I'm currently working on a TorWeather replacement (mainly using a byproduct of
another project)
that should be helpful for relay operators to get notifications about their
relay downtimes
and other issues.
I believe such a service will contribute to a more healthy tor network
and better inf
I'm currently working on a TorWeather replacement (mainly using a
byproduct of another project)
that should be helpful for relay operators to get notifications about
their relay downtimes
and other issues.
I believe such a service will contribute to a more healthy tor network
Hello all,
I would like to read about experiences with local laws of various
countries. So far I run my exits in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands.
I have found a provider for me that also covers the following countries
and has no problem with Tor exits:
- Poland
- Australia
- Singapore
How important are private (non-public) ways to subscribe to
notifications for you? 1
How important are configurable downtime periods to you and what
timeframe would you choose? 3
How important are recovery notifications (i.e. down -> up) to you? 2
How important would be matrix as a second notif
On Thursday, February 10, 2022 2:09:07 AM CET nusenu wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently working on a TorWeather replacement (mainly using a byproduct
> of another project) that should be helpful for relay operators to get
> notifications about their relay downtimes and other issues.
> I believe such a