Re: [Tagging] Problems with amenity=charging_station

2023-09-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
We now have national level efforts to map charging stations. In the USA there's a central database that has the name, owner and charge cord list for almost every station in the country. Unfortunately it does not have the *precise *position of the charger, usually just a street level address. Char

[Tagging] Tagging for the renderer : One-way "flow" bicycle tracks

2023-09-08 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I recently went on a hike, guided only by OSMAnd. We ended up planning a route that took us uphill on what turned out to be a long series of one way downhill mountain bike flow tracks. I have no problem with the flow track: just had it been clearly delineated we would have planned a different rou

Re: [Tagging] [RFC] Feature Proposal - Cell Phone Reception

2023-09-08 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Sun, Aug 6, 2023 at 2:23 PM Timothy Noname wrote: > I thinks it's definitely valuable to map areas where there is no coverage > at all as it's a safety issue > > On Sun, 6 Aug 2023, 21:30 Brian M. Sperlongano, > wrote: > >> This isn't really appropriate data for OSM, sorry. >> > The data chan

[Tagging] Two way street, but entry of motor vehicles blocked at one end. Relation correct? Tagging correct?

2024-05-20 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Could somebody check if I get this relation correct? *Relation #17,613,415* type=restriction restriction=no_left_turn except=bicycles from Solano Avenue to Kains Avenue via 53062033 Kains Avenue is a two way street. Southbound it's open to all vehicles. Northbound barriers prevent motor vehicl

Re: [Tagging] Two way street, but entry of motor vehicles blocked at one end. Relation correct? Tagging correct?

2024-05-20 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, May 20, 2024 at 5:08 AM Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > there is also > restriction=no_entry > I tried that, but could not get the from, via and to nodes to work out. ___ Tagging mailing list https://lists.openstreetmap.o

Re: [Tagging] Two way street, but entry of motor vehicles blocked at one end. Relation correct? Tagging correct?

2024-05-20 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I could use *A one-way street with a counter-flow cycle lane* highway=unclassified oneway=yes oneway:bicycle=no cycleway=opposite_lane But motor traffic is allowed within the block, to go either way. ___ Tagging mailing list ht

[Tagging] How to tag a campground drop box for payment of camping or parking fees?

2024-05-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
What's a good way to tag a payment drop box, of the type used in the USA for campgrounds? You typically put money in an envelope, tear of a tab, and dop the payment into a metal tube slot. See: Camping In A National Park Made Easy: 9 Essential Tips - Southerner Says

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - shop=musical_instrument

2013-09-21 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Why not "shop=music". The _instrument classifier seems overly restrictive for stores that likely also sell sheet music, parts, and coordinate repairs. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] shop=social_market ?

2013-09-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I've never heard this term. A close match is the Mormon "Bishop's Storehouse" And there's a chain (Grocery Outlet) that sells (at low prices) a variety of goods including nearly expired and scratch & dent. __

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - shop=musical_instrument

2013-09-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
But in American English one does talk about a "shoe shop", even though all that's on offer there are pairs of "shoes". ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Hiking route abandoned

2013-10-01 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The problem with disused: is the object disappears from the map. Your alternative is to leave it "on the map" as it does in fact exist. Then use "access=" to clarify the status. It might have degraded from "access=public" down to "access=no" or "access=permissive" depending. _

Re: [Tagging] Hiking route abandoned

2013-10-02 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
In the case of a trail the landowner is actively trying to erase, I'll often draw the trail into osm, tag it discouragingly, and put barrier nodes at each end. Across a wide variety of map rendering, this has a chance of communicating the intent of non-use. The downside of omitting, removing, or

Re: [Tagging] Call for more feedbacks about "emergency=aed" or "emergency=defibrillator"

2013-10-08 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On the units I've seen in the wild the term "aed" or "AED" appears in nearly every case, but the word "defibrillator" is frequently absent. That said, while the debate ranges on the tag name, there are other issues of tagging that need some attention. For example access: http://wiki.openstreetmap

