[Tagging] Mixed paid, free and forbidden parking

2018-01-28 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! Near Prado Museum in Madrid, there is a parking zone that is paid (with time limit) from 9:00 to 21:00 on weekdays and saturdays, free (without time limit) sundays from 15:00 to 00:00, free (without time limit) from 21:00 to 9:00 on weekdays, free (without time limit) on saturdays from 21:00 fr

Re: [Tagging] Mixed paid, free and forbidden parking

2018-01-28 Thread José G Moya Y .
; also discusses parking:condition for time dependance. > > I would not map the pollution restriction since it is very dependent on > occasional situations. > > On 28.01.2018 12:40, José G Moya Y. wrote: > >> Hi! >> Near Prado Museum in Madrid, there is a parking zone

Re: [Tagging] wayside shrine tag definition page

2018-02-12 Thread José G Moya Y .
There could be some bias on the translation. As an example, the name ID gives to it in Spanish (santuario al borde del camino=holy place close to a road) is somehow arbitrary. As most beginners read the translated tag name only, and different languages make different segmentations of reality, havi

Re: [Tagging] Campaniles tagging

2018-03-12 Thread José G Moya Y .
I think I send a message in the past about how to tag a Carillon that is not a man_made=tower (Carillon in the wall of a building). I think I finally put it in the tourist_attraction category. El 12/3/2018 10:55, "Max" escribió: > Related information: What type of bell is in there? > Just one, o

Re: [Tagging] Tagging fraction house numbers?

2018-03-12 Thread José G Moya Y .
Here in Spain it is more usual 40 bis, 40 dup, 40-2, 40b/c/d... but seeing this scheme I understand the "platform 8 1/2" in Harry Potter. I would tag address number without special chars. I don't know wich set of ascii does the government use in your country. In mine, the abbreviation for "street"

Re: [Tagging] Manor tagging

2018-03-17 Thread José G Moya Y .
There are structures which are "manors" and I would't tag as a castle. As an example, a Spanish "cortijo" is the center of a big (originally, feudal) estate that is metonymically called "cortijo", too. The central building has a defensive purpose. Historians would say some walled villages are shap

Re: [Tagging] Manor tagging

2018-03-20 Thread José G Moya Y .
Well, in some villages there are palaces that were never fortified. This is the case, for example, of the Palace of Count of Superunda, north of this point: https://www.openstreetmap.org/#map=19/42.25708/-2.63038 It is just a big abandoned house in the middle of a village. There are many palace-ho

Re: [Tagging] Attendant on amenity=fuel

2018-03-30 Thread José G Moya Y .
I understand you can tag "self_service:no" in case of attended fuel stations? As Javier says, disabled people use to need attended fuel stations. In Spain (are you from here, Javier?) some administrative areas (atonomous communities) are moving to enforce attended fuel stations. In other countrie

Re: [Tagging] highway=stop and highway=give_way to traffic_sign=stop and traffic_sign=give_way

2018-04-02 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi. I'm also Spanish, and I'm very newbie. But here is my interpretation: I understand "traffic_sign" is not related to the subjacent way, so "highway" is used instead for signs that are relevant for pathfinding. Also, highway shows some implicit values not shown on "vertical signals" (i guess "tr

Re: [Tagging] highway=stop and highway=give_way to traffic_sign=stop and traffic_sign=give_way

2018-04-02 Thread José G Moya Y .
Forgot to say I read somewhere the opposite of your proposal, translating some traffic_sign to highway. Don't remember where. El lun., 2 de abril de 2018 10:46, José G Moya Y. escribió: > Hi. > I'm also Spanish, and I'm very newbie. But here is my interpretation: > >

Re: [Tagging] isced:level

2018-04-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
Well, I see some edits in the past year adding info for Australia and New Zealand. In a mail discussion this summer (I'm in a mobile so I can't search mail while writing) I think someone talked abou ISCED, but I'm not sure. I used it to tag the school where I work, also. I think ISCED is a nice s

Re: [Tagging] tagging cycleable city-models focused on simulating road network

2018-04-23 Thread José G Moya Y .
I like "training=traffic_education" for the ones addressed to children. When i was on one of those, as a children, i was too young to ride a bicycle (miniature bikes for children under six were not common in spain in the early seventies). So "training=cycling" is wrong, sine most of these parks ar

Re: [Tagging] When was the deprecation of location=kiosk for power=substation discussed?

