hello all, just a note to any of you who are following my plight into web site land - i've moved techchron.com to what i hope will be its final testing server. this new server supports CGI, so i can test a few of the scripts that will hopefully make the final cut. all comments and criticisms welcome, as i've got a list a mile long of tweaks i'm making based on all the input from all of you! also - still looking for writers! no experience necessary, and if you're afraid that you can't spell/type/write but have something to say, send it in! i'll be sure to proofread upon request! there's no minimum length, so give it a go - send in some words! topics - articles, how-to's, news, opinions, ideas, hardware reviews, software reviews, personal IT experiences, you name it! content is still in development. forward all entries to my listed address, or [EMAIL PROTECTED] thanks all - shelly =) techchron.com beta 2 - girls are techies too! http://jove.prohosting.com/~tchron come write for us! _______________________________________________ techtalk mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED] http://www.linux.org.uk/mailman/listinfo/techtalk