Having the HP is good, in case you need to get online. No need to get in a
holy war, the silly things are just tools. Use what works.
Many good answers here, tho for a newbie I think www.linuxnewbie.com is
pretty darn good. And www.linux.com.
Also you might want the O'Reilly book "Running Linux." I think it is the
best Linux manual.
Red Hat's own Web site has lots of good information.
To avoid getting yelled at in forums like this, tho this is the most
gracious forum I have ever seen, read back a few days to see if your
question has already been addressed. But don't be shy about posting,
deleting the mean ones is fun and you always get answers.
Carla Schroder
ace PC Goddess
plain English spoken here

----- Original Message -----
From: "jboudell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, August 18, 2000 10:08 PM
Subject: [techtalk] hi, I'm brand spanking new

> Hi,
> found linuxchix.org while surfing...
> I'm an utter linux almost newborn.  I've been using Winblows forever and
> have recently decided to give Linux a try.  This weekend I'd like to
> install Red Hat on my Compaq Presario 5240.  I have a new HP that I'm
> keeping Winblows on due to my dependence on the applications that run on
> the M$ platform.  I picked up a copy of SE Using Red Hat Linux that
> includes version 6.2.  Tonight I've been looking up my hardware on the
> compatibility list at Red Hat.  Of course I can't find everything
> listed, but I figured I'd try and install it anyway and see what
> happens.
> Can anyone give me some advice?  I'm reading the manual, but we all know
> that untold surprises await me.  right?
> thanxs!
> Jere
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