2018-04-25 Thread José G Moya Y .
It was François Lacombe on this list 9n Jan 2, 2018. El mié., 3 de enero de 2018 0:14, François Lacombe < fl.infosrese...@gmail.com> escribió: Hi, Regarding this location=kiosk topic, a discussion was opened on talk page of power=substation key. https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:Tag:power%

Re: [Tagging] musical_instrument tag for publicly available musical instruments

2018-04-29 Thread José G Moya Y .
I think this is a good idea, but, in the suggestion of Thorsten, I find problematic the use of "access=" tag when instruments are in a bar. Imagine a bar with a private piano is tagged as a point: amenity=bar amenity=musical_instrument musical_instrument=piano access=private It does not make clea

Re: [Tagging] musical_instrument tag for publicly available musical instruments

2018-04-29 Thread José G Moya Y .
eable then trying to tag everything on a single > node. > > > > In that regards it’s the same as tagging e.g. a café inside a bookshop. > > > > *From:* José G Moya Y. > *Sent:* Sunday, 29 April 2018 18:37 > *To:* Tag discussion, strategy and related tools

Re: [Tagging] tagging LPG only station

2018-05-06 Thread José G Moya Y .
When I saw your email, I looked for a lpg station near my home and I saw I had to include your lpg-only tags on it (changeset #: 58738167). I still have to check if it is taxi only or general purpose lpg station. Yours, Jose El dom., 6 de mayo de 2018 20:15, Thilo Haug OSM escribió: > fuel:die

Re: [Tagging] Sample tagging for highways with no lane markings

2018-05-22 Thread José G Moya Y .
@Martin:I don't want to be a troll, but I feel there is some inconsistence between answers in this thread and answers in cycle:lanes last week. @javier, yopaseopor: I don't drive, but I think you can overtake a Guardia Civil car in two-way roads where there are one lane. The cycle:lane thread told

Re: [Tagging] Sample tagging for highways with no lane markings

2018-05-23 Thread José G Moya Y .
El mié., 23 de mayo de 2018 9:28, Javier Sánchez Portero < javiers...@gmail.com> escribió: > > > Anyway, for your example of the LR-333 road, most of the time it isn't > enough wide for two cars to pass comfortably (see here > https://goo.gl/maps/6PC2Wfkfw7A2 like the van has to put the wheel in t

Re: [Tagging] marking shop as street vendor

2018-05-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
Three years ago I read about rules for street vendors in my city, Madrid. The rules design as "street vendors" a mix of: a) Newsagent kiosks and similar (ONCE kiosks). Most of them are permanent, not dismantled at night. b) Churro/french fries/hot dog vans/kiosks. They operate on winter only, some

Re: [Tagging] marking shop as street vendor

2018-05-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
I forgot to include the point of my previous message -- I think that being dismantled every night is not so important. P.D. Enviado desde un móvil (celular). Disculpe las erratas. No veo bien la pantalla... El lun., 28 de mayo de 2018 7:51, José G Moya Y. escribió: > Three years ago I r

Re: [Tagging] Access=no for bus lanes

2018-06-09 Thread José G Moya Y .
IHi! I think bike/charriot/horse/motorbike access should not be taked for granted in bus lanes, as you said. In my city, bikes are forbidden in bus lanes. They are too narrow to allow a bus overpass a bycicle, and not all bycicles are faster than a bus. In Madrid, bikes should use the rightmost l

Re: [Tagging] Fwd: Feature Proposal - Voting - Dog poop area (dog_toilet)

2018-06-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! Just a question. I think someone else (or maybe myself) asked it on a previous discussion. You provide means to tag collection bags and bins. How do we tag when we only have the bins (but not a dedicated poop area)? Thanks. Greetings from Madrid, José Moya El lun., 11 de junio de 2018 0:54,

Re: [Tagging] Fwd: Feature Proposal - Voting - Dog poop area (dog_toilet)

2018-06-11 Thread José G Moya Y .
> > > Tagging of collection bags and bins should probably make use of existing > tags for such features instead of adding new ones. > > > > Same in regards to availability of water, though I haven’t looked into > what if any existing tags are already used for that. >

