Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-07 Thread Mike N
On 10/7/2013 12:27 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: bicycle=no indicates that you cannot (legally) ride your bicycle there. If you dismount and push you become a pedestrian, so you are not riding a bicycle and bicycle=no has no effect on you. There are wilderness trails where no wheels are allow

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-10 Thread Mike N
On 10/10/2013 1:55 PM, Jonathan wrote: The only way to tag the effect that the sign has is to change the access tag to exclude bicycles. What about hints to the router that it's OK to send cyclists on this route instead of taking a longer route? Knowing that speed = walking speed + time to

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-10 Thread Mike N
On 10/10/2013 2:13 PM, fly wrote: >What about hints to the router that it's OK to send cyclists on this >route instead of taking a longer route? Knowing that speed = walking >speed + time to mount/dismount allows it to make a decision when to take >a longer fully rideable route VS dismounting.

Re: [Tagging] Usefulness of bicycle=dismount on ways

2013-10-11 Thread Mike N
On 10/11/2013 7:17 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: A normal dedicated cycleway doesn't allow you to push your bicycle because pedestrians aren't allowed there I'm not familiar with dedicated cycleways - if you have a breakdown and can't repair, is it required that you walk to the nearest road

Re: [Tagging] noexit

2013-12-03 Thread Mike N
On 12/3/2013 8:48 AM, André Pirard wrote: I doubt very much that this tags helps anybody or any quality-check program to understand anything. A note should suffice, and I think the best option would be to remove that confusing tag. It is a signal to quality checking programs such as KeepRight.

Re: [Tagging] noexit=yes on ways ?

2014-04-10 Thread Mike N
On 4/10/2014 12:10 PM, Yves wrote: I guess the problem arises from tagging dead-ends in a geo database. QA tools should keep there false positives for themself, not in OSM, don't you think? Except that I don't use QA tools when editing data. But often as I create something that ends suspic

Re: [Tagging] noexit=yes on ways ?

2014-04-10 Thread Mike N
On 4/10/2014 10:59 AM, Pieren wrote: But we don't have "problems" with the tag on the way ! It's true that the wiki has to document the best practices but it should not fordid practices that are not wrong, harmfull, unclear or ambiguous ! I regret the time when people worked with a more open mind

Re: [Tagging] noexit=yes on ways ? (a typical OSM story)

2014-04-13 Thread Mike N
On 4/13/2014 4:21 PM, Pieren wrote: It's just a long and onerous discussion to find dubious arguments against this tag on ways. It's really an argument against needless clutter in the Wiki. Why not add noexit to a relation to show some condition? To trees to show that once entered, there'

Re: [Tagging] Key:contact - Misleading Infobox?

2014-06-16 Thread Mike N
On 6/16/2014 5:08 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: I think still more people are using phone without the "contact:" prefix, (now it is 347k vs. 63k), and this relation will probably not change. More importantly, to those who actually care about a data consumer using their POI: I'm not aware of

Re: [Tagging] Turn lane tagging

2014-07-19 Thread Mike N
On 5/19/2014 3:34 PM, Tod Fitch wrote: For what it is worth, I've attempted to tag the intersections at and per the wiki but don't know if I've done it correctly. Thanks to the e

[Tagging] Center Turn Lane Tagging?

2014-07-19 Thread Mike N
The only reference to a likely center turn lane tagging I can find is lanes:both_ways= , with a count of only 605 occurrences. Since there are over 22000 turn:lanes:forward , is the center turn lane generally untagged, or is there a better tag than lanes:both_ways?

Re: [Tagging] Route relations - Forward & Backward

2014-09-06 Thread Mike N
On 9/6/2014 7:03 AM, Jo wrote: What I don't do, in the route relations is to add the stop_positions. I don't even always add the stop_position nodes. Adding the stops themselves (the independent nodes on either side of the way) is easy for us, as we have access to the official data and I created

Re: [Tagging] How to model sidewalks, crossings and kerbs with respect to routing applications?

