Is anyone else using tesseract 4.0alpha from C# ?

On Wednesday, January 10, 2018 at 1:07:28 PM UTC, James Q wrote:
> Here is my code:
> string text = "";
> string tessDataPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["TessPath"];
> using (var engine = new TessBaseAPI(@tessDataPath, @"eng"))
> {
>     engine.SetVariable("tessedit_ocr_engine_mode", "0");
>     engine.SetPageSegMode(PageSegmentationMode.SINGLE_LINE);
>     engine.SetVariable("tessedit_char_blacklist", type.GetTesseractOptions
> ().Blacklist());
>     engine.SetVariable("tessedit_char_whitelist", type.GetTesseractOptions
> ().Whitelist());
>     engine.Process(imageFileName, false);
>     text = engine.GetUTF8Text();
> }
> I'm sending images which represent one or a few words on a single line, 
> but in the above code, the SetPageSegMode(..) method has no effect. On the 
> command line I can use:
> tesseract.exe input.png result -l eng --psm 7 --oem 1
> on the same images and see clearly better results on psm 7. Does anyone 
> know how to configure this option via the wrapper or is it just not 
> suppported?
> Also, blacklists and whitelists are having no effect in the wrapper. 
> Whilst I understand that these are not supported in Tesseract 4 LSTM mode 
> yet, they should still work in 'Tesseract Only' mode right? I know the 
> SetVariable method works (as I see its effect on engine mode). Is there 
> another way of setting blacklists and whitelists through this wrapper?
> Thanks
> James 

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