Re: [Tagging] Spanish "manors"

2018-07-04 Thread José G Moya Y .
Search in this list for "[Tagging] Manor tagging" around march 14th. The manor is the area around the house (la finca) The manor house it the house itself. Yours, José Moya El 4/7/2018 12:36 PM, "César Martínez Izquierdo" escribió: > Hi, > > I wonder the best way to tag Spanish historic farmhous

[Tagging] "sym" tag

2018-07-24 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! I've found some places of worship tagged with the undocumented "sym=church" tag. It appears to be added from some old software, since the"name" tag in the same element is truncated to eight characters. It's surprising to see how these places are being rendered as churches despite of this tag d

Re: [Tagging] "sym" tag

2018-07-24 Thread José G Moya Y .
s not church but a hermit. Regarding the rendering, I've discovered there was a amenity=place_of_worship node hidden under the marker of the node I was talking about. That explains it being rendered. El mar., 24 jul. 2018 17:38, Andy Townsend escribió: > On 24/07/2018 15:59, José G M

Re: [Tagging] RFC: property for the presence of pitch markings

2018-07-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi, Martin, What about if there is a basketball pitch (basketball hoops are on the pitch) but lines are for futsal only? Maybe some like this? leisure=pitch pitch=basket; futsal lines:futsal =yes lines:basketball =no Yours, José 2018-07-27 0:43 GMT+02:00 Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com>: >

Re: [Tagging] Missing access value (access=license / authorization?)

2018-07-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! For the rest of us Like Kevin, I followed this email list for a couple years. The first case I read about was the lakes of Alaska (Sept 21st 2017), but I'm sure there were more threads on this matter before. For cases where you get your permit on the entrance of a national park or similar,

[Tagging] When is a way not a way? [Was: Missing access value (access=license / authorization?)]

2018-08-13 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! In a post about access=permit, Kevin Kevin wrote: El lun., 13 ago. 2018 18:10, Kevin Kenny escribió: > - what is the > point of mapping a way that's impassable to everything? When is a way > not a way? It does indeed make sense when some transport mode has an > answer other than 'no'. > I

Re: [Tagging] consensus needed: officially a town but visibly distinct settlements?

2018-08-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
Plwase take into notice that, in some countries, the difference between suburb, hamlet, town or village is not only based on population but in political issues, such as self-government, also. When I see my hometown is defined as "aldea" (hamlet) in wikidata I always got angry, because, being stati

Re: [Tagging] consensus needed: officially a town but visibly distinct settlements?

2018-08-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
h the Lithuanian and Russian community? >> >> Yves >> >> Le 18 août 2018 16:37:28 GMT+02:00, Michael Tsang a >> écrit : >>> >>> On Saturday 18 August 2018 22:10:15 HKT José G Moya Y. wrote: >>> >>>> Plwase take into notice that,

Re: [Tagging] What is a VTC car in OSM ?

2018-08-21 Thread José G Moya Y .
VTC is how rental cars with professional driver are called in Spain. I think the rest of the thread clarifies this: It is the Spanish name for Uber, Cabify and other companies that provide private transport services but are not taxis (their cars are not equipped with taxi meter). El mar., 21 ag

[Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! Path 374362033 ( https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/374362033 ) is a building with no windows in Calle del Fúcar, 28014 Madrid that contains a phone exchange (originally it was a gigantic relay system for the phones of the area, now probably replaced with smaller computers and microcontrollers)

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Free drinking water by private entities

2018-09-20 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! If we start mapping refill=soft_drinks;coffee... and so on, how would you map sites where some soft drinks are refillable and some are not? As an example, in Ikea the bottled unsugared top-brand cola drink (I don't remember whether it is coke zero or pepsi max) can not be refilled, where the un

Re: [Tagging] mast / tower / communication_tower (again)

2018-10-01 Thread José G Moya Y .
Michael Booth says that this is not a tower, but it seems to have stairs inside, and even windows. https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tour_hertzien ne_de_Villeneuve-d%27Ascq WP says it is over 100m tall, too. I don't have a telecomm background, but I think the "seems to be a building, is hollow insid

