Have you considered trying out a Buy/Sell/Trade computer parts store?
I tried that, not wanting to spend alot of money and being unable to
find NICs that I was confident were Linux-supported.
Also, I was specifically wanting ISA cards, and the retailers are
pushing PCI 10/100.
Two B/S/T stores in my area had whole -bins- of NICs, both ISA and PCI.
One had a whole bin of 3Com 509B, for $15 each when 3Com suggests the
retail price as $72 (from their website). They did not have the software
with them, but if you find NICs by 3Com or other realiable
manufacturers, you can download whatever drivers/setup software you need
to get going.
Because the stores was B/S/T, I couldn't have gotten my cash back (the
one drawback), but if a card had proven to be defective, I could take it
back and swap it for another. And as I said, whole -bins-. :)
Tips: check out the return policies of the store(s) in question, take
the NIC segment of the Hardware How-TO with you to the store, don't by
any NIC that is unlabeled -on the card itself-, and don't buy any cards
are 'loose': ie, not in a silver anti-static bag. Sorry, plain plastic
isn't good enough, IMHO. :)
Also, do some research on the cards you think you'd most like to have,
such as looking to see if drivers and utilities are available from the
manufacturer or third party... likely there won't be software available
-with- the card. Also, don't be afraid to ask to unbag the card
(carefully!) to physically inspect it before purchase. Look to make sure
nothing is broken off, bent, scraped, or elsewise might affect the
card's operation.
On Fri, 8 Oct 1999, Deanne wrote:
> I'm wondering if there's any chance that I can use my cheapo AOpen NIC
> (ALN-101) with RH 6.0 or 6.1. If not, any other suggestions for
> inexpensive cards that will work? I need to pick up a hard drive as it is,
> and would rather not add to my debts more than necessary.
O .--. Give me some Slack!
o. |o_o |
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