Hi All,
I think we are deviating from the issue here.
I have installed Tor.. Everything is good on my Pi 2
All i want to know is how do i open ports for Tor on my NetGear DGN1000 router
Hi gents,
I rencetly had one of my relay fall into hibernation. It seems that
simply restarting the service doesn't change the hibernation status
since Tor is still thinking that the BW limits have been overrun. Is the
proper method to reset the status of the node is simply to delet
Here goes.
The relay was configured to turn off when 1TB of traffic was reached. It
did so way faster than I anticipated. Moreover, my VPS host actually
doesn't count inbound traffic as part of my monthly limit. Since a TOR
relay traffic is mostly symmetric, it does mean that BWAccou
) moves ASs?
> What if the external dependency on CYMRU allows the entire Tor
> Network to be "reset" if CYMRU is hacked/broken/incorrect?
That will all not work, IPs are nothing which you can rely on and
reset consens if it does change. My home IP jump between to ASs every
connection. The Tor log shows that
both the DirPort and ORPort are reachable from the outside since the
Arm is correctly showing my bandwidth (limit & burst) as 20 Mb/s.
However both Globe and Atlas are showing an Advertised Bandwidth which is
less than my previous RelayBandwidthRate
> Am Sonntag, 20. September 2015 06:36 schrieb Tor Stuff <
> tor.geheimschrei...@gmail.com>:
> I have been running this node (nickname 'Geheimschreiber') with
> fingerprint C69D24F9353E16D85E82B4A9E4571DFAF6DCF531 for many months so
> ex
I am running tor on a new Ubuntu 14.04.3 LTS system. I have restarted tor a
couple of times with
service tor restart
I noticed when I start arm that it is telling me that
The torrc differs from what tor's using. You can issue sighup to reload
It seems that tor is running with de
Hi Christian
I think you lost that cup of coffee! I did a bit more research since my
posting and found the info I needed by doing 'man tor' on my Ubuntu 14.04.3
The tor man page says that tor looks for /etc/tor/torrc by default, or
$HOME/.torrc if that file is not found. I on
bution, so this step must be performed manually. The relay
resides in the high-quality German LeaseWeb network and the risk of
DNS mischief appears low.
tor-relays mailing list
to extract proper rating from measurement system?
Tried setting TokenBucketRefillInterval to 10 milliseconds for more
exact control but this has not helped. Should an IPTABLES
packet-dropping limit be established? Can the rating system be fixed?
TokenBucketRefillInterval 10
tor-relays mailing list
>Don't cap the speed if you have bandwidth limits. The better way to do it is
>using AccountingMax in torrc. Just let it run at its full speed less of the
>time and Tor will enter in hibernation once it has no bandwidth left.
Not possible. Will violate the FUP (fair use policy)
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 12:55 PM, Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
> On 1 Oct 2015, at 14:48, Dhalgren Tor wrote:
> A good number appears to be around 65000 to 7, but 98000 was just
> assigned.
> Since I don’t have your relay fingerprint, I don’t know where yo
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 12:59 PM, s7r wrote:
> Ouch, that's wrong.
I have it correct. You are mistaken.
See https://www.torproject.org/docs/tor-manual.html.en
and read it closely.
tor-relays mailing list
relay. Result is overloaded relay and
poor end-use latency.
> Is Tor using more bandwidth that the BandwidthRate?
No, but relay is loaded to flat-line maximum and clearly is attracting
too many circuits.
> If so, this is a bug, and should be reported on the Tor Trac.
Not interested in doing th
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Tim Wilson-Brown - teor
> On 1 Oct 2015, at 15:22, Dhalgren Tor wrote:
> If the relay stays overloaded I'll try a packet-dropping IPTABLES rule
> to "dirty-up" the connection.
> Please reduce your BandwidthRate un
>Maybe use this:
This setting causes the relay to limit the self-meausre value
published in the descriptor. Has no effect on the measurement system.