Re: [Tagging] Power tower and pole usefulness

2013-10-08 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Oct 7, 2013 at 1:46 PM, François Lacombe <> wrote: > You can send me any formal and constructive suggestion about that. > Vote will begin shortly. Stay tuned. > I've found the power proposal a bit much to follow... ... but have found it satisfying to m

Re: [Tagging] Power tower and pole usefulness

2013-10-10 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The proposal would benefit from additional attention to "lite" tagging, for those not interested in the full level of detail. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Call for more feedbacks about "emergency=aed" or "emergency=defibrillator"

2013-10-12 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
> From what I've seen in different pictures is that the label "AED" is > > never alone and you can read the word "defibrillator" translated into > > the local language for obvious reasons. I'm happy to see that in some > > countries, everybody knows what AED means... just think about the > > othe

Re: [Tagging] Call for more feedbacks about "emergency=aed" or "emergency=defibrillator"

2013-10-12 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Sat, Oct 12, 2013 at 1:09 PM, Philip Barnes wrote: > On Sat, 2013-10-12 at 11:37 -0700, Bryce Nesbitt wrote: > > > Another question is how to mark (and render) AED's that are locked. > > Unless you have the code, > > or a crowbar, those might as well be disused:

[Tagging] Opening hours of "inherit" (for aed mapping)?

2013-10-14 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
When tagging an AED (automated external defibrillator) there are two very common values for "opening_hours": 27/7 and "the same as the building it is in". This is relevant if you're outside the building, and the nearest aed is inside. While I could map the opening_hours to be the same as the mall

Re: [Tagging] Automatic edit - RFC - Musical instrument

2013-10-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I'm in favor of this type of mechanical edit. Here the semantics are quite clear. I think opt-out is silly, however, and hopefully nobody will take you up on it. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Dress Code proposal

2013-10-24 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Oct 24, 2013 at 6:00 AM, John F. Eldredge wrote: > Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: >> >> >> 2013/10/23 John F. Eldredge >> >>> I think a better approach is to have a tag that links to the venue's web >>> site, which we already have tags defined for. >>> >> >> I think links are great, but its

Re: [Tagging] opening-hours: how to code "always but..."? Syntax diagram.

2013-10-24 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Tue, Oct 22, 2013 at 4:30 PM, Paul Johnson wrote: > > If not, how about a new icon for "effectively but not >> literally 24/7"? >> > > But I want coffee at 4:50! > We need a 24/7 icon that sort of shimmers and disappears 3.125% of the time. ___ Tagg

Re: [Tagging] Remote controlled devices

2013-11-01 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Sun, Oct 27, 2013 at 2:31 PM, François Lacombe <> wrote: > > there are also objects that can be influenced remotely, like busses that >> can put certain traffic_lights to green >> > > Actually I'm not sure we can talk about remote control in this situation. >

Re: [Tagging] "vote" results about aed/defibrillator

2013-12-21 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Dec 16, 2013 at 4:37 AM, Pieren wrote: > > That's why I'm considering if we could accept in the futur both values > "aed" and "defibrillator" equally and document them as such in the > wiki. The usual OSM practice is to take the UK English version, and apply it worldwide. There are many

Re: [Tagging] Winter sports share the same way

2014-01-13 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Jan 9, 2014 at 10:27 AM, Tod Fitch wrote: > In the areas I cross country ski at in the California mountains many > trails are used by both nordic skiers and snowshoers. Since I am ski > centric I've tended to tag them as piste:type=nordic. Could one simply tag > them as piste:type=nordic;

Re: [Tagging] How to tag max width at chicane-type bicycle barriers

2014-01-14 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Consider also the discussion at this extensive thread: Useful metrics for exclusion barriers are really hard to come by (check out the "sofa problem" listed in the thread, and apply it to a bike plus trailer). _

