[Talks] Excel file could be read in e72 with quickoffice and talks

2012-03-15 Thread Paulo Augusto
Hi listers, I'd like to share a simple but usefull experience with talks. I'm surprised to discover that quickoffice in e72 can read a xls file that I had created to help me in the supermarket. I have a column with the name of the products I want and another column with the number of units I want

[Talks] Is FM radio accessible in e72 with talks?

2012-03-15 Thread Paulo Augusto
Listers, I tryed several times to use fm radio in my e72. Only once it worked. I could never make it work again. I always use wired earphones to work as antena. I don't know if there's a trick for talks users, for example to check if fm signal is strong enough or if there are special keystrokes t

Re: [Talks] Excel file could be read in e72 with quickoffice and talks

2012-03-15 Thread Pranav Lal
Hi Paulo, I practically live inside Microsoft Excel so this is encouraging news since I use Talks on an E72 phone. http://lists.talksusers.com/mailman/listinfo/talks Hosting of this list provided courtesy of: eHosting Limited: http://www.ehosting.com/ and Talknav Inc. http://www.talknav.net/