Would be helpful if it did.
tor-relays mailing list
This relay appears to have the same problem:
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 12:33 PM, Dhalgren Tor wrote:
> Have a new exit running in an excellent network on a very fast server
> with AES-NI. Server plan is l
On Thu, Oct 1, 2015 at 5:12 PM, Moritz Bartl wrote:
> On 10/01/2015 06:28 PM, Dhalgren Tor wrote:
>> This relay appears to have the same problem:
>> sofia
>> https://atlas.torproject.org/#details/7BB160A8F54BD74F3DA5F2CE701E8772B841859D
> This is one of ours, and
that must limit bandwidth consumption in order
to avoid billing-plan overuse charges.
Loss of DNS resolver traffic is not a concern here.
In this specific case it appears that the Tor bandwidth allocation
system "over rates" subject relays to the point where the relays will
seem the system generating the measurements has
problem and if someone can look at this issue that would
seem "productive."
Still interested in hearing "a better idea."
tor-relays mailing list
t counts)
since the 14 bytes does not hit the WAN and is not billable.
Perhaps passing mention of 'ifconfig' statistics in the
manual is worthwhile. 'ip -s link show eth0X' truncates
byte counters (on some distros anyway) and is useless.
tor-relays mailing list
per-decile 126717
. . .horrible
On 10/1/15, Yawning Angel wrote:
> On Thu, 1 Oct 2015 19:05:38 +0000
> Dhalgren Tor wrote:
>> 3) observing that statistics show elevated cell-queuing delays when
>> the relay has been in the saturated state,
're near saturation,
> assuming the traffic is not constant
Would make it worse, not better. A higher burst rate will
allow the measurement to increase; the average limit
must stay the same regardless. Best to set burst-max ==
average max. Tor relays allow some bursting regardless
of the Ban
s nor 'ntpd' replies.
Statistics for the filter are viewed with the command
tc -s filter show dev eth0 root
With the initial settings the bandwidth filter discarded 0.25% of
incoming TCP packets--in line with what one sees in 'netstat -s'
statistics for a not-overloaded relay. How
' example see
final post
initial post
tor-relays mailing list
rsions, 0 prefetch
server stats for thread 0: requestlist max 112 avg 28.1553 exceeded 0 jostled 0
histogram of recursion processing times
[25%]=0.00737672 median[50%]=0.0492239 [75%]=0.144125
tor-relays mailing list
Any exit operators with relays at LeaseWeb who are not enjoying the
new automated abuse-notice system requiring all complaints be acted
upon, send a message directly to the above address. Have a solution.
tor-relays mailing list
>snake oil service like webiron
A most excellent characterization!
As a sales maneuver WebIron has been grandstanding
for months saying that Tor operators are "unwilling
to cleanup" when they know full-well that tor operators
can not / should not filter traffic due to minor brute
Is the end of the month. Maybe they ran out of bandwidth and will be
back 11/1. LeaseWeb over-limit rates are terrifying.
BTW the exit policy includes 443.
tor-relays mailing list
ebiron appears to ignore this
source and simply construct the abuse@ from the rDNS domain name.
tor-relays mailing list
. Can someone explain me how this can happen?
tor-relays mailing list
, Dhalgren Tor wrote:
>>. . .I have to understand how my ISP reacts to this kind of things.
>>For the moment I will keep a low profile and I will block the
>>mentioned IP range for a month.
> Webiron's system sends notifications to both the abusix.org contac
which does not help me. I don't find the mentioned branch bug16929 in git.
Can someone please advise what has to be done to avoid the warning, or point
me where I find can the file "doc/TUNING".
On Sunday 21 February 2016 11:56:37 Jonas Bergler wrote:
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/tor.git/tree/doc/TUNING
Thanks Jonas for the link. file descriptors should be set to ulimit -n 65535 in
the tor startup script. I thought that would work. But checking
/proc/PID/limits I saw that f
On Sunday 21 February 2016 12:57:52 Julien ROBIN wrote:
> When I had 2 tor clients running (the second launched manually by a user
> named "tor2"), I modified the "limits.conf" file, adding those 2 lines at
> the end :
> #* softcore
. [101144347 similar message(s) suppressed in
> > last 21600 seconds]
> Are you using tor packages from
> https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org/dists/ ?
I get packages via
deb https://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org precise main
But I use a custom startup script from torservers, t
Gave up switched to 'named' and now it's working fine.
Entered BUG: https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18580
Be advised, anyone running a fast exit with 'unbound' should switch to
using 'named'.