Re: [Tagging] iD Editor - unclear translations ( QA ) - 2018Oct

2018-10-06 Thread José G Moya Y .
I think these unclear translations come from the fact different languages make a different split in the world. As an example, in Spanish we have many different words (bar, mesón, restaurante, cantina, café, cafetería, chiringuito, pub/bar de copas, cervecería, bodeguilla, whiskería, taberna, txok

[Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - building:architecture:preromanesque

2017-08-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
the link here: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/building:architecture% 3Dpreromanesque Yours, José Moya (Jose M) El 18/8/2017 10:17, "José G Moya Y." escribió: > I am proposed this tag to describe middle age buildings created before the > "romanesque

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - building:architecture:preromanesque

2017-08-23 Thread José G Moya Y .
a proposal for the Andalusian civilization, also. El 23/8/2017 1:01, "Martin Koppenhoefer" escribió: sent from a phone > On 18. Aug 2017, at 11:22, José G Moya Y. wrote: > > I propose this tag to describe middle age buildings created before the "romanesque revol

Re: [Tagging] oneway:bicycle

2017-08-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
In Madrid, in Puerta del Sol, there is a two-way bicycle way that shares space with a one-way car street. I haven't checked how it is mapped, but I guess a parallel line for bicycles would work. Regards, José Moya El 27/8/2017 14:01, "Adam Snape" escribió: > An unknown value cannot be meaningfu

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - building:architecture:preromanesque

2017-08-30 Thread José G Moya Y .
So you think I can add this tag to the wiki without prior voting? El 24/8/2017 12:41, "Andy Townsend" escribió: > On 18/08/2017 10:22, José G Moya Y. wrote: > > > In my country, this tag could be used to describe "mozarabic" buildings > along with "visi

Re: [Tagging] shop=fashion shop=boutique

2017-09-02 Thread José G Moya Y .
Phil said: >> Supermarkets for example will have a fresh meat >> counter, fresh fish counter which is important stuff >>when you are camping. Oh, really? Then I have to retag everyting. Here in Spain we call "supermarket" a medium-sized self-service store, while we call "convenience store" a 24/

Re: [Tagging] Clothes subtags (was "Tagging Digest, Vol 96, Issue 3" and before that "shop=fashion")

2017-09-04 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! I'm not an English native speaker, but I think that you should not use a verb tense in third person in order to mantain formal coherence. Personally, my two pence go to "retail", since it is a noun, though I understand that "retail" is a special type of commercial activity. But, if you have

Re: [Tagging] farm schools?

2017-09-04 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! In Spanish it is farm_school. Don't know about the tag. Jose G Moya Y. El 4/9/2017 17:41, "Martin Koppenhoefer" escribió: > I wonder how you call a farm which is open to groups of children for > visiting and helping with the farm work (a place where they can learn about > rural life, food p

[Tagging] Any tag for tiny, pittoresque, tool store houses?

2017-09-07 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! In some parts of Spain, there are tiny igloo-like houses, smaller than a person, traditionally used to store tools near the fields. They are called "guardaviñas" ("vineyard guards") and resemble, by shape and purpose, the italian "trulli" of Puglia, but they are smaller. I was wondering if ther

Re: [Tagging] electrical cattle grid

2017-09-09 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! I think it's listed in Fence. barrier_type=fence fence_type=electric. Regards, Jose http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:barrier%3Dfence http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:fence_type El 9/9/2017 17:57, "joost schouppe" escribió: > Hi, > > I don't seem to be able to find an alternati

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposals - RFC for multiple features - Education Reform - Magnetic Levitation Trains

2017-09-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi, Erick. I'm just a newbie in tagging, but I find a reason for keeping school and university at the "amenity" tag. These educative institutions are often easy to spot (they span over an entire building and in many cases they have a campus or playground), while other "education" institutions or b

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposals - RFC for multiple features - Education Reform - Magnetic Levitation Trains

2017-09-17 Thread José G Moya Y .
Thanks for your response, Erkin. The idea of putting driving license and some speciality schools under "cram" schools came from the fact that, despite of needind a special license, in my country (Spain) these centers do not make exams, they only prepare for an official exam done by the government.