2015-05-07 Thread Mike N
On 5/7/2015 11:57 AM, Stefan Hahmann wrote: My current favourite would be either solution 3 (which is easiest to implement in current routing engines) or solution 1 (for the sake of actual correct modeling). Maybe there are even more (better?) solutions? I tend to migrate toward solution 1 i

Re: [Tagging] Proposed tag shop=wholesale

2015-05-09 Thread Mike N
On 5/9/2015 6:46 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: do you need the membership for access or to buy something? Membership is required for both access or to buy something ... except for the Pharmacy. ___ Tagging mailing list h

Re: [Tagging] Estate agent

2015-05-17 Thread Mike N
On 5/17/2015 1:26 PM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: it looks like since 2010 there is no consensus about how to tag estate agent - shop vs. office. Quick look at taginfo gives clear information, that office=estate_agent is much more popular. you seem to assume that these are about the same thing

Re: [Tagging] README tag with editor support

2015-06-11 Thread Mike N
On 6/11/2015 6:17 PM, David wrote: Perhaps more emphasis is needed on good manners when editing existing data too. I believe these are mostly honest mistakes with good intentions. If someone traces imagery or works a fixup challenge while watching TV, 99.99% of edits might be to verify and m

Re: [Tagging] Proposal: Sunset ref=* on ways in favor of relations

2015-11-06 Thread Mike N
On 11/6/2015 8:00 AM, Christoph Hormann wrote: Stop rendering this key and instead render the relations Is there*any* map style that does this at the moment? AFAIK osm2pgsql does not support including relation membership info in the rendering database. The US developmental version at http:/

Re: [Tagging] Removing name_1 and alt_name_1 from Wiki

2016-01-20 Thread Mike N
On 1/20/2016 3:39 PM, Dominic Coletti wrote: I see 808,000 uses of name_1 and 65,000 of name_2. Many of these are from the US TIGER import, and must not be automatically removed. They would go into alt_name , etc based on local knowledge. ___ Ta

[Tagging] Turn Lane Tagging?

2016-06-10 Thread Mike N
I'm seeing a number of turn lane tagging fixes referencing and making fixes such as before: lanes=4 oneway=yes turn:lanes =left|through|through;right after: lanes=4 oneway=yes left||| The wiki at http://wiki.openstr

Re: [Tagging] Turn Lane Tagging?

2016-06-10 Thread Mike N
This is on the way On 6/10/2016 5:18 PM, Rubén López Mendoza wrote: Hey Mikel, can you send the exact place where did you find the change? We are working fixing the invalid turn lanes. Thanks, Ruben 2016-06-10 16:00 GMT-05:00 Mike N mailto:nice

Re: [Tagging] Turn Lane Tagging?

2016-06-11 Thread Mike N
On 6/11/2016 12:00 PM, Johan C wrote: I completely agree with Marc. Using none as a value in case no turn indication is present is valid, using || isn't. See the values of the turn:lanes key on this page: for reference. Thanks for the confirm

Re: [Tagging] Turn Lane Tagging?

2016-06-11 Thread Mike N
On 6/11/2016 12:00 PM, Johan C wrote: I completely agree with Marc. Using none as a value in case no turn indication is present is valid, using || isn't. See the values of the turn:lanes key on this page: for reference. And I just realized tha

Re: [Tagging] Proposal for standardization of sidewalk schema (+ import)

2016-08-02 Thread Mike N
On 8/2/2016 9:45 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: legally you can't cross anywhere you like but have to use crossings as long as they are in proximity. Practically you can cross anywhere you want where traffic density is not too high. Conceptually, we need a way for mappers to record the level

Re: [Tagging] Proposal for standardization of sidewalk schema (+ import)

2016-08-02 Thread Mike N
On 8/2/2016 5:39 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote: But mapping sidewalks as individual geometries puts considerable burden on the mappers who want to work with the data in an editor. I haven't seen individual geometries to be a burden here where I and another mapper have gravitated from sidewalk=left/r

Re: [Tagging] leisure=track on areas?

