[tor-relays] dutch tor relay operator meetup

2016-04-18 Thread Jurre van Bergen
Hey everybody, I'd like to invite you to the first Dutch Tor relay operator meetup organized by Bits of Freedom and stichting HVIV(https://hartvoorinternetvrijheid.nl/) The first meeting[1] will take place on the 11th of May in Utrecht, in the center of the Netherlands. The cafe where we'll meet

Re: [tor-relays] Leaseweb exit relay notice

2015-05-21 Thread Jurre van Bergen
Hi, I got the same message yesterday, I asked leaseweb to put our exit node(hviv103) in a "dirty" ip-block and asked sectoor for a clarification on what happened. No reply to date of any party. For now, I have shutdown the server. Sorry to hear :( Best, Jurre On 05/21/2015 09:36 PM, blaatenato

Re: [tor-relays] bitcoin adopt a node idea

2014-06-26 Thread Jurre van Bergen
Hoi, At hartvoorinternetvrijheid.nl we have been toying with the exact same idea and I think Moritz had the same idea too. Cheap crowd sponsored relays are interesting for several reasons, you feel part of the process as a donator. Next to the fact that, at least we came up with that, that you get

Re: [tor-relays] Phishy

2014-02-03 Thread Jurre van Bergen
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hey, It doesn't seem to be targetted. It looks like your email was sucked into a spamlist to send malware too. For malware researchers, the sample can be obtained over here: https://malwr.com/analysis/YjQ1Y2FjZTcxMTgxNDgwNmE4MWIyYjIzN2RjNWM1YTc/ Jur