-Upgrade::Origins-Pattern { "origin=*"; }; This way (by including all origins) you basically keep al

[tor-relays] Fw: tor-relay transmitted packets

2025-03-15 Thread - - via tor-relays
Hello. How can I limit the number of transmitted packets to 190,000? The VPS server constantly turns on the network limitation due to the large number of transmitted packets. --- Forwarded Message --- От: Дата: пятница, 14 марта 2025 г., 11:44 Тема: tor-relay

[tor-relays] Tor relays Bazinga and JPsi2 to be shut down

2024-05-29 Thread Random Tor Node Operator via tor-relays
Hi all, I have been operating the relays - Bazinga B198C0B4B8C551F174FBB841A172616E3DB3124D - JPsi2 F6EC46933CE8D4FAD5CCDAA8B1C5A377685FC521 for about 10 years. The hosting provider stops providing their current service and their successor services are not Tor-friendly anymore. Hence, these

Re: [tor-relays] Relay disconnect & offline on IP change

2024-09-26 Thread Tor Relay Net Ops via tor-relays
it recover if you wait a while? I think it might have not recognized the address has changed, because it doesn't recover after a while (I waited around 3~ days) There are no firewall rules that would intervene with this process, on the MikroTik side it's just an DST-NAT rule to my to

[tor-relays] Relay disconnect & offline on IP change

2024-09-25 Thread Tor Relay Net Ops via tor-relays
Greetings fellow relay operators! I'm currently running a tor relay on a dynamic IP Address connection, usually my ISP gives me a new address every day or so- Lately [for the past like week or so- /can't remember when it started happening/], I have to manually restart it when

Re: [tor-relays] "Potentially dangerous relay groups"

2016-09-28 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
favor of a scheme where the process of joining a family is authenticated. signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Relay uptime after restarting Tor service

2016-10-07 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
signature _______ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Two new exit nodes online

2017-06-29 Thread Tor Node Admin @
Isaac, <> _______ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Two new exit nodes online

2017-06-29 Thread Tor Node Admin @
Good morning Dakota, Thank you for the suggestion. I have added MyFamily records to the torrc file on each of the three nodes. It likely doesn’t matter on the middle relay, but it can’t hurt. Thank you for your email, Isaac, From: tor-relays [mailto:tor

Re: [tor-relays] keepyourprivcay: Introducing a new 100 mbit/s relay

2017-08-10 Thread Tor Node Admin @
s in their homes to utilize the wastefully underutilized bandwidth they're paying for. Make your day great, Isaac, -Original Message- From: tor-relays [] On Behalf Of Nagaev Boris Sent: Thursday, August 10, 2017 1

Re: [tor-relays] About relay size

2017-09-29 Thread Tor Node Admin @
Hi there, If your exit node has been online for more than two months with little hassle from the ISP, be sure to update the wiki at with your exit node's ISP information. And thank you for your contribution to the Tor ne

Re: [tor-relays] Feedback wanted: letter to my university's library

2017-10-02 Thread Tor Node Admin @
Hi AJ, First, thank you for supporting Tor! Second, you're smart to contact the library, as IT would immediately shut down the idea as they don't want to receive more abuse emails than they already do (I know we did when I worked in academia). An additional resource you may wish to r

[tor-relays] Thank you to directory operators

2017-10-30 Thread Tor Node Admin @
Good morning, Relay operators often receive gratitude on this list for running relays, but let's not forget the directory operators - those individuals/organizations who are more central to The Tor Network and run their directory servers at a higher personal risk level than the relay oper

Re: [tor-relays] optimize performance of a relay running on a VM

2014-07-01 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
sed bandwidth for these > relays. Arm shows between 600 and 1200 concurrent circuits (total > of inbound, outbound and exit) and average traffic consumption is > 5-6 TB per month (total both download and upload). I think this can > be improved, but how? What does the CPU usage of the t

Re: [tor-relays] optimize performance of a relay running on a VM

2014-07-01 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 > root@tor:/ # cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep aes cat: /proc/cpuinfo: No > such file or directory According to a stackoverflow page [2], you can look for hints indicating the existence of AES-NI support in "sysctl hw" and /var/run/dm

