Re: [techtalk] Fred Moody hooey

2000-08-18 Thread Carla Schroder
Peace, my friends. There is no doubt the entire article is flamebait. His purpose is to be inflammatory. I'm a recovering former ZDNet employee, I know that editors demand outrageousness. Clicks are clicks, doesn't matter if they are mad or glad. His sources are counting entries on Bugtraq and "s

Re: [techtalk] There's nothing more I hate

2000-08-18 Thread Melanie Burrett
Well, just look at the 'credits' at the bottom of the article. The man has been hopelessly brainwashed by Microsoft. Unfortunately, the news world has not learned to distinguish the difference between 'opinion' and 'fact'. An editorial is not a news feature. It is an _opinion_ piece. Obviously th

[techtalk] Where's your favorite place to get software?

2000-08-18 Thread jennyw
I'm just amazed at the number of places you can get Linux CDs at these days. Anyone care to recommend a favorite place? It seems that the various sites have vastly different pricing schemes for the various distributions. I'm kind of on the cheap side myself, but would like to know what the diffe

Re: [techtalk] Where's your favorite place to get software?

2000-08-18 Thread Shawn Ann Griffith
I just asked my husband about this and he said that there isn't a difference in the actual software (CD's) He also said that Linux-CD is probably more expensive because they only sell Linux CD's whereas Cheap*Bytes sells Linux, FreeBSD and all sorts of stuff. You might want to see if there is

[techtalk] Apache problems

2000-08-18 Thread Kath
Kill one problem, another pops up :(   Now Apache is taking forever to load a web page (actually any box trying to connect to it timesout).  And the weird part is it is not just a problem for machines trying to access it remotely, but when I try connecting to localhost (, it can tak

[techtalk] Followup to previous email

2000-08-18 Thread Kath
Now for some reason the box isn't responding to pings.  Well, lets hope a good reboot fixes that :O   - Kathleen

[techtalk] Ok, boxes can ping now

2000-08-18 Thread Kath
CAT5 was half out of the NIC, plugged it back in and now they can ping each other.  yay!   But still slow or nonexistent access to the Debian/Apache/PHP box.   - Kathleen

[techtalk] !@#$#$YT emachines and XF86

2000-08-18 Thread alissa bader
okay, I have in front of me an emachines box. I decided to put Slackware 7.1 on it. Installation itself seemed to go well. But I am running into problems when trying to configure xwindows. I'm using the XF86Setup utility and I swear to god, I can't get the mouse to work. I have tried all of t

[techtalk] hi, I'm brand spanking new

2000-08-18 Thread jboudell
Hi, found while surfing... I'm an utter linux almost newborn. I've been using Winblows forever and have recently decided to give Linux a try. This weekend I'd like to install Red Hat on my Compaq Presario 5240. I have a new HP that I'm keeping Winblows on due to my dependence on

Re: [techtalk] hi, I'm brand spanking new

2000-08-18 Thread Carla Schroder
Welcome! Having the HP is good, in case you need to get online. No need to get in a holy war, the silly things are just tools. Use what works. Many good answers here, tho for a newbie I think is pretty darn good. And Also you might want the O'Reilly book "Running

[techtalk] AOL for Linux

2000-08-18 Thread Shawn Ann Griffith
Sorry, but I wasn't sure which mailing list to send this to, so I sent it to all 4 of them. Someone within the last few weeks was asking about using AOL for Linux and my husband gave me this url for me to post. Hope it helps the person(s) who were wondering.