Re: [Tagging] How to tag max width at chicane-type bicycle barriers

2014-01-14 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
See in specific for this on 'exclusion' type barrier tagging: ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - trafficability

2014-01-14 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The tag as proposed leaves much to interpretations. But there are a bunch of things one can say about a road that are crisp and clear: covered_at_high_tide not_plowed_in_winter not_maintained_by_government passing_requires_reversing But at some point you break down into prose and write note='Roa

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - trafficability

2014-01-15 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 7:55 AM, Jean-Marc Liotier wrote: > On 15/01/2014 15:44, Gerald Weber wrote: > >> "RS-630 is not passable during the rain season (May to September)" >> > > For other tags such as opening times, periods are encoded - which is > superior in any case to free text. Periods a

Re: [Tagging] Winter sports share the same way

2014-01-15 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Jan 13, 2014 at 12:10 PM, yvecai wrote: > Bryce, > There is already a documented scheme for snowshoeing: > piste:type=hike + piste:grooming=backcountry (250 use) > With piste:type=hike + piste:grooming=classic being for 'winter hiking' > (111 use). > I'm aware. There's not as clear a wa

Re: [Tagging] hazards (was: Feature Proposal - RFC - trafficability)

2014-01-17 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
+1 for *any* object alerts. +1 that we mostly want the *official* alerts. The level of authority on the alert should be a tag, even if the description is free text: *osmid=1234* *map_alert:severity=critical* *map_alert**:note:en='Bridge operated by remote control. Press red button to alert operat

Re: [Tagging] Bitcoin and Online shops

2014-01-21 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Tue, Nov 26, 2013 at 1:04 PM, Janko Mihelić wrote: > Hi, > Openstreetmap has been contributing to the Bitcoin revolution with this > map: > > the problem is that lots of online businesses want to get on the map, and > I don't know what tags to suggest. Should we invent some

Re: [Tagging] Bitcoin and Online shops

2014-01-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
When I wrote *'Perhaps all online businesses can all be put on a island in the Antarctic.' *I inadvertently left off the :-). I apologize. With no irony intended: OpenStreetMap can expect an increasing load of commercial listings by people looking for visibility. These could be broken down: * Ma

[Tagging] emergency=yes

2014-01-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
What might people using the tag 'emergency=yes' have meant it to mean? And is it a good use? It's the #2 tag in a space that has some gems (emergency=aed and emergency=phone for example). But I'm mystified by the usage. 20,000 emergency=yes highways? _

Re: [Tagging] Bitcoin and Online shops

2014-01-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Note: the experience with keepRight's URL checker shows the potential for the URL tag as a quality control check. Local business go out of business all the time: the loss of the URL can alert the mapper to check for a change on the ground. ___ Tagging mai

Re: [Tagging] Bitcoin and Online shops

2014-01-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Jan 22, 2014 at 11:22 AM, Bryce Nesbitt wrote: > > Kicking Bird: *How many?* > John Dunbar: *Like the stars.* > Let's be really clear here. * The value to spammers is the URL link.* The spammers with no relevant physical location won't be interested except for t

Re: [Tagging] Wikipedia tag validator

2014-01-24 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Such a test could have a home in keepRight ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Wikipedia tag validator

2014-01-25 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Keepright has a new maintainer, and will be revived on a new server soon. On Sat, Jan 25, 2014 at 2:01 AM, bulwersator wrote: > Unfortunately keepRight seems to be dying ("I will stop my efforts in > develpoing KeepRight"). ___ Tagging mailing list Tag

Re: [Tagging] How to tag an imaginary oneway barrier

2014-02-03 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
When this is done in the USA, the usual case seems to be an entry restriction on one end of the street. Why would anything more complicated than an entry restriction be required in OSM? Typically it is a sign reading "Do not enter" with a sub-shield that may read "Except bikes and buses". A person

Re: [Tagging] How to tag an imaginary oneway barrier

2014-02-04 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The downside of the "tiny one way street" is that it does not represent what's on the ground: there won't be a "one way street" sign. The turn restriction relation seems a more accurate model of what's going on. ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstree

Re: [Tagging] How to tag an online store?