Hit a repeat of an earlier incident:
message from tor daemon is
Resolved [scrubbed] which was already resolved; ignoring
About 5400 of these messages over 37 hours, during which the relay
dropped down to 30% of usual
Nothing wrong with 'unbound'. Problem is bug in Tor daemon
interaction with 'unbound' that brings exit effectively offline when
GoDaddy blocks requests from it. This can happen to any fast exit
anytime. GoDaddy has been blocking high-volume DNS requesters since
2011, and rec
Bug #18580: exit relay fails with 'unbound' DNS resolver when lots of
requests time-out
tor-relays mailing list
where the relay was in the bogged-down state and was failing to
service Tor Browser requests. If developer is interested in taking a
look at this please contact me directly.
This issue is a PIA and if it continues I'll give up on 'unbound' and
follow the previous operator,
e has already done this
successfully please post to this thread.
tor-relays mailing list
Possibly this incident is the result of some malware attempting to use
some sort of domain "fast flux" or DGA algorithm. Seems improbable
anyone would be dumb enough to try to DDOS GoDaddy DNS using Tor.
tor-relays mailing list
FYI Tor-Relays
GoDaddy AS26496 is null-routing selected Tor Exits, presumably in
response to abuse originating from them. Know of two thus far
FE67A1BA4EF1D13A617AEFB416CB9E44331B223A 2016/01/26 ashtrayhat3
A0F06C2FADF88D3A39AA3072B406F09D7095AC9E 2016/03/16 Dhalgren
though probably more exist
FYI tor-relays
Exit was DDOSed yesterday at 18:00 UTC. The attack was intense enough
that the ISP null-routed the server for 16 hours, which has never
happened before. Have seen a handful of brief DDOS attacks (about 15
minutes) in the past but none were so intense as this one. All
work connection actually is.
Description: OpenPGP digital signature
tor-relays mailing list
separated txt file)
Kind regards
tor-relays mailing list
tor-relays mailing list
d material for the above recommendations found at
tor-relays mailing list
I have come across a Tor friendly VPS provider in Norway. They allow exits.
At the moment they host no other Tor relay than mine.
I've tried adding them to the Good/Bad ISP wiki, but get trapped be som
anti-spam filter even when not logged in via Tor.
Is this list an appropriate w
In general I understand that padding oracle attacks are principally a
hazard for browser communications. Am assuming that updating OpenSSL
for this fix is not an urgent priority for a Tor Relay.
If anyone knows different please comment
t the best <20MBit/s (per direction) weekly average
If anyone can recommend any other hosters, please come forward.
tor-relays mailing list
about 7-8TB of that per month, it's
> well worth it).
OVH is used to much by tor operators already (>12% of the tor network capacity
is there).
tor-relays mailing list
On Fri, 5 Aug 2011, flgcrz wrote:
Is this the right place to post if I'm having difficulties?
Yep, although it might be best to also contact irc.oftc.net #tor for
configuration issues (since you get faster replies there).
There are I believe 2 issues.
The first I think is tha
tor-relays mailing list
ed to 128MB, with bursts to 256MB.
Bandwidth is 500GB up and down per month. Tor can have half of this
(note the up *and* down).
The caveat is that, because it is a dirt cheap VPS, I don't get a
warning about any violation of the TOS. If I go outside the
guidelines, they cancel my account.
Red Rover wrote on 17.05.2012:
> Hi there, :-)
> I am running a Tor relay on a VPS.
> How do I configure it to NOT accept torrent traffic?
> I have just received an abuse report from my hosting company.
> All the best,
> Redrover
using a
I can confirm abuse messages for same target, same attack.
tor-relays mailing list
ity. I have source and destination ports and IPs available, but
> it lists the source as my IP so I'm not sure how to see what the
> originating IP was.
Ask your ISP for the email address of the complainant, send them an email
explaining Tor and ask which IPs they wou
each about around 10K concurrent connections.
With the arm cpu was normally below 5 %. The tor server runs debian
squeeze with python 2.6.6.
Is this a known issue? Any options other that downgrading back to
bug' flag? This will output a debug log to '~/.arm/log' (you
> might want to scrub anything in it that you think is private).