[tor-relays] Question on running bridge nodes

2014-10-11 Thread Tor externet co uk
Hi, I've set up a bridge node in the previous few weeks, but have had to put a bandwidth limit on, as I only have 10TB of traffic per month before my ISP will start throttling me to 100k/sec. I wondered whether it was more helpful to the Tor network as a whole to have have a very fast

Re: [tor-relays] Question on running bridge nodes

2014-10-12 Thread Tor externet co uk
Thanks, that's what I thought, but wasn't sure. I'll play around for the next few days to see how fast I can get it without triggering hibernation. L On 2014-10-12 02:04, teor wrote: On 12 Oct 2014, at 09:32 , wrote: Date: Sat, 11 Oc

Re: [tor-relays] Out of memory message

2014-12-07 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
e lately. On December 1st, the tor process' memory consumption went up and up until the Linux kernel decided to kill it. Monit has subsequently restarted it, and it settles at roughly 1.7 GB since then. The logs of the corresponding days have already been rotated out, so I cannot post the exact

Re: [tor-relays] [warn] Tried to establish rendezvous on non-OR or non-edge circuit.

2015-05-21 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
z67fTwXmg14crSj63xYyZHGUY1h1gGphH/SG7HdSF +MLwJ+HKc2R9Qj0zVn3yCweybwMTgEh+d4MfkD42+dFvsebG5Kpy/vKse/IC/laM BpgPcWM3TBYkls4cq+/GzgX/qe9oeNCt8RB7H0Rq3nLdNvS7SBXZWCB+TWsq8XFr B9brTZWqzfUsqkxJARyDlUmkiygAQUliRq2ZR4I9ayWSaZw1LBKAfvX2XCg1+m9v uHVr3hEUDx5ocfUJPQ5g =QB5r -END PGP SIGNATURE- ____

Re: [tor-relays] Question about responding to abuse request

2015-07-05 Thread Tor Relays at
access the services behind it. That's the way I look at the issue, in any case. _______ tor-relays mailing list

[tor-relays] Just wanted to publish a Tor Bridge,

2015-10-10 Thread Yet Another Tor User
I have setup a Tor Bridge for everyone and I am unsure how it gets published so I will post the info here so it can get put into the consensus. The bridge is I hope this bridge will help more users access the network. -- Bridges I run

Re: [tor-relays] Free Domain for Tor Nodes

2015-10-25 Thread Tor Relays at
Link requested subdomains to the relay's fingerprint, and require all change/update requests to be signed by the node's keys, and have some validation that the node can be found on the network (and is an exit node). This will ensure only Tor exit nodes can apply, and that nodes can o

Re: [tor-relays] simple questions

2015-11-28 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hi, On 28.11.2015 17:43, David Schulz wrote: > can i get problems as an german citizen with an non exit tor relay > in germany with an italien ip? not realy or? i think of TMG § 8. As a non-exit relay operator, you are most certainly not go

Re: [tor-relays] authority signatures consensus-health

2015-12-10 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
hmm weight-drops again? i am loosing my whole traffic / consensus weight... since 7 pm CET. Random Tor Node Operator Am 09.12.2015 um 01:27 schrieb Tim Wilson-Brown - teor: On 9 Dec 2015, at 06:07, <mailto:tor-server-c

Re: [tor-relays] Relay isn't getting HSDir flags

2015-12-13 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
Hi, you didn't get the V2Dir flag with AccountingMax set on... I had to have the same experience with that. Random Tor Node Operator hi Am 13.12.2015 um 23:32 schrieb Lucas Werkmeister: -BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA512 Hi all! For some reaso

Re: [tor-relays] CVE-2015-7547 Tor network stats

2016-02-23 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
MywZE44bJr+SYfgcUn3SWNFY4VrO9qf2Uoh8VtKbHsGOj+SLdG1nLnQOfELU eaCkGMX0sBif5lhe/Tr+ =v/3o -END PGP SIGNATURE- ___ tor-relays mailing list

Re: [tor-relays] Feedback

2016-02-26 Thread Random Tor Node Operator
On 26.02.2016 05:15, wrote: > * Next, i noticed a frequent (daily) behavior of the Tor server > dropping traffic to around zero. Inspecting this, let me to > understand, my provider was disconnecting me and reassigning a new > IP on a daily basis

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