Re: [techtalk] problem

1999-10-06 Thread Just This Girl
oard) > > Keyboards are cheap. I've had to buy four replacement keyboards in > the past three years, and I can generally get them for under $30. > > Kelly > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- O .--. Give me some Slack!

[techtalk] Building ADSL - LAN

1999-10-06 Thread Just This Girl
ut there in Internet Land, I would appreciate the assistance. I went and bought the Linux Network Administrators' Guide from O'Reilly, but to my horror discovered that it hasn't been updated since 1995!!! -- O.--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o | U==l_/ |Just This Girl

Re: [techtalk] Building ADSL - LAN

1999-10-06 Thread Just This Girl
e assigned addresses for your OTHER machines, then you don't need IP Masquerade, and of course, if you don't like the idea of a 'free ride'. " BTW: My firewall tip URL was dead-wrong. Darn p-n-c. Here is the real one: Amos Hayes wrote:

[Fwd: [techtalk] parallel zip drive]

1999-10-06 Thread Just This Girl
ms to > be that kernel does not recognise sda4 as a block device. Any ideas??? > maybe I missed something :) > > Cheers very much, > > Deb > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- O.--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o |

[techtalk] Building ADSL - LAN

1999-10-08 Thread Just This Girl
/ | Just This Girl // \ \[EMAIL PROTECTED] (| | ) /\_ _/`\ \__)-(___/ Spam >> /dev/null [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Network cards supported by RH 6.0 & 6.1

1999-10-08 Thread Just This Girl
6.0 or 6.1. If not, any other suggestions for > inexpensive cards that will work? I need to pick up a hard drive as it is, > and would rather not add to my debts more than necessary. O.--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o | U==l_/ |Just This Girl

[techtalk] ADSL - Progress, but...

1999-10-09 Thread Just This Girl
Thank you for all your responses so far... they have been of great assistance. However, I am still having a problem. What follows are captures of 'ifconfig', 'route', and 'arp'. I can connect and interact with the Internet through my Windows98 partition without issue. The linux partition still re

Re: [techtalk] A simple problem

1999-10-10 Thread Just This Girl
Did you try 'kill pid' or 'kill -9 pid'? 'kill -9' should bring down anything. Ellen Gibboney wrote: > Hello, > > Can anyone tell me why I can't kill a netscape pid, It just hangs there > and slows everything down. I removed a lock file. It seems like a > simple problem. > -- > *** > E

Re: [techtalk] request for ideas

1999-10-11 Thread Just This Girl
There are automount utilities for Linux that will allow you to eject and insert floppies without having to type the mount/umount set. This expands to work with CDs, but I am not certain about ls120 or zip. I haven't used any automount configurations yet. I rather like the security of having to mo

Re: [techtalk] request for ideas

1999-10-11 Thread Just This Girl
, and continue to leave mount/umount of the floppy device solely under the control of root. Jim Browning wrote: > > Just This Girl wrote: > > > I rather like the security of having to mount/umount, and having to have > root > > access to do so. It prevents suspect users f

[techtalk] KDE vs Gnome

1999-10-11 Thread Just This Girl
I would like to give Gnome a test spin, but my current environment is KDE. What I am completely clueless about (in this instance, anyway) is how to tell X to use Gnome instead, and where to tell it at? -- O.--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o | U==l_/ |Just This Girl

[techtalk] Linux/ADSL Issue - RESOLVED

1999-10-12 Thread Just This Girl
and Windows to save future hassles and everything is cruising along fine now. Thank you to everyone who replied to my earlier cries for help! -- O.--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o | U==l_/ | Just This Girl // \ \[EMAIL PROTECTED] (| | ) http://ho

Re: [techtalk] upgrading to Netscape 4.7

1999-10-12 Thread Just This Girl
t; > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- O .--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o | U==l_/ |Just This Girl // \ \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (| | ) /\_ _/`\ \__)-(___/ Spam >> /dev/null [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] upgrading to Netscape 4.7

1999-10-12 Thread Just This Girl
of x I used the tar command on the .tar.gz file, then installed > according to the install instructions that were in there. well, acutally > used the ./ns-install as the instructions did not tell me to do a ./ before > it, but "just this girl" said to use that and it worked. All

[techtalk] YAP - Yet Another Problem

1999-10-13 Thread Just This Girl
/ | Just This Girl // \ \[EMAIL PROTECTED] (| | ) /\_ _/`\ \__)-(___/ Spam >> /dev/null [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Is there a Kill -8, too?

1999-10-13 Thread Just This Girl
I'm afraid I don't really know the answer to that one. I've never had a kill -9 *not* work on a pid. Jane Susi wrote: > > > > > > Just This Girl wrote: > > > > > > > Did you try 'kill pid' or 'kill -9 pid'? 'kill

[techtalk] Glibc

1999-10-13 Thread Just This Girl
| U==l_/ |Just This Girl // \ \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (| | ) /\_ _/`\ \__)-(___/ Spam >> /dev/null [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] For the not so techie Linux users

1999-10-14 Thread Just This Girl
there (Help gave some obscure reason > >why it might not be there). > > > >- Kev > > Mary Anne Cox > > > " start, press any key. Hnow, exactly where IS the 'any' key?" > > ***

Re: [techtalk] Rising RAM Prices

1999-10-20 Thread Just This Girl
CTED] -- O.--. Give me some Slack! o. |o_o | U==l_/ |Just This Girl // \ \ [EMAIL PROTECTED] (| | ) /\_ _/`\ \__)-(___/ Spam >> /dev/null [EMAIL PROTECTED]