First, my thanks to the person who told me
about the framebuffer drivers. After rebuilding
my kernel with framebuffer drivers active and
installing XF68_FBDev, I have a perfect 1024x768x65K
screen. The refresh rate is slow enough that
I had to turn off refresh-while-moving-windows,
Does anyone have a clue what this means?
"TERMCAP", line 0, col 273, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'xv'
"TERMCAP", line 0, col 276, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'LP'
"TERMCAP", line 0, col 523, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'AX'
"TERMCAP", line 0, col 526, terminal 'sc
> The big one is that the gnome libs 1.0.53 won't compile, because they
> cannot find a file called "xpm.h". I have done a find on the entire
> drive, and this file does not exist. Gnome expects it to be in the
> X11 directory. What package should I download and build to get this
> file?
~ 100
> Does anyone have a clue what this means?
> "TERMCAP", line 0, col 273, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'xv'
> "TERMCAP", line 0, col 276, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'LP'
> "TERMCAP", line 0, col 523, terminal 'screen': unknown capability 'AX'
> "TERMCAP", line 0, col 526,
> Taking a peek at /etc/termcap shows this interesting tidbit (from esr, no
> less):
> # (screen3: removed unknown ":xv:LP:G0:" -- esr)
> screen3|VT 100/ANSI X3.64 virtual terminal:\
> :km:mi:ms:\
> :co#80:it#8:li#24:\
> ...
> I would guess that you're seeing the error mess
> but thanks anyway for you effort, jeff :)
Oh well. I guess if I'm going to be any help, you're just going to have to
have easier problems :-)
Hello all!
I'm using ipchains to filter packets. I have pop open from the outside
so we can check our mail from home, I do not allow telnet into the box
or ftp for that matter. How do I open up port 22 for ssh connections?
I've tried:
$IPCHAINS -A input -i $E_IF -p tcp -s 0/0 -d 0/0 22 -j ACCEPT
Figured it out.
The line should be:
$IPCHAINS -A input -i $E_IF -p tcp -s 0/0 1023 -d (my gateway's
ipnumber)/32 22 -j ACCEPT
Jennifer Tippens wrote:
> Hello all!
> I'm using ipchains to filter packets. I have pop open from the outside
> so we can check our mail from home, I do no
Jennifer Tippens wrote:
> I'm using ipchains to filter packets. I have pop open from the outside
> so we can check our mail from home, I do not allow telnet into the box
> or ftp for that matter. How do I open up port 22 for ssh connections?
> I've tried:
> $IPCHAINS -A input -i $E_IF -p tcp -s