Re: [techtalk] Deb on Slashdot

2000-03-27 Thread Glen Strom
> Nice job, Deb. After reading some of the comments about the interview I have to agree with something you said in the past--some people's children really *don't* know how to act in public! Glen Strom [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ t

Re: [techtalk] argh! (gnumeric troubles)

2000-03-31 Thread Glen Strom (They must have heard you) ;-> Glen Strom [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Printer comparison sites

2000-04-30 Thread Glen Strom
At 12:02 AM 2000-05-01 +1000, Jenn wrote: >Does anyone know of hardware-comparison or hardware-review sites which >cover printers? > CNET has reviews on all sorts of hardware. The printer page is at Glen Strom [EMAIL

Re: [techtalk] [OT] an intro

2000-05-11 Thread Glen Strom
At 11:15 AM 2000-05-11 -0400, Stephanie wrote: >...ackowledging and accepting more than 2 genders... More than 2 genders? Stephanie, do you know something the rest of us have missed, or I am the only one who didn't get the memo? ;-> Glen Strom [EMAI

Re: [techtalk] dialup problems RH 6.1, Corel, Caldera

2000-06-18 Thread Glen Strom
At 05:48 PM 6/18/00 -0700, Carla wrote: > As I have finally gotten connected with all 3, I was wondering if anyone >has some insights to offer. Is there a common procedure I am missing? Has >anyone gotten setup successfully just using KPPP or RH PPP dialer? Is it an >ISP thing? I had a t

Re: [techtalk] is it dangerous...

2000-06-27 Thread Glen Strom
At 05:33 PM 6/27/00 -0400, Walt wrote: >Is it dangerous to "upgrade" part of my system's >RPM's (i.e., esp the kernel) to rhl v. 6.2 while the >rest of the system is still running 6.0 stuff? I'm running Redhat 6.0 as well. I recently upgraded the kernel to 2.2.16 to fix a potential security hole.

Re: [techtalk] umm well, one question solved :-)

2000-06-28 Thread Glen Strom
// (After all, practice makes perfect. ;-&g

Re: [techtalk] Goodby Windows, hello Linux!

2000-08-05 Thread Glen Strom
at Note: Since you're into graphics, you might like to have a look at a site called "The Graphics Muse" at This should keep you out of trouble for a while! ;-> Glen Strom [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Red Hat certification

2000-08-08 Thread Glen Strom
isites for the course at If you're interested in training programs other than Red Hat's, there's a reference site called "Lintraining" at that can tell you

Re: [techtalk] RE: Not using Netscape

2000-10-06 Thread Glen Strom
>Er.. Where? (is Opera) Glen Strom [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [techtalk] Re: techtalk digest, Vol 1 #474 - 12 msgs-cheap cd's

2001-05-19 Thread Glen Strom
for $5 Canadian. He does ship to the U.S. I don't know about other countries, but you can ask. I've found him to be very accommodating. He provides e-mail support for free if you have a problem. He's also a certified nutbar. His e-mails are always interesting! Glen Strom [EMAIL PROTECTED] ___ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]