2014-02-19 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
office plus website= seems to pretty much do it. Using the shop tag creates too much risk that it will be treated as a place one can visit. (e.g. if is ever implemented, it would show up). __

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - drinkable

2014-02-26 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
"potable" seems a less ambiguous term. has tagging momentum. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Study area

2014-02-26 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I've seen a number of community meeting rooms, often provided as a service or a mitigation by a large entity. Sometimes they're just places one can hang out, sometimes they are available by reservation. Provision of WiFi is a key attribute. ___ Tagging m

Re: [Tagging] Fwd: tag for planetarium

2014-02-27 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The typical planetarium in the USA is attached to a museum, and most offer separately ticketed shows (stars, movies, talks). A lens-based star projectors once distinguished a planetarium. No more. Now these are basically digital movie theaters with a curved screen. As such they are most akin to a

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - All You Can Eat

2014-02-28 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Feb 28, 2014 at 4:15 PM, John Packer wrote: > Amigos, > > I no longer feel this proposal is appropriate, therefore I'm canceling it. > Thanks for all your comments. > Remember it's still OK to write a note (in the local language preferably) associated with any node. Not everything is de

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - drinkable

2014-03-01 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
There are several smartphone apps that build in drinking water capability: I helped develop one of them. drinking_water=yes on a facility means that drinking water is available at that location, and implies potable. It's meant for the common cases such as where a toilet has a standard drinking wa

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - drinkable

2014-03-06 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Don't forget the opposite! One occasionally sees a water tap of some sort, which is explicitly *not*potable *not* drinkable. The International Plumbing Code (IPC) section 608.8 covers marking of non-potable sources. Curiously the requirement is in English. Have a read: http://publicecodes.cyberr

Re: [Tagging] Hot springs

2014-03-07 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Just saying: Tradition among both cavers and hot springs bathing enthusiasts is to keep quiet about locations, passing the word though caving societies and word of mouth. Why? Because caves and hot springs that become well known get trashed, crowded, muggled, and/or shut down due to the above. I

Re: [Tagging] layer=-1, rivers, bridges and tunnels

2014-04-01 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The present situation is that rivers implicitly render below highways in all common renderings. That's not necessarily bad. With some formality to the layering arrangement, it sure would save a lot of tagging hassle and maintenance. The new cloud tag for example, is clearly to be rendered after e

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - drinking_water

2014-04-02 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Apr 2, 2014 at 1:18 PM, Rudolf Martin wrote: > Hi, > according to the discussion in the mailinglist I cancel the former > proposal "drinkable" and start a new proposal "drinking_water". Note: There's quite an active mapping effort around drinking water: including use of drinking_water=y

Re: [Tagging] simple_brunnel : one node bridge like xing highway over waterway

2014-04-02 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
At a road intersection, vehicle can interchange. At a railroad intersection only one mode can use the way at a time. A river/highway crossing is not an intersection. The stream does not stop for traffic. These features should not share nodes, no mater how they are tagged. I see no problem with a

Re: [Tagging] layer=-1, rivers, bridges and tunnels

2014-04-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
> > the problem has more causes. But mainly people got used to use the > layer=-1 as > a cheap trick to hide all kinds of pesky keepright/JOSM warnings about > missing > bridges, incorrect crossings, waterway crossing waterway and a few more. > The problem would also go away if validators would det

[Tagging] Tagging natural or informal swimming holes?

2014-04-24 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
How best should I tag informal swimming areas? These typically have no lifeguard or facilities. An example deep-content site for these types of holes is: In OSM is it best to create an area and tag sport=swimming/name=/access=/fee=no? http://wiki.openstreetmap.o

Re: [Tagging] Tagging natural or informal swimming holes?