2016-08-04 Thread Mike N
On 8/4/2016 1:42 AM, Daniel Koć wrote: but it appears we don't know how should we treat leisure=track: is it a linear object or maybe kind of area? Infobox in wiki article says one thing ("lines only"), but the body of this article shows this is not that easy. I've done some of this also, beca

Re: [Tagging] Abusing name tags on type=route

2016-09-18 Thread Mike N
On 9/18/2016 1:11 AM, Michael Tsang wrote: the use of name=* key on a public transport route is considered an abuse (unless the route has a real name). However, without abusing the name tag, the life is difficult for both the mapper and the user. I proceed with the 'abuse'. It's one thing t

Re: [Tagging] Abusing name tags on type=route

2016-09-18 Thread Mike N
On 9/18/2016 11:28 AM, Craig Wallace wrote: use the "note" key Or the "description" key, if it is something that may be useful for the end user, ie displaying in an app. Neither note nor description display when browsing an OSM changeset. ___ Tag

Re: [Tagging] shop=estate_agent and office=estate_agent

2016-12-07 Thread Mike N
On 12/7/2016 5:48 PM, LeTopographeFou wrote: Several years after this debate, the wiki page of the approved one (shop=estate_agent) have been tagged as "to be merged", both shop and office are documented and here are the statistics: I would also lean toward office= because it describes the sit

Re: [Tagging] railway=level_crossing with in-street trams?

2017-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/4/2017 1:42 PM, Albert Pundt wrote: For trams/trolleys running along a street, is it necessary to have railway=level_crossing at every cross street? It seems strange considering that the entire street is one big level crossing. That was a question I had also, but looked at some places in

Re: [Tagging] railway=level_crossing with in-street trams?

2017-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/4/2017 3:37 PM, Michal Fabík wrote: I think Albert Pundt was asking about cases like this section of tram tracks here: Should it be mapped with two level crossings where it intersects with the northbound lanes of the Friedrichstrasse and the southe

Re: [Tagging] railway=level_crossing with in-street trams?

2017-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/4/2017 4:42 PM, Jo wrote: OK, then we'll take all of them away in Brussels, where I did this extensively. The problem is that OsmAnd is constantly warning for railway crossings now, so that is annoying. That sounds like a data consumer problem - option or never to warn if crossing is tram

Re: [Tagging] railway=level_crossing with in-street trams?

2017-04-04 Thread Mike N
On 4/4/2017 4:42 PM, Jo wrote: Any suggestions for a tag? Or leave those crossings untagged? It's quite obvious from the geometry there is a crossing and quite logical that it's level. It would be convenient for data consumers to have the crossing explicitly tagged without having to examine

Re: [Tagging] railway=level_crossing with in-street trams?

2017-04-08 Thread Mike N
On 4/8/2017 10:31 AM, Tristan Anderson wrote: Where a tram line shares a right-of-way with the street, that is, where I can drive my car down the tracks, no crossing tag is necessary as the whole street is one big level crossing. Where it's separate, railway=level_crossing should be used. There

Re: [Tagging] Formally informal sidewalks

2017-07-14 Thread Mike N
On 7/14/2017 8:14 AM, Marc Gemis wrote: but merge sidewalk with the road where the is no space/barier between them. and that's were the discussion starts. When I asked when one has to draw a separate sidewalk a few weeks ago on this mailing list someone answered: as soon as there is a kerb.

Re: [Tagging] website=*url* vs. contact:website=*url*

2011-05-12 Thread Mike N
On 5/12/2011 4:52 PM, Flaimo wrote: the numbers you list are like that because, as i mentioned before, most use the presets for tagging. if the presets would be changed to use the contact: prefix, the situation would be exactly the contrary in two years. so we should list advantages and disadvant

Re: [Tagging] service=drive-through or drive_through?

2011-06-29 Thread Mike N
On 6/29/2011 8:46 AM, SomeoneElse wrote: That's irrelevant; you're still changing data across the planet. I don't see these edits as out of line or unusual. It's not so different from the dozens of other projects to create more unified tags so that data consumers have a chance of using th

Re: [Tagging] service=drive-through or drive_through?

2011-06-29 Thread Mike N
On 6/29/2011 9:31 AM, Jonathan Bennett wrote: On 29/06/2011 14:19, Mike N wrote: I don't see these edits as out of line or unusual. It's not so different from the dozens of other projects to create more unified tags so that data consumers have a chance of using the right tag. I s

Re: [Tagging] service=drive-through or drive_through?

