On Thursday, February 10, 2022 2:09:07 AM CET nusenu wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm currently working on a TorWeather replacement (mainly using a byproduct
> of another project) that should be helpful for relay operators to get
> notifications about their relay downtimes and other issues.
> I believe such a service will contribute to a more healthy tor network
> and better informed operators leading to less relays running on
> old vulnerable and end-of-life tor versions.

?? Torweather works. ;-)
I only got an email 2 weeks ago because a relay was down. 

----------  Forwarded Message  ----------

Subject: [Tor Weather] Node Down!
Date: Freitag, 21. Januar 2022, 12:19:09 CET
From: Tor Weather <nore...@torweather.org>
To: ad...@for-privacy.net

It appears that the Tor node ForPrivacyNET (fingerprint: 
376DC7CAD597D3A4CBB651999CFAD0E77DC9AE8C) has been uncontactable through the 
Tor network for at least 48 hours. You may wish to look at it to see why.

You can find more information about the Tor node at:

You can unsubscribe from these reports at any time by visiting the following 

The original Tor Weather was decommissioned by the Tor project and this 
replacement is now maintained independently. You can learn more here:


╰_╯ Ciao Marco!

Debian GNU/Linux

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