Am 14.06.23 um 09:47 schrieb Frederik Ramm:
"navaid" may not be the best term since it is used in aviation for
actual physical installations that help with navigations, like radio
beacons or lights.
I am also concerned about the verifiability; is there not a danger
that people will disagr
Hi there,
I just tried looking from the other perspective: Why is it so difficult
to extract proper routes from the osm data and what has already been tried.
I just looked over the the issues and some first-sight information on
github and have seen that we're facing two different problems here:
Am 15.06.23 um 18:38 schrieb Minh Nguyen:
Vào lúc 08:29 2023-06-15, Sebastian Gürtler đã viết:
You only would have to change the wiki page Key:entrance and encourage
people to allow single nodes with the tag entrance=yes and addr:xyz
(like this:
Am 15.08.23 um 14:56 schrieb Greg Troxel:
If there are no objections, I'lpl add a section about the above to the wiki.
I strongly object, because a data router that uses just width will
conclude that the way is usable when it is not. It is a basic
principle of tagging that data consumers th
Am 16.08.23 um 06:33 schrieb Kashish via Tagging:
Thanks for the responses, everyone.
It's not too important to me that we use the median width for width=*, so if we
use width:start=*/width:end=*, we can continue using width=* for the minimum
Tagging way nodes with width=* or width:c
Am 11.10.22 um 14:17 schrieb Marc_marc:
I find that advices about multiple values have inaccuracies
between several pages :
Properties can have a large number of possible values
my reading : key
I agree Andy nearly completely, but I would recommend Brecht to create
the wiki page for the tag with maybe a link
to the proposal and information that the discussion is ongoing, and a
short comment on what you intend by the key and what