2011-07-04 Thread Mike N
On 7/4/2011 12:14 PM, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote: OK, I think we have provided ample arguments for both sides. Only three of us have debated this point in the last few hours and I'd really like to hear other people's thoughts on this so that we can gauge if there's a consensus for whatever. I

Re: [Tagging] Entrance and exit roads for parking lots: `service=?`

2011-08-07 Thread Mike N
On 8/7/2011 4:17 PM, Gioele Barabucci wrote: I found some instances of "driveway leading to a parking lot" and similar sentences. Is is OK, from a linguistic point of view, to identify these roads as driveways? I agree that having the parking lot entrance tagged as parking_aisle is not quit

Re: [Tagging] Relations (was directions)

2011-08-09 Thread Mike N
On 8/9/2011 10:44 AM, Serge Wroclawski wrote: Relations make the map hard to work with. Agree - one of the barriers to entry by new mappers is the complexity. We need to do everything possible to keep it simple and usable. And not just by creating ever-more-complex models and updating all

Re: [Tagging] sidewalk tag when mapped as a separate way

2011-08-23 Thread Mike N
On 8/23/2011 6:05 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote: If a sidewalk is mapped as a separate way, what's the appropriate sidewalk=* tag for the parallel highway? Just a guess, that there would be no sidewalk= for the highway, otherwise the imaginary rendering / routing will infer a duplicate sidewalk

Re: [Tagging] [Imports] Bus data for Fairfax Connector, Fairfax County, Virginia, USA

2011-08-27 Thread Mike N
On 8/27/2011 3:09 AM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote: Skip the name for a bus stop. If rendered it would create clutter. I'd say the opposite; the stop name is very useful to anyone using the "Public Transport" JOSM plugin to check and organize stops so that stops can be recognized, rather than just

Re: [Tagging] [Imports] Bus data for Fairfax Connector, Fairfax County, Virginia, USA

2011-08-27 Thread Mike N
On 8/27/2011 8:43 PM, Josh Doe wrote: >> The only caution to assigning a name is that GTFS discourages making up names for stops that haven't been given formal names. > Where can I find this recommendation? All I see in the spec is: "stop_name - Required. The stop_name field contains the name

Re: [Tagging] RFC: shop=pastry

2011-11-27 Thread Mike N
On 11/27/2011 11:19 AM, Greg Troxel wrote: I am not aware of any that sell cake only, and not other kinds of dessert. is probably very close: cake plus one or two additional items. Instead of shop=pastry, I would say shop=bakery bakery=pastry, because then t

Re: [Tagging] Rd --> Road

2012-01-02 Thread Mike N
On 12/29/2011 12:53 PM, Richard Welty wrote: i saw some failures of a script run over Nevada Iowa last year (not necessarily the script you're referring to): the script had converted E Ave to East Avenue, N Ave to North A

Re: [Tagging] When should a name:* translation be used?

2012-01-30 Thread Mike N
On 1/30/2012 1:14 PM, Nathan Edgars II wrote: The question is how far we go. Should every Main Street be translated into hundreds of languages? Well, for Orange County FL, one could make the case that it serves tourists, since many visitors come from around the world. But the question of e

Re: [Tagging] Custom mailboxes

2012-02-20 Thread Mike N
On 2/20/2012 10:53 AM, Nathan Edgars II wrote: Would it be reasonable to map custom personal mailboxes that are essentially public art (e.g. in the shape of a manatee)? Or is this going a bit too far? I would say that it depends - if the mailbox is truly custom, and not just a mass produced

Re: [Tagging] "contact:phone" or "phone" to combine with "amenity=telephone"

2012-04-26 Thread Mike N
On 4/26/2012 8:51 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: Can we use the taginfo stats to revert the change made the 2nd may > 2010 where "phone" has been replaced by "contact:phone" and add a big > "deprecate" notice on the "contact:" namespace wiki ? (overall, we > still have 10 times more "phone" th

Re: [Tagging] Data redundancy with "ref" tag on ways vs relations

2012-08-01 Thread Mike N
On 8/1/2012 2:51 PM, Peter Wendorff wrote: Bing I think provided the imagery, but I don't think we really got much mappers through bing. Apart from the news we got due to that in the press, I don't even believe many bing users REALIZE that they use an open project where they could contribute.

