On 19 May 2001, at 14:40, Telsa Gwynne wrote:
> On Fri, May 18, 2001 at 06:26:57PM -0700 or thereabouts, Joseph Barney
> wrote: > If anyone wants to know where to get Linux cheap > without
> having to buy a 40 buck power pack at a store .. > http://www.lsl.com
> > http://www.cheapbytes.com > http://www.linuxmall.com >
> http://www.elinux.com > > If anyone knows of additional ones or better
> ones I'd > love to hear about them.
> Here's an interesting one. They'll burn you custom CDs, so if you
> typically do "this distro plus these things they unaccountably don't
> include" installs, it might be useful. Haven't tried it, but it looks
> cheap.
> http://www.linux2order.com
> http://www.linux2order.com/custom_cd.cfm
There's a guy in Canada that I often go to for cheap cd's. His name
is Bill Bennet (known as the ComputerHelperGuy)
http://www.chguy.net/index.html . He'll provide you with just about
anything you want--standard distro's, special orders, BSD, you
name it. If it's available, he'll burn it for you. Single CD's go for $5
He does ship to the U.S. I don't know about other countries, but
you can ask. I've found him to be very accommodating. He provides
e-mail support for free if you have a problem.
He's also a certified nutbar. His e-mails are always interesting!
Glen Strom
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