[techtalk] network speeds...

2000-05-15 Thread Walt
Can anyone tell me a network speed benchmark site or utility? I'm curious what would be considered 'normal' transfer rates on a 100 BT network. I'm using analogx's Netstat utility on my win98 box. When transferring from my rhl server I'm getting 6.3 MB per sec, when transferring to the server I g

Re: [techtalk] stuck with TCP/IP, win98 and linux

2000-05-15 Thread Emily the visible
Thanks everyone :) Now I just have to read enough to have a faint clue as to what I'm doing. Emily (and thanks for the info that a windows box can ping itself... that let me know that the card is definitely installed correctly and is working) ___ tec

[techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Helena Verrill
Hi, I just joined this list, and so I hope this is an appropriate question to post here - if not let me know! I've decided to buy a laptop which I want to use with linux. (and keep windows on as well, since unfortunately I still would like it for things I can't do with linux). I've been reading

RE: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Davida Schiff
Hi Helena, Having put RedHat 6.x on many different laptops I suggested a laptop that comes pre-installed with Linux (either Dell or tuxtops (www.tuxtops.com). The biggest problem (that I have found) with name brand notebooks is sound configuration. You can check out the Linux for Laptops site at

Re: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Saska
Helena, I do know that the Sony Vaios can be loaded with Linux without a hitch. I know several people who dual-boot their Vaios in Win98 and Linux (both Debian and RedHat). I also recently purchased a Dell Latitude from their refurbished stock that's a real screamer for the $2200 and runs RedHat

Re: [techtalk] network speeds...

2000-05-15 Thread BobTFish
At 15:05 15/05/00, Walt wrote: >Also, what does the load average under uptime signify? Load average is the number of processes in the run queue at once. (ie those not stopped waiting for network, or IO but actually ready to do processing).. The three numbers are averages over the last 30 secon

RE: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Samantha Jo Moore
Helena, I recommend you go with Dell. I have 6 engineers with either Insprion 7500 or 5000 laptops, running dual boot systems, either WinNT or 98 with Red Hat 6.1 or 6.2. Dell computers provides great support and they make available the device drivers necessary for their specific hardware, so

RE: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread nicoya
Agreed - I use a Dell (though not currently with *ix)Latitude and have had great luck and performance from it, and I know 3 people who've installed RH with no problem on their Latitudes. ~~~Nicoya... On May 15, "Samantha Jo Moore" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Helena, > > I recommend you

Re: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Caitlyn Máire Maritn
Hi, Helena, and everyone else, Another good choice with Linux is the IBM Thinkpad 600E, which is certified to run with Linux by IBM. Everything should work, and a number of companies are selling them with Red Hat Linux preinstalled. We use them here at work (though not with *nix), and they are

Re: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Lyta Alexander
i've an ibm thinkpad 380ed dual booting slackware and dos it was no problem setting up (i don't use X though so can't say about that part) except that ibm shipped it with the serial port disabled and i need that for my braille display On Mon, 15 May 2000, [iso-8859-1] Caitlyn Máire Maritn wrote:

[techtalk] cgi scripts & html output

2000-05-15 Thread Shelly L. Hokanson
hi all - question. i've been pulling my hair out on this one (and essentially given up on it). i'm about a two-week newbie to implementing cgi scripts written in perl. after learning how they reference directories (system vs. url) and setting correct permissions, i'm a happy camper. playing with

[techtalk] Unsubscribe????

2000-05-15 Thread RSSri
Hello: Would somebody please direct me to the website where I can ubsubcribe to this list? I tried going to the linuxchix website but could not get to the account information... Thanks in advance Sri ___ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://w

Re: [techtalk] cgi scripts & html output

2000-05-15 Thread GeekGrrl
Okay, the EOF comes from these statements: print <<"EOF"; html blablahblaah EOF This means print all text from the print statement until the text matchs "EOF" If you are seeing EOF in the html, you need to be sure that the print statement is in place referencing the EOF. If it is, run the scrip

Re: [techtalk] Unsubscribe????

2000-05-15 Thread WolfRyder
I copied and pasted this from my welcome email. you need your password from when you signed on to the list. "You can also make such adjustments via email by sending a message to: [EMAIL PROTECTED] with the word `help' in the subject or body (don't include the quotes), and you will get back

RE: [techtalk] laptops

2000-05-15 Thread Linda Walsh
I'd speak up for Dell as well -- but with an important note -- get the next business-day on-site servicing. It's worth it! I've a 7500 that's fairly loaded, but it's with me everywhere. It's seen alot of repairs since December. Two keyboards, 2 new ethernet cards @ 1 new dongle (didn't know the

Re: [techtalk] cgi scripts & html output

2000-05-15 Thread Christian MacAuley
What geekgrrl said. :-) Additionally, EOF litterally means "End Of File". ~Christian ___ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk

Re: [techtalk] cgi scripts & html output

2000-05-15 Thread Jenn V.
GeekGrrl wrote: > > Okay, the EOF comes from these statements: > > print <<"EOF"; > html blablahblaah > EOF > > This means print all text from the print statement until the text matchs > "EOF" EOF typically stands for 'End of File', btw. Jenn V. -- "We're repairing the coolant loop of

Re: [techtalk] Unsubscribe????

2000-05-15 Thread Jenn V.
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > > Hello: > Would somebody please direct me to the website where I can ubsubcribe to this list? > I tried going to the linuxchix website but could not get to the account >information... > Thanks in advance > Sri > > ___ > t

Re: [techtalk] cgi scripts & html output

2000-05-15 Thread Sean McAfee
"Shelly L. Hokanson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >it's a message forum script, called DForum. here's the link to the actual >script if anyone wants to look at it. >http://www.dansteinman.com/dforum/forum >here's my problem. >the author uses the EOF command to tell the script to output html. (what