Is your CD ROM jumper set to master or slave? If the jumper is set to
master, change the jumper settings to be slave (your manual should give you
information as to how to set the jumper settings).
I had the same problem and the LUG (Linux Users Group at Univ. of Maryland,
Baltimore County) h
I have set up Apache. I was wondering if anybody could let me know as to
where I will have to put my web pages (like a simple page with no forms of
any sort). I heard that it has to be in the "htdocs" directory... Any
pointers will be very helpful and appreciated.
Thanks in advance
I am trying to mount msdos on linux. I edited the fstab file to mount msdos.
Would anybody please let me know if the "noauto" should be "auto" or
something else? Also should the last set of numbers be 0 0 or 1 1?
Would somebody please direct me to the website where I can ubsubcribe to this list?
I tried going to the linuxchix website but could not get to the account information...
Thanks in advance
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