Re: [Tagging] Extended tagging schema - my thoughts

2012-08-10 Thread Mike N
On 8/10/2012 11:33 AM, Richard Welty wrote: the problem is that there are many data consumers. we don't have control over the schedule/responsiveness of their supporters (nor should we). for any incompatible change like this one, there will be a period where a non-trivial number of data consumers

Re: [Tagging] Tag ref on motorway_link

2012-10-23 Thread Mike N
On 10/23/2012 4:10 PM, Johan C wrote: c) it quite often will be impossible for any (present/future) routing engine to always predict the right exit number based on the motorway_junction ref. Imagine a more complicated junction. These may use y-splits where one highway=motorway is split into two h

Re: [Tagging] exit_to on motorway_junction

2012-11-18 Thread Mike N
>> 4. is it clear for you when to use exit_to and when to use >> destination? > >Yes: Don't use exit_to anymore Where was everyone a year or 2 ago when exit_to came into being? Count| Tag 22 516 |exit_to On 11/18/2012 3:59 PM, Philip Barnes wrote: Thats the point I am making, t

Re: [Tagging] exit_to on motorway_junction

2012-11-20 Thread Mike N
On 11/20/2012 3:43 PM, Johan C wrote: 1. does the tag exit_to=* on a motorway_junction in your opinion have the same meaning as the tag name=* on that motorway_junction? No -They are different. 2. if your answer to the first question is no, than what is the difference? Some motorways in t

Re: [Tagging] railway=abandoned + highway=cycleway

2013-04-18 Thread Mike N
On 4/18/2013 11:22 AM, Steve Bennett wrote: 2) Two ways, not sharing nodes Advantages: - keep information separate, retain everything about the train line Disadvantages: - messy for editing, rendering I would tend to keep it separate. Ideally, once it is a cycleway, it "is" a cycleway, and n

Re: [Tagging] Photo links in OSM

2013-06-11 Thread Mike N
On 6/11/2013 4:18 PM, Richard Welty wrote: i'm not sure that flickr links to jpgs are particularly stable, you may want to consider that in your documentation of a flickr link. flickr links these days look like this: and while you can di

Re: [Tagging] Childcare Tag

2013-07-10 Thread Mike N
On 7/9/2013 5:42 PM, Serge Wroclawski wrote: Because some people like voting. Some people like bureaucracy, and rules of order, and all that, and so we have one for them. And some people like the idea that someone might eventually be able to consume the tags in a useful application. ___

Re: [Tagging] funny tags: turning_radius

2013-08-29 Thread Mike N
On 8/29/2013 10:33 AM, Pieren wrote: I will remove it from the "map features" page. Radius can be calculated from the way geometry. It has been used 7 times by one user so far... Next comments on this should be forwarded to the tagging list. Although not mentioned on the Wiki, this tag would be

Re: [Tagging] How to overcome lack of consensus

2013-09-18 Thread Mike N
On 9/18/2013 5:48 AM, Pieren wrote: An additional WHERE statement can solve issues for the renderers but they may fail to help other data consumers. It's been my experience that data consumers don't go deep in general to untangle tagging chaos. No one goes after that leisure=slipway entity

[Tagging] Housenumber interpolation with regularlyskipped numbers

2009-10-12 Thread Mike N.
I'll have to admit that I haven't been surveying for *missing* numbers - I have been only collecting the beginning and end of each group. A search by address number would yield quite an accurate location. But the reverse case, using my data in the OSM database as a postal mailing address va

Re: [Tagging] Housenumber interpolation with regularlyskippednumbers

2009-10-12 Thread Mike N.
> 2) define a way to enter estimated/incomplete interpolation. > The way to enter incomplete interpolation info could resemble the > Karlsruhe schema (incomplete_interpolation=* or whatever) or it could be > combined with a dedicated TIGER addressing scheme as Anthony suggests. I > don't know anyt

