I think there are 9 DLL files that come with that package beginning
"pvt.cppan.demo...". I experimented placing them in various locations along
the execution path until the app worked. On my project they are now in
.\lib\x64' and in '..\bin\Debug'.
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 1:07:28 PM U
i cannot setup Tesseract 4.0 into my project. i install by NuGet console
follow guide :
but unsuccessfull. it's give error : "*Failed to add reference to
how did you do that???
Vào 02:15:58 UTC+7 Thứ
Note that the Charles Weld Tesseract 3 wrapper works well with varying
these values, so I am trying to get the Tesseract 4 version of that working
which basically has the same API. For now though the Tesseract.net
one is the only 4.0 wrapper that works for me, hence this post.
On Thursd
Is anyone else using tesseract 4.0alpha from C# ?
On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 1:07:28 PM UTC, James Q wrote:
> Here is my code:
> string text = "";
> string tessDataPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TessPath"];
> using (var engine = new TessBaseAPI(@tessDataPath, @"eng"))
> {
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