Thanks for your fast response. I sent you the log via pm.
tor-relays maili
ignore, and for the rest it
> is usually good enough to send our default template.
> See https://www.torservers.net/wiki/abuse/templates
> and https://www.torservers.net/wiki/abuse/dmca
Can you tell how many abuse messages you receive per week?
ay that satisfies my
ISP. My normal response times are less than one hour. I have blocked notorious
spammers like Icecat.
Best regards
tor-relays mailing list
raints, given
that I don't know other bridges/exits running at my ISP/DC.
tor-relays mailing list
> is a great and worthwhile experiment. But for bridges, since the current
> Tor transport and current bridge distribution strategies are not great,
> I think it's better to use funding for better designs and better code.
> I should note that I actually encouraged VoA to want unpu
tor-relays mailing list
ngine loading support
does not need to show a line with "(aesni) Intel AES-NI engine" as described
here at Torservers:
tor-relays mailing list
I already supposed it because the openssl
performance test on my server showed almost the same results as described in
the torservers wiki.
tor-relays mailing list
Hi all,
there is a massive spamming of google groups ongoing. I received several
complains as below. From the domain list it seems that all major Tor exit
nodes are affected.
Running an Exit without custom WHOIS, all abuse message are received by my
ISP and forwarded. So I have to temporarily
configured to run at maximum bandwidth, torland2 runs trottled to
ensure not to exceed the 100TB contractual traffic limit. The nodes on this
server get traffic as expected and are at the top of the Blutmagie Tor Status
The second serve
I would like to know from which countries my nodes are mostly used. I tried to
use arm for this but on high capacity relays arm eats the same cpu resources
as the tor process it monitors, if the connection panel is activated.
Switching to the connection panel lets arm often freeze. Is
m often freeze. Is there
> > another way to get country statistics from a node? Maybe something build
> > in
> > Tor?
> You can query the locale for an address from tor via...
> https://gitweb.torproject.org/torspec.git/blob/HEAD:/control-spec.txt#l671
> T
On Friday, 30. November 2012, 09:14:34 Andrew Lewman wrote:
> 2. Find legal representation. A list of possible legal advisers can be
> found here,
> https://blog.torproject.org/blog/start-tor-legal-support-directory. If
> none of these people are in your country, or close to you, ask
I am monitoring the network interface of my tor server with nload. From time
to time nload shows strange traffic patterns: http://i.imgur.com/0Wr9h.png
The graph is updated every second so one hash mark corresponds to one second.
The most recent traffic value is on the right side. The
operated by non-profits at
the German Bundesnetzagentur, because this is required under German law for
companies (http://is.gd/vcz2pZ). I am wondering if there are Tor nodes
operated by Germans who have been registered at the Bundesnetzagentur. From my
layman’s understanding of the law this
On Wednesday 02 January 2013 14:56:59 Moritz Bartl wrote:
> There is a fundamental legal difference between operating Internet
> Access Providers and Internet Service Providers. As a Tor exit, you
> should and want to be judged as a service provider. The key difference
> is that Acce
t my nodes. Will check this with my lawyer.
> Several years later "Internet crime experts" coming from the police
> in Bergisch Gladbach (pretty close to Rösrath) made first contact by
> executing a Durchsuchungsbeschluss (search warrant) that didn't mention
> Tor in any
> events.ccc.de/congress/2007/Fahrplan/events/2355.en.html
> this might help with tor-nodes, too.
I informed my hosting provider about the Tor exit nodes. With each incoming
abuse message they forward to me, I inform the employee that handles the
message again about the purpose of th
On Tuesday 08 January 2013 20:51:52 Moritz Bartl wrote:
> Thanks for the hint. In general, I don't see why VPS providers would not
> allow internal Tor relaying, and I would not even bother to ask first.
> Interesting values to know about VPS providers are bandwidth allowance
20 Tor relays on cheap VPS all around the world:
Basically I just care for the bandwidth/included traffic when choosing a
VPS. 256MB RAM is enough, disk space doesn't matter at all. Tor doesn't
scale that well with CPU cores so 1 core is ok
Hi all,
Is there any recommendation for running Tor _exit_ node in NL/DE? The list at
https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/GoodBadISPs see,s pretty old
and outdated and contradictory at places.
tor-relays mailing list
Hi all,
I am planning on running a bridge-relay but have a hard 1TB/month outgoing
traffic limitation.