Re: [Tagging] Housenumber interpolation with regularlyskippednumbers

2009-10-13 Thread Mike N.
>> TIGER obfuscates the data by declaring the entire numbering range of a >> zone: for example a "400 block / Even" containing houses 404 through 420 >> would be declared as "range Even / 400-498" in TIGER. For navigation >> purposes, that gets you to within one block of an address. > > Maybe the

Re: [Tagging] Housenumber interpolation with regularlyskippednumbers

2009-10-13 Thread Mike N.
> Just because you're using address interpolation doesn't mean you have > to use the Karlsruhe Schema, though. If you have no idea where a > house is other than it's relative location on a street, you shouldn't > use the Karlsruhe Schema. You shouldn't randomly tag locations away > from the stree

Re: [Tagging] Housenumber interpolation with regularlyskippednumbers

2009-10-13 Thread Mike N.
>> A relation would work, but would certainly hide addressing details from >> any untrained community wishing to submit corrections. > > We shouldn't jump through convoluted hoops avoiding relations simply > because the editors don't yet make relations easy to edit. It's not just the editors

Re: [Tagging] Housenumber interpolation with regularlyskippednumbers

2009-10-14 Thread Mike N.
Thanks for creating a comprehensive sample map.For the case of mapping this type of multi-tenant building, I would be comfortable with either of the middle case tagging formats as being both easy to create, maintain, and useful for navigation. >The ways just north and south of the right sid

Re: [Tagging] The current problem with tagging

2009-10-18 Thread Mike N.
> From there if an API could be created for editors we could do things > like mousing over a tag in JOSM/potlatch then throws up a page of text > describing the tag. > > Any tags the are entered that aren't in the database could generate a > prompt asking people to document it on the spot, alternat

Re: [Tagging] The current problem with tagging

2009-10-18 Thread Mike N.
>> the wiki allows >> people to easily document things, but you can't easily find them and >> I'm talking about everyone here, especially those that are only likely >> to use the map features page. > > Can you give an example here? I actually don't know what situation you > are thinking about. Answ

Re: [Tagging] The current problem with tagging

2009-10-18 Thread Mike N.
> Why google? There is a search box in the wiki that I'd use first: > > > First hit is the abandoned proposal amenity=lawyer. Unfortunately, > there's a lot of ODBL and licensing results, too, so maybe we could > introduce a

Re: [Tagging] The current problem with tagging

2009-10-18 Thread Mike N.
> Searching the wiki is tedious, at least someone else realised that a > formal > search engine did it more efficiently, and has let me know. In this case, it found the relevant r

Re: [Tagging] The current problem with tagging

2009-10-19 Thread Mike N.
> just go ahead. There is no limit, and everyone can document everything > on his personal wiki page (IMHO _this_ would lead to bad results, as > you get everyones own definition and are left alone for deciding, > which one you prefer, whilst today we maintain one page which displays > (at it's bes

[Tagging] Estimated Housenumber interpolation

2009-10-31 Thread Mike N.
I believe there are many uses for an extension of the address interpolation concept to data and surveys of less than 100% accuracy. - Survey of streets of new construction where the endpoints are known, but not all houses are yet present. - Survey of streets of new construction where the end

[Tagging] How to tag un-named roundabout?

2009-11-19 Thread Mike N.
I have run into several un-named roundabouts which contain 3-6 feeder roads. Keepright, etc consider an unnamed road as an error. I could use highway=road, but this is described as an implied FIXME=yes. I could possibly assign the name of the most important feeder road. How should this be tag

Re: [Tagging] How to tag un-named roundabout?

2009-11-20 Thread Mike N.
> You seem a bit unclear. Do you mean name as in name=The Cyril Smith > Roundabout or highway=trunk etc? I was referring to whether the name= tag is required. Thanks for the answers, the consensus is that it is not required for roundabouts with no name. > If the former, not all have a na

Re: [Tagging] How to tag un-named roundabout?

