Hi. the above subject maybe is not too correct,but here gos.
I am a new member of this list. just joined yesterday .hope to get to
know you all and I am having a problem with installing the TTS and
other things on my phone. I am useing a E66,and a few days ago,I
installed elequence tts,and talks, a
you can try going to settings>applications>manager and simple change
the certificates item to all and in the next item "check certificate"
disable it and then try installing eloquence, it worked here with a e71.
-----Mensagem original-
De: nishant rana
Para: talks@talksus
I am currently useing a E66,and was looking for some good apps and
tips and tricks on useing talks.
So any games which can be played,even simple ones,anything other like
a cool app or such,nice ringtones ,links to sites are welcome.
Just new to useing phones with a screenreader so want to ex
What I mean by the above subject is,can I install both of them,and run
one or the other on my phone without any problems? and no I don't mean
to run them both together. Just when I have Jaws and any other
screenreader installed on my pc,they won't work properly,so just
Hello. if you are reading this messege the problem is resolved.lol.
I've tryed to send a email to this list 2 or 3 times,but each time I
used to get a bounce something email back. so trying once more,and
here's the old email pasted
Hello to all.
It has been a long time since I last wrote on this li