Re: [Talks] When will be the next, talks update?

2013-07-01 Thread
I note your Footer Neil. Tell me can Talks work well on the we b better than iOS or Mobil Speak? If so, how? Where have all our excellent Talks users gone from this list? It used to be such a thriving list but for the past year contributors have dropped off. -Original message- From: Neil

Re: [Talks] When will be the next, talks update?

2013-07-01 Thread Neil Barnfather - TalkNav
Wow, what pessimism, we get minor updates to Talks as Talks was and still is in many respects ahead of offerings on other platforms, there has been no confirmation that Talks is even close to stopping as of yet, and as for the developer, he is sighted and as such, this notion that he has jumped