Re: [Tagging] Swimming pool facilities

2017-09-17 Thread José G Moya Y .
Yes, please!! It's inconsistent to have a tag to mark the outdoor area surrounding a sports swimming pool or a water park and no tag to mark the outdoor area around a not-for-sports, not-theme-park swimming pool. I said that in the swimming pool discusion. If you have a tag for the facility, you

Re: [Tagging] Swimming pool facilities

2017-09-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! A park with s Pool with lanes => sports_centre. A park with trampoline, ramps, pools=> water_park A park with umbrellas and a pool where you have to pay a fee to enter the park itself (so you have to map the park, its access and its access conditions)=> park??? It's ridiculous! That's why I s

Re: [Tagging] Access by permit

2017-09-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! Thanks for the link to Low Emmision zone (LEZ) wiki. I've added a small entry for Spain. More information have to be added, but the webpage of Madrid city is uninformative -- that's the reason it has been awarded. -Jose M. El 18/9/2017 18:39, "joost schouppe" escribió: > Kevin, > > What I wa

Re: [Tagging] Proposal: logo tag. Opinions?

2017-09-19 Thread José G Moya Y .
The logo value seems to be useful on the rendering side only. It's up to the rendering app creators to decide if they want to display some shops using its logos. In that case, the app would probably have some other way to display them. -1 to this proposal. El 19/9/2017 14:19, "Philip Barnes" escr

Re: [Tagging] Access by permit

2017-09-20 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi I agree with the permit system as it is discused here. I found it useful for National Parks, specially for World Heritage Biosphere Reservations, where a small amount of people has to book in advance. If it keeps getting a strong opposition, you could consider mapping as access=fee and adding a

Re: [Tagging] Access by permit

2017-09-24 Thread José G Moya Y .
Ok, Warin My suggestion was only a last resorce if "access=permit" loses the vote process again. I understand a permit is not a fee, is "some kind of paperwork done in advance" - José Moya El 24/9/2017 3:37, "Warin" <61sundow...@gmail.com> escribió: On 21-S

Re: [Tagging] Mapping of Subway Stations

2017-09-24 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! After the 2004 Atocha station bomb it is illegal in Spain taking photos of metro/railway stations to avoid helping terrorist find weak points/escape routes (despite of this, metro/railway photo contests take place); I think that, for the same reason, it is illegal, or at least problematic, to m

Re: [Tagging] Swimming pool facilities

2017-09-25 Thread José G Moya Y .
;-) Oh, I can't wait the return of summer! Regards! 2017-09-18 15:32 GMT+02:00 José G Moya Y. : > Hi! > > A park with s Pool with lanes => sports_centre. > A park with trampoline, ramps, pools=> water_park > A park with umbrellas and a pool where you have to pay a

Re: [Tagging] Deprecating shop=doors

2017-09-26 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi Near my home, there is also a shop specialised in doors. It does not seem to manufacture windows. There are also shops that make doors and paneling for embedded closets, but I think the later are more shop=forniture. El 26/9/2017 10:34, "Warin" <61sundow...@gmail.com> escribió: > On 26-Sep-17

Re: [Tagging] Swimming pool facilities

2017-09-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
Kevin Kenny wrote: > I'm ignorant. The public (and for that matter, club) pools near me are all > at multisport facilities and multi-use parks. (Typical configuration: fenced-off > swimming facility; administrative building; bathhouse; playing fields for > football, lacrosse, baseball, horseshoes

Re: [Tagging] Devices key

2017-09-28 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi, François. You ask for more examples. I don't know about power lines and transformers, but these ideas came to my mind: If you have a street light with a dust bin attached to it, the dust bin goes in "devices"? And if you have a bus stop that holds a recycling slot for batteries, the recycling

Re: [Tagging] Devices key

2017-09-28 Thread José G Moya Y .
Ok. Now I understand it. Thanks. El 28/9/2017 17:04, "Martin Koppenhoefer" escribió: > > > 2017-09-28 16:50 GMT+02:00 marc marc : > >> Hello, >> >> Le 28. 09. 17 à 16:32, Martin Koppenhoefer a écrit : >> > I prefer the generic solution (node relation) over a specific device >> > solution, which

Re: [Tagging] war_memorial

2017-10-03 Thread José G Moya Y .
+1. But I wonder if memorial=war_memorial was created with a shape in mind, that of large walls with long lists of names on it we see on american movies. (In Spain, collective memorials are either big plaques, statues or obelisks. The plaques, typical of the Spanish war of 1936-39, are being remov

