On Sat, 26 May 2001, Conor Daly wrote:
> On Sat, May 26, 2001 at 06:51:19PM +0200 or so it is rumoured hereabouts,
> Liese thought:
> >
> > > > What I do in private cannot reasonably be held as harassment by anyone: by
> > >definition, they aren't involved. If anyone is offended by the contents of
On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:09:13AM +0100, James Sutherland wrote:
> LOL! You could try porting the login script my friend has - it tracks the
> top 10 uptimes on the network, and this machine's position in the chart.
> The highest listed is slightly under 203 days, on a 2.0 kernel; no 2.4
> box
To answer your question.
There is no way to upgrade a kernel without rebooting the machine.
My firewall has been up 127 days. Its not connected to a UPS though and the
last three times it went down was a power failure. I use the power failures
(about once every four months) as excuses to do mai
On Sun, 27 May 2001, Almut Behrens wrote:
> On Sun, May 27, 2001 at 11:09:13AM +0100, James Sutherland wrote:
> >
> > LOL! You could try porting the login script my friend has - it tracks the
> > top 10 uptimes on the network, and this machine's position in the chart.
> > The highest listed is sli
(I'm taking out the attribution here, because the debate is about the
ideas, not who said them)
> > > > > What I do in private cannot reasonably be held as harassment by anyone: by
> > > >definition, they aren't involved. If anyone is offended by the contents of
> > > >my PC, the only person li
At 5/26/01 08:28 PM , Penguina wrote:
> > Viewable by all! Only problem is the privacy issue. She may not be
> > *allowed* to do that.
>Just put it in a passworded area (see the .htaccess thread) and only
>give the password to the responsible people. Anyone who thinks this
>is invasive, try k
Anyone have tried zipslack? Yeah, i know it sucks, but thatz all I got right
now, and I need help with it cuz I can't get it to boot. So if you have any
sugestions plz reply.
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Liese wrote:
> James wrote :
> "Beware of driving your users to using a webmail service, though; if you
> stop them using your mail system, they could switch to Hotmail or similar."
> I have disabled Hotmail (and others) on our proxy server. This has saved us
> huge amount of surfing time.. :)
Anyone have tried zipslack? Yeah, i know it sucks, but thatz all I got right
now, and I need help with it cuz I can't get it to boot. So if you have any
sugestions plz reply.
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