Can someone help me with a torrc config that works for this setup?
tor-relays mailing list
of you actually moving 1TB/month of
> bridge traffic is very, very small.
I realise that but better to know and prepare for the best (?) case scenario.
> Hope this helps.
It does indeed. Thanks.
tor-relays mailing list
>> The Tor devs go to great lengths to try to keep "evil" governments from
>> using Tor against itself. Why not devote some effort toward keeping "evil"
>> traffic off of Tor?
I agree. Why not block the most obvious abuse? All professional Apache
You could modify the tor init script to limit the memory usable by
/usr/sbin/tor as described here:
But I don’t know if this works on RaspPi platform and what happens when
the tor process hits the memory limit
> So the more relays that upgrade to, the more stable and
> Tor will be for 0.2.4 users, despite the huge circuit overload that the
> network is seeing.
> Please consider upgrading. If you do, though, please also keep an eye
> on it -- it's possible we
On Thursday 05 September 2013 22:27:53 tor-admin wrote:
> Updated torland family. Hope that the new version helps. One of the last
> messages before update to
> Sep 05 21:06:29.000 [warn] Your computer is too slow to handle this many
> circuit creation requests!
Hi Mike,
I am seeing many of these messages in the logs of torland1/torland2:
Sep 21 12:09:34.000 [warn] Received NETINFO cell with skewed time from server
at It seems that our clock is ahead by 15969 days, 10
hours, 9 minutes, or that theirs is behind. Tor requires an
Thanks. Sorry for the noise. Should have checked trac first.
On Saturday 21 September 2013 06:21:50 Roger Dingledine wrote:
> On Sat, Sep 21, 2013 at 12:19:42PM +0200, tor-admin wrote:
> > Hi Mike,
> >
> > I am seeing many of these messages in the logs of torland1/torland2:
I’m running a Tor exit relay on ports 9030 for advertising directory
connections and 9001 for advertising incoming Tor connections. In the spirit of
proxy-proofing my relay, I’d like to expose the directory and Tor connections
on 80 and 443. I’ve spent hours trying to get my iptables config
ection Roger. I guess I've been configuring
> exit relays for so long that I forget what it's like to configure a
> non-exit. :)
Same for me. I also thought that setting up a relay would still make it a non-
exit by default, as it was in the old days.
I am wondering if the ad
Hello all,
I've set up a tor exit relay (, debian testing) on a VPS, and
it's running well (about 20Gbs/day).
But a lot of traffic (about 50%!) is using port 9050 for incoming
connections. It's something more than random scans.
Because I am worried, I've run tcpd
ause my relay's exit policy? (exit policy-->
doc/ReducedExitPolicy – Tor Bug Tracker & Wiki :
2013/11/5 Paritesh Boyeyoko
> @jj tor
> ...and before I forget, yes deploy IPtables anyway. :)
ally because all the
filtering work...
The relay--> Atlas: newTorThird :
2013/11/5 Paritesh Boyeyoko
> @jj tor
> The fact that your relay is refusing connections says that the port isn
Hi, list readers,
Someone has experience with russian tor relays?
Do you know of any legal problem for an exit relay ?
Thank you
tor-relays mailing list
Ummm, I'm afraid I have no idea how set up a relay in China.
After checking the public list of tor relays, I haven't found any relay
there. So, is it even possible to run an exit relay in China??
2013/11/15 Roman Mamedov
> On Fri, 15 Nov 2013 10:40:16 +0100
> jj tor wrote
On Saturday 14 December 2013 13:28:52 Christian wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hej!
> Torservers.net has been awarded $250,000 over two years by the Digital
> Defenders Partnership to strengthen and improve the Tor network, the
> ano
I am wondering why only 68 out of 283 completed the traceroute. Can someone
explain please?
tor-relays mailing list
he script from a high capacity tor relay host as well as from a
VPS. I did not see a big difference in time. On both it finished within around
4 days.
I would assume that someone who reads the documents/FAQ about the script,
checks it and starts it, will not kill it before it finishes. So I am
301 - 400 of 1440 matches
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