Re: [techtalk] automatically process email

2000-05-09 Thread Gene Dolgner
Greetings! I'm new to the group, so please excuse if my post comes through incorrectly. Been busy lately, so all I've been doing is just reading and not participating (believe they call that lurking). My interest in Linux has been for personal use so far, and have found most of the subjects over

[techtalk] beta 2

2000-05-09 Thread Shelly L. Hokanson
hello all, just a note to any of you who are following my plight into web site land - i've moved to what i hope will be its final testing server. this new server supports CGI, so i can test a few of the scripts that will hopefully make the final cut. all comments and criticisms we

Re: [techtalk] automatically process email

2000-05-09 Thread Christian MacAuley
Thanx grrls! I'm on the right track ... unfortunately i suddenly have a different task that needs to be done "now", so i don't get to figure this one out right away. The unix admin who sits near me (i'm a developer) here says procmail is cool, so i'll probably try using that for the geek appeal

Re: [techtalk] automatically process email

2000-05-09 Thread Laurel Fan
Excerpts from linuxchix: 9-May-100 [techtalk] automatically pr.. by "Christian MacAuley"@jel > This is probably a really basic question, but i can't find an example of it > anywhere. I set up an email account on my FreeBSD server. When this > account receives an email, i want it a Perl script t

[techtalk] automatically process email

2000-05-09 Thread Christian MacAuley
Hello everyone! This is probably a really basic question, but i can't find an example of it anywhere. I set up an email account on my FreeBSD server. When this account receives an email, i want it a Perl script to execute and read that email. Has anyone done that? I just don't know where to s

RE: [techtalk] Can the boot up screen be replaced?

2000-05-09 Thread Mandi
There's an article on about the xdm screen. it's down that page somewhere. On Mon, 8 May 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: > Hey Davida, > There is a way to replace the xdm login screen, unfortunately I can't > remeber off the top of my he

Re: [techtalk] signal 11 - help

2000-05-09 Thread Jeff Dike
> We kept getting random signal 11's with an old 486, but the memory > check didn't find anything. The cpu fan wasn't working, though, so > could that also cause sigsev? Just interested... I think so. If the cpu is overheading, that could cause the same sorts of things. Although, I've mostly

Re: [techtalk] Script file help

2000-05-09 Thread Jeff Dike
> I need some help making a small script file. What I need it do is > copy the directories on one HD to another. I usually do this with 'cd srcdir; tar cpf - | (cd destdir; tar xpf -)' cp -a will apparently do the same thing. Jeff __

Re: [techtalk] Script file help

2000-05-09 Thread Phil Savoie
Hi Kath, Perhaps this is what what your are looking for? Just substitute your dirs for my testdirs. Phil Kath wrote: > > I need some help making a small script file. What I need it do is copy the > directories on one HD to another. > > the source directory is /mnt/DOS_hda1/Program Files/Apa

[techtalk] Script file help

2000-05-09 Thread Kath
I need some help making a small script file. What I need it do is copy the directories on one HD to another. the source directory is /mnt/DOS_hda1/Program Files/Apache Group/Apache/htdocs/ the destination directory is /home/httpd/html/ - Kathy ___

Re: [techtalk] signal 11 - help

2000-05-09 Thread Marie Fischer
On Thu, 4 May 2000, Jeff Dike wrote: > > What does signal 11 mean? > > The question you probably wanted answered more than that is what's going on. > With random behavior like you're getting, and with random SIGSEGVs involved, > my WAG would be bad memory. We kept getting random signal 11's w

Re: [techtalk] blank screen at boot

2000-05-09 Thread Marie Fischer
Thnx to everybody who replied. It turned out to be a mixture of problems, my bf and his friend spent the whole evening on it (I'm studying for exams :( ). In the end, they had two identical m/b's and RAM's that would work together in one way but not the other. And yes, the bios needed to be flashe

RE: [techtalk] Can the boot up screen be replaced?

2000-05-09 Thread Marie Fischer
On Mon, 8 May 2000, Anne Forker wrote: > In /etc, you have 2 files named issue and These files contain > the information which is displayed as a welcome screen. I've tried to > change these files on a RedHat 5.2 box -- but something in the system > rewrote them on shutdown or on bootup