Hello. if you are reading this messege the problem is resolved.lol.
I've tryed to send a email to this list 2 or 3 times,but each time I
used to get a bounce something email back. so trying once more,and
here's the old email pasted
Hello to all.
It has been a long time since I last wrote on this list, however I
recently got a lisence for talks 5.2 I think that's the latest
version? Anyways,I am useing it on my E5,and it seems to work fine.
but I can't find how to mute it any help with it would be really
great. I know its the talks key,but the other key,I simpley can't
I needed help with skype as well.I have installed 2 different version
of skype on my phone,and tryed to chat with my friend. but sadly, in
one,it reads all the messeges together and in one,it doesn't at
all.when I press up and down arrows after sending the messege,it'll
just say the time at which I've send the first messege,for example 12
30. nothing will happen  after that.even if I press down arrow,right
arrow and left arrow.lol.I know that I am useing the pc's keybord
turms,but in short they are the navigation keys.
If anyone could help me out with a skype version with which chat does
work,and the talks mute key,I'd really be greatful.
Thanking you all in advance,
Si Vis Pacem, Para Belum
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