2009-11-20 Thread Mike N.
> Not sure. It's a guess. Changing the highway category to "road" might > disable the check in KeepRight. highway=road is like leaving an implied FIXME=yes tag, according to the wiki. I'd prefer the nonname=yes workaround, if any. I mentioned KeepRight, but it turns out that KeepRight and

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-us] shared driveways

2009-11-21 Thread Mike N.
> On Saturday 21 November 2009 16:24:23 Anthony wrote: >> I don't understand what was meant by "These are also role=access in >> the relation." What relation? > > A relation of "type=site" probably. It would be good to update the Wik

[Tagging] How to tag Plaza / Courtyard

2009-11-29 Thread Mike N.
I keep running into small uncovered areas by one or more building walls that may have flowers / grass / or small bushes , but can be all brick / stone. We refer to them as plaza or courtyard here, and many of them are named. I can't find a tag that fits well - the closest would be leisure=gard

Re: [Tagging] bicycle=no

2009-12-04 Thread Mike N.
> - bicycle=no -> you are not allowed to ride a bike > - bicycle=prohibited -> the presence of bikes is not allowed > - bicycle=folded_only -> you can have a folded bike > > I would hope this covers most cases. There is the odd case of fragile and protected nature trails which conne

Re: [Tagging] Government buildings

2009-12-07 Thread Mike N.
The tagging reference procedure is definitely grown beyond easy usage.An interactive tagging reference resource like the John Smith's demo site from a short time ago is on the top of my "most wanted list". From: Steve Bennett Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 12:55 AM To: Tag discussion, st

Re: [Tagging] Solving the tag chaos (was: Re: Government buildings)

2009-12-07 Thread Mike N.
chaos (was: Re: Government buildings) On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 11:58 PM, Mike N. wrote: The tagging reference procedure is definitely grown beyond easy usage.An interactive tagging reference resource like the John Smith's demo site from a short time ago is on the top of my "m

Re: [Tagging] Comparison of tag support: Mapnik, Osmarender, Potlatch, JOSM, Kosmos, Map Features (wiki)

2009-12-14 Thread Mike N.
> No. is not intended to become "the better Google > Maps". is a showcase for what you can do with our > data. It cannot, and will not, host every map that someone could > possibly want made from our data. > > Our data is there for the taking - you want OpenShop

Re: [Tagging] Comparison of tag support: Mapnik, Osmarender, Potlatch, JOSM, Kosmos, Map Features (wiki)

2009-12-14 Thread Mike N.
> The rendering rules doesn't matter a lot in this regard. It only > displays a cycleway with a certain color, thickness and such - so it can > be recognized as a cycleway. What the mapper wants to describe with > highway=cycleway and what a map user understands out of this is > basically out of th

Re: [Tagging] Using relations to group highways

2010-01-06 Thread Mike N.
> As for the shields this is deviating from the topic at hand but for it > the shield can be derived from the lookup table on the wiki and then > extra preprossesing in osm2pgsql to assign a shield based on admin > polygons + info from the lookup table What is the advantage in separating the shi

Re: [Tagging] What's a power=station?

2010-01-20 Thread Mike N.
> Instead: "Would it be more effective to store POI's in an open > directory (i.e. indexed by address), rather than in the OSM database > (i.e. indexed by lat/long)?" > > I think it's an interesting question. I'm not convinced. The original argument was that it is easier to update when the

Re: [Tagging] What do we map

2010-01-22 Thread Mike N.
> Has anyone created the opposite? A map with clickable hyperlinked POIs > that take you to the photo source? > Is this even possible? This isn't my work, but I'm working with the original author to further refine this and

Re: [Tagging] What do we map

2010-01-22 Thread Mike N.
> Personally, I find the graphics a bit 'in your face' but the panning & > zooming is still good. When extras are added to online maps I find the > slipperiness is compromised. Could you elaborate on the compromised slipperiness part? For me, in Firefox, the zoom control doesn't work, but I h

Re: [Tagging] What's a power=station?