2014-04-25 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 6:07 AM, Philip Barnes wrote: > Forgetting the tagging for a moment, is it not irresponsible to be > mapping and thus being seen as encouraging such activities? > > Every year when there is hot weather there are warnings not to swim in > lakes and rivers, and these are ine

Re: [Tagging] Bitcoin ATM (amenity=atm | currency:XBT=yes)

2014-06-10 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Jun 9, 2014 at 5:30 AM, Janko Mihelić wrote: > 2014-06-09 13:58 GMT+02:00 Henning Scholland : > >> AFAIK most Bitcoin ATMs right now take "real" money and convert it to >> Bitcoins. Some can take Bitcoins and convert them to real money and give it >> to you. So I'm not sure why this would

Re: [Tagging] [Imports] [tl; dr] Re: cleanup broken import "fix"

2014-06-11 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
> do you have a complete list of the tags that you propose to "drop"? > gnis:id=* 6577 > gnis:state_id=* 26 > gnis:fcode=* > nhd:com_id=*56793 > nhd:fdate=* 56793 > Reasoning: there is no use in these tags. There is a strong an compelling use for the G

Re: [Tagging] Track grades

2014-07-10 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Tue, Jul 8, 2014 at 12:00 PM, Jesse Crawford wrote: > > As a second but similar question, off-highway vehicles are a popular > pasttime here and there are many tracks intended for ATVs or dirtbikes, not > wide enough for SUVs. Is there a best practice for tagging these types of > paths? > I ha

Re: [Tagging] Synonymous values in the shop key

2014-07-31 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Jul 30, 2014 at 2:07 PM, John Packer wrote: > I think you shouldn't merge the *=ice_cream variantes. > People never reached a consensus over which one to use (personally I think > it's compelling to use shop=* instead of amenity=*), and there is another > variant, which is amenity=cafe/fa

Re: [Tagging] The "not-shops": industrial, industry, or business

2014-09-13 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
And keep in mind the current cartocss rendering leads to another distortion: tagging for the rendering. Only a few shop tags are rendered in mapnik. Another huge constraint is the lack of support for ; in the default rendering. For example: shop=bicycle renders shop=bicycle;skateboard does n

Re: [Tagging] The "not-shops": industrial, industry, or business

2014-09-15 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Maybe this is running up on the limit of only rendering shop values with 100 instances? That would exclude things like: Or the dog collar shop (sells only dog collars). --- As an alternative to the blacklist appro

Re: [Tagging] problem with bicycle=designated

2014-09-15 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Aug 18, 2014 at 6:36 AM, Andre Engels wrote: > I myself, and I think more Dutch mappers, are using bicycle=designated > (along with highway=residential or perhaps highway=unclassified) for a > so called "fietsstraat" ("cyclestreet"). It's a road that has been set > up for bicycles, but ha

Re: [Tagging] What's the difference in these tags?

2014-09-16 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I map contraflow as dual carriageway, to avoid this issue. Both sides get oneway=yes, plus a full list of the modes allowed (psv, bicycle, etc). ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] The "not-shops": industrial, industry, or business

2014-09-16 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:32 PM, Frederik Ramm wrote: > A map icon is what, 32x32 pixels or so? A couple of millimeters on the > screen. As long as you stick to 20 POI icons, you will be able to select > icons that are instantly recognizable. Something with a film strip... > must be a cinema. On

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-10-15 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Oct 13, 2014 at 5:33 AM, Pieren wrote: > On Fri, Oct 10, 2014 at 7:13 PM, sabas88 wrote: >> Perhaps it's nonsensical but... >> > > It's like Microsoft story where you have to click on 'start' to stop > windows... > But it is not b

Re: [Tagging] natural=bay as nodes are evil

2014-10-30 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
A lot of the bay points were imported. Many bays do not have firm boundaries. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag severely destroyed forest track?