Re: [Tagging] war_memorial

2017-10-03 Thread José G Moya Y .
Ok, so you agree in reserving war_memorial for war memorials that do not fit into plaque, statue and other "shape" categories? El 3/10/2017 21:08, "Bill Ricker" escribió: > The Vietnam War Memorial is the first one in US history, to my knowledge, to list all of the American casualties. ​ ​Depen

Re: [Tagging] Fwd: How to map a bin with dog excrement bags dispenser

2017-10-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! What city are you talking about? In Madrid, "Cacacán" bin is intended to dispose dog excrements only. Also, some municipalities are discontinuing the bag dispensers since there are people who takes more bags than needed, even without walking with dogs. I.E. in terms of environmental agents,

Re: [Tagging] Fwd: How to map a bin with dog excrement bags dispenser

2017-10-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
I mean, a grocery. El 10/10/2017 17:09, "José G Moya Y." escribió: I forgot to say you don't tag a fruishop as "vending=plastic bags;plastic gloves" "fee=no". Sorry!! ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.

Re: [Tagging] Fwd: How to map a bin with dog excrement bags dispenser

2017-10-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
I forgot to say you don't tag a fruishop as "vending=plastic bags;plastic gloves" "fee=no". El 10/10/2017 17:05, "José G Moya Y." escribió: > Hi! > > What city are you talking about? > > In Madrid, "Cacacán" bin is intended to

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - Rivers Classification

2017-10-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
Ilya, As some people said, river "size" is ambiguous. If you're talking about relative size of a river in term of rivers of the same country, Ebro and Tajo are "major" rivers in Spain. If you're talking about absolute size (compared with rivers in the world), Ebro and Tajo are small rivers. On the

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - Rivers Classification

2017-10-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
quot;Christoph Hormann" escribió: > On Monday 16 October 2017, José G Moya Y. wrote: > > Ilya, > > As some people said, river "size" is ambiguous. If you're talking > > about relative size of a river in term of rivers of the same country, > > Ebro and

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Street_furniture

2017-10-17 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! I'm just a novice, but after two months following this list I understand that: a) Tags are grouped by function. Some street forniture is just for people to enjoy them, some needs to be located by GPS navigators (traffic lights, barriers such as bollards) or emergency services (fire hydrants).

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Street_furniture

2017-10-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
Ok. I eventually used google to correct my own gps traces (i. e. seeing if the point where i have tagged the third building in a row is really at that point). I rechecked it with other imaginery, also, to avoid errors due satellite angle and shadows so I didn't use google as main source (the source

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Street_furniture

2017-10-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
by myself and others that you must not use > Google when mapping. > > Any changes that have involved Google should be reverted. > > Cheers Phil (trigpoint) > > On 18 October 2017 11:50:12 BST, "José G Moya Y." > wrote: >> >> Ok. I eventually used google

Re: [Tagging] Multiple offices at the same address - (Multiple values for one key)

2017-10-26 Thread José G Moya Y .
But from the outside tou can't see if the office is in "Gran Via 1 shop 2" or "Gran Via 1 shop 3", despite of the shop number being displayed in the mailbox. El 27/10/2017 8:03, "Colin Smale" escribió: > Time for a more philosophical discussion... What is the function of this > thing we call "ad

Re: [Tagging] building=stands or building=grandstand?

2017-10-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! I don't see references to grandstand in "pitch", "leisure=sports_centre", "leisure=sports", "riding" or other related wiki page. Having references to "tag=grandstand" in the "how to map" sections of sports-related tags would be useful for newbies like me. I could do it by myself, but I dont kno

Re: [Tagging] winter tyres

2017-11-01 Thread José G Moya Y .
El 1/11/2017 9:08, "Michal Fabík" escribió: On Tue, Oct 31, 2017 at 10:29 PM, Warin <61sundow...@gmail.com> wrote: > possibly something like 'motor_vehicle:conditional=winter_equipment @ > winter' Technically, this looks fine, but is it really necessary to specify that winter equipment is requir