2010-01-22 Thread Mike N.
> I'm not advocating using the directory instead of amenity=cafe or > amenity=fuel or whatever. But in the long term, the ideal solution > would probably be to allow that directory type information to be > maintained separately, in a more convenient form than a 2D map. > Particularly since while a

Re: [Tagging] ref tags and "reference routes"

2010-02-03 Thread Mike N.
> so should a reference route designation that isn't on a sign go in a ref > tag or not? the wiki doesn't > discuss this. if ref shouldn't have this, perhaps a variant on ref is > needed? I would say no - because the ref tag can generate route shields. I would be very confused if the county r

Re: [Tagging] Cleaning up

2010-05-05 Thread Mike N.
>What inevitable ?. I think that drawing sidewalks is silly and waste of time. Around here, sidewalks can be such a novelty that I recently read a request of someone looking for a map of my city with sidewalks - "Does anyone know if a map exists showing which streets have sidewalks ..." htt

Re: [Tagging] Builders' Merchants -> Timber Merchant

2010-06-24 Thread Mike N.
On 24 June 2010 21:43, ael wrote: Does yard have the wrong connotations in the US? Residential garden? Yes, there is the "residential lawn" context, but "Lumber yard" is common, but that's the only retail-related usage I can think of off the top of my head. ___

[Tagging] office=*

2010-07-28 Thread Mike N.
I'm confused because I was thinking that tags on Map_Features page were all approved tags.. Sometimes even approved tags are not useful. I tagged a large number of approved contact:phone= , but found that OSM map data consumers I looked at all used the *disapproved* tag phone=. Tagwatch

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] emergency=*

2010-07-30 Thread Mike N.
I don't understand this argument. Doesn't every tag change anywhere "break every editor/renderer/search/data user" whether or not you think it is correct? John has just as much right to go change all the amenity= tags to something more specific as you do to keep them the same. Data consumers

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] emergency=*

2010-07-30 Thread Mike N.
I thought most smart phone apps would mostly view map tiles, either OSM or Cloudmade? There are several apps now for the iPhone which also search POIs. Some examples: -JOSM allows tagging whether banks include an ATM - I select this when the ATM is attached to the building or inside the

Re: [Tagging] emergency=*

2010-08-01 Thread Mike N.
I don't think it is. Amenity has a meaning & most in map features are correctly tagged for it (not sure about architect office though). That should be under office now: ___ Tagging mailing list Taggi

Re: [Tagging] Half-side turning circle?

2010-08-08 Thread Mike N.
It is not a separate cul-de-sac; it is just considered part of the same street. I would run a way to the center of the radius, add the turning circle, and give it the same tags as the street. Although that segment is very short, it reflects the street layout.

[Tagging] Tagging for streets with sharrows?

2010-08-10 Thread Mike N.
There are a number of local streets being converted from 4-lane to 2 lanes + center turn + sharrows. What is the best way to tag these - they were discussed briefly in the recent "shoulder, etc" thread, but I can't find any consensus. I fo

Re: [Tagging] Half-side turning circle?

2010-08-10 Thread Mike N.
I would run a way to the center of the radius, add the turning circle, and give it the same tags as the street. Although that segment is very short, it reflects the street layout. That doesn't reflect the street layout unless there really is a separate physical segment of street. I'd just pl

Re: [Tagging] Tagging for streets with sharrows?

2010-08-13 Thread Mike N.
But it's not effectively the same thing. If it were, sharrows wouldn't have ever been invented. Now, Steve (and Mike), what's wrong (if anything) with bicycle=designated; sharrow=yes? Considering - bicycle=yes - not useful; generally implied bicycle=yes can be derived from type of highway

[Tagging] Another tagging attribute for park benches?

2010-08-18 Thread Mike N.
amenity=bench New tag attributes toll=yes spikes=yes to go with - color= material= backrest=yes/no seats= ___ Tagging mailing list http://lists.opens

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] collection/street relation: which one touse?

2010-08-20 Thread Mike N.
Aren't relations easily editable? But wait, you wouldn't actually have to edit it! The first mapper to create the way or to add a house number would create the relation, which, admittedly, may be a slightly harder task In JOSM with the address interpolation plugin, the associated street relat

[Tagging] Street names

2010-08-29 Thread Mike N.
When tagging a street name and it seems that the street signs are incorrect - all businesses on that street use the alternate spelling as their street address - which name to use? Using the 'Correct name" is confusing when navigating to the street because the street sign won't exactly match

Re: [Tagging] amenity=ice_cream: approved?

2010-09-27 Thread Mike N.
(By the way, nobody seems to have brought up the existence of frozen yogurt places and whether these fit into the new tag.) Or "Smoothie" / "Fruit Smoothie" -only places. ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openst

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