2014-10-30 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I've had exactly the same difficulty... tracktype/sac_scale/track_visibility/surface none of which capture the difference between a road a Toyota corolla could handle, and something that would be hard for a dirt bike to handle. Difficult roads usually are so because of: steepness / lack of mainten

Re: [Tagging] what does maxheight=none mean?

2014-11-02 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
1) In many jurisdictions the ultimate permit and authority come from a state sponsored map of restrictions. For example (warning: requires crufty Microsoft software). 2) Consider that many bridges cross at an angle, meaning there's more clearanc

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-11-06 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 6:09 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > > 2014-10-10 19:13 GMT+02:00 sabas88 : > >> I use >> amenity=drinking_water + drinkable=no >> > > I agree with your own judgement that this is nonesense ;-) > IMHO we shouldn't tag like this. > > This is not really comparable to entran

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-11-06 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Also keep in mind. When camping, water availability is highly relevant. The most relevant cases seem to be: - potable drinking water is available - water is available, but the authorities recommend filtering or treating it. Such water may or may not come from a tap. - water is *not a

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-11-07 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Nov 7, 2014 at 9:13 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > > 2014-11-05 20:32 GMT+01:00 Kotya Karapetyan : > >> It looks like the best solution would be to have amenity=water, >> drinkable=*, type=fountain|tap|water_well. > > That does not sound best at all, especially as most maps render based

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-11-12 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Tue, Nov 11, 2014 at 1:19 PM, Kotya Karapetyan wrote: >> amenity=nonpotable_water >> with a hose size specified (e.g. MHT or GHT for the United States, BSP >> elsewhere) >> >> drinking_water=yes/no >> an attribute on something else, such as a campsite, cabin or toilet > > OK, so where d

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2014-11-15 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 10:51 PM, Marc Gemis wrote: > Maybe they are sometimes tagged in another way as shop=bicycle + > service:bicycle:repair=yes and service:bicycle:retail=no > (see > or is this incorrect ? Similar to "amenity

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-12-03 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
There are a number of possible shades of potable: * It's not designated, but in an area where all faucet water is potable (e.g. major cities, fountains in rome). * It's designated potable. * It's designated as untested (e.g. "drink at your own risk") * It's designated non-potable by color or speci

Re: [Tagging] Combining gas stations & convenience stores

2014-12-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 3:40 AM, Markus Lindholm wrote: > In general it is not sustainable to place address tags on > area/building elements as there can be many addresses within such an > element. You're not going to comma separate the different address > values I hope. It's also unsustainable

Re: [Tagging] Combining gas stations & convenience stores

2014-12-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Dec 5, 2014 at 8:51 AM, Jack Burke wrote: > > I usually do building=roof + layer=1 + amenity=fuel + brand=Foo for the > pumps, and building=retail + shop=convenience for the store part. I also > usually put opening_hours on each of them if/as I find out what those are. > That's worth hig

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-12-09 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The problem with "keep it simple" is you embed a lot of assumptions into things, and then get tagging drift. The clearer the mapping between what's on the ground, and in the tags, the better. "water_potable=yes/no" in particular embeds a lot of assumptions and judgement calls. potable_status=signe

Re: [Tagging] [Talk-us] Beaver dam? Wrecked bridge? Hallucinatory roads in TIGER?

2014-12-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
Traditional paper cartography has good visual solution for this, including symbols for trails that become indistinct. These symbols are quite useful, not supported in Google Maps, and I'd like to bring them to OSM. -- In our case there should al

Re: [Tagging] Distinction between amenity=restaurant and fast_food

2014-12-24 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
While all restaurants pre-cook some food, fast food restaurants often cook the majority of food prior to a customer order. But there's just simply no firm line between restaurant and fast food. But there are lots of attributes: does it serve food? does it serve alcohol? how fast is food available

Re: [Tagging] GPX dates / Date of survey

2014-12-29 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I'd also like a "last field checked" standard tag... ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] lanes=-1 especially in Canada

2014-12-29 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I rolled the map-roulette wheel, and found a series of highways in Canada marked with "lanes=-1", all part of a CANVEC import. I see 17,943 uses of this value: it's less popular than 5 lanes but more popular than 6. What does it mean, if anything? ___ Ta

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap (Kotya Karapetyan)

2014-12-29 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Dec 4, 2014 at 4:22 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > > not sure if "purity" is a good choice. Completely "pure" water is not > potable (distilled water), you'd die if you drank too much (OK, you'll also > die when drinking too much "normal" water [1], but the second "too much" is > much mo

Re: [Tagging] lanes=-1 especially in Canada

2014-12-29 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The lanes -1 appear all over the world, just concentrated in one Canadian province. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Water tap

2014-12-29 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Dec 29, 2014 at 3:01 AM, Warin <> wrote: > I suggest the tag for taps go ahead for voting. But remove all the > purity/potable things .. just vote on the tap. I don't see any problem > there. > The proposal at

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] amenity=bicycle_repair_station :::: only 18 so far

2015-01-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Nov 27, 2014 at 12:09 AM, Erik Johansson wrote: > What I'm saying is that I've actually not seen a diy bicycle repair > station, but I've seen the other two and tagged one of them. It would > be in the best interest of everybody to be as inclusive as possible in > the basic tag so also inc

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Water tap

2015-01-14 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
I've just voted "no". While I appreciate the intentions, the proposal is just not mature. The goals are muddy. The drafting is confusing. And there's been no attempt to reach out to those creating apps and other tools for drinking water mapping worldwide. This proposal needlessly sets back those

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Water tap

2015-01-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 7:13 AM, Kotya Karapetyan wrote: > Dear all, > > As of today, a total of 16 votes have been submitted, 11 of them are > approvals. Since 2 weeks have passed and the required number of votes > (15) has been reached, I have closed the voting and will proceed with > clean up.

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Water tap

2015-01-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Kotya Karapetyan wrote: > 2. Having said this, I would like to draw your attention to the fact > that people who currently actively oppose the proposal have not > participated in a 4-month discussion, where most of the current > concerns were raised and analysed.

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Water tap

2015-01-22 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Kotya Karapetyan wrote: > 7. Personally, I believe drinking_water=* is a much better solution > than amenity=drinking_water: > 7.1) The source of drinking water (which, I fully agree, is important > for a lot of users) may not be a dedicated amenity, and still be

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Voting - Water tap

2015-01-23 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Fri, Jan 16, 2015 at 2:16 AM, Pieren wrote: > On Thu, Jan 15, 2015 at 4:13 PM, Kotya Karapetyan > wrote: > > > As of today, a total of 16 votes have been submitted, 11 of them are > > approvals. Since 2 weeks have passed and the required number of votes > > (15) has been reached, I have close

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Voting system- time for reform?

2015-01-24 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
> > And it seems for the most part, the tags with the most staying power seem > to be ones that were natural fits, and *then* were documented *how > they're actually used* in the wiki retroactively. > A mostly +1 on that. The *problem* tags however are the ones with murky meaning, that can never

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - temperature

2015-02-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
There are cases where an approximate temperature is more useful than a single scalar number. For example a drinking fountain may be "chilled", but not operating at a single fixed temperature. Similarly there's a big difference in a tropical climate between a building with A/C and one without. And a

Re: [Tagging] How to tag a cistern?

2015-02-05 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
The cistern is the storage tank. If there is access to the cistern water, that would be some form of water tap and should be separately tagged. Similarly a deluge shower and it's cistern or holding tank are probably better mapped as two objects. ___ Tagg

Re: [Tagging] Access restrictions for shoulder lanes?