Re: [Tagging] passage only on low tide

2017-11-04 Thread José G Moya Y .
I would relate this with the winter restrictions conversation. All of them are situations in wich the gps should show a warning or wait for a confirmation, to prevent dumb drivers or smart vehicles from diying out of negligence. I imagine main tidal ways (such as that of Mount St Michel) have some

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - Metro Mapping

2017-11-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! How do you map this situation: You can enter with wheelchair to Pacifico Metro Station metro line 1. You can enter with wheelchair to Pacifico Metro Station line 6. You can't go with wheelchair from line 6 to line 1 (or vice versa) without paying your metro fee again. To do so, you have to go b

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - Metro Mapping

2017-11-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
Just to clarify the situation: I'm sure you can press the intercom button, wait for response, and get the door opened without having to buy another ticket. But the question is you are not making disabled people autonomous if you make them follow such slow process. There are other weird situations

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - Metro Mapping

2017-11-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
Thanks for the suggestion, Marc. Martin, I don't think authorities welcome a detailed map of inner areas in stations/airports. They will show a security concern. Yours, José. El 17/11/2017 0:27, "marc marc" escribió: > On 16. Nov 2017, at 23:17, José G Moya Y. wrote: >

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-18 Thread José G Moya Y .
I will vote +1 because I liked your proposal in September But please refresh me, what's the difference between testcenter and cram-school? I only remember cram-school in your proposal this September. The proposal says: education=testcenter - Specialty schools including exam preparation > school

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Education Reform

2017-11-19 Thread José G Moya Y .
ng or prepare for an exam without having an academic objective otherwise. Specialty schools are what the name says. 19-11-2017 01:52 tarihinde Steve Doerr yazdı: > On 18/11/2017 22:31, José G Moya Y. wrote: >> The proposal says: >> >> education=testcenter - >> >

Re: [Tagging] Road barrier

2017-11-28 Thread José G Moya Y .
This response makes me wonder if there is a way to mark the "thermoking not allowed to park" sign I've read in some gas station truck parkings. I imagine there are "dangerous goods no" and "dangerous goods designated" tag values, also. El 28/11/2017 18:10, "Paul Johnson" escribió: > > > On Tue

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - PTv2 Improvements wrt Rapid Transit

2017-12-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
I specially agree with Ilya here: linking stop positions and platforms via relation with a station: if the > station is mapped as an area, this shouldn’t be needed, as there’s already > a spatial link > Oh come on, we're talking about underground stations. A spatial link will get you all the bu

Re: [Tagging] sidewalk unsuitable for wheelchair

2017-12-10 Thread José G Moya Y .
I opened a similar thread in october. The origining fact was a sidewalk having a stair, where the other sidewalk had a ramp. I was suggested to map the sidewalk as a separate object. Yours, José. El 10/12/2017 20:32, "Nick Bolten" escribió: > > the basic rendering issue where streets already col

Re: [Tagging] New tag for major recipient postcodes

2017-12-17 Thread José G Moya Y .
Do you mean PO box? In some cities, massive PO boxes have a special Zip code/ postal code. It could be a property of the PObox address. Maybe an attribute at the POI is right, as POI use to list email addresses and web addresses, which are independent from actual physical address (as PO boxes are)

Re: [Tagging] New tag for major recipient postcodes

2017-12-17 Thread José G Moya Y .
El 17/12/2017 21:17, "Tom Pfeifer" escribió: On 17.12.2017 14:36, José G Moya Y. wrote: > > National-wide phone numbers treated (such as +1-800-x in USA, cellphones, > "vocal nomad" numbers (+34-51-xx in Spain, if I remember well) are > unlinked to physical ad

Re: [Tagging] Water source types

2018-01-11 Thread José G Moya Y .
I mark "amenity=drinking_water" only when the water is subject to microbiological analysis. If it isn't, I mark it as either "fountain", "spring" or "watering place". It's up to "clients" (apps and people who uses the database) to decide whether they'll drink from legal water taps only or they'll

Re: [Tagging] area=yes on object without kind

2018-01-12 Thread José G Moya Y .
Please notice that, for doing something similar to what you do here (reading a lot of maps and aerial imaginery, being only one of them [3] google maps) I was forced to erase my edition and do it again. Just to warn you. El 12/1/2018 8:30, "Jo" escribió: > It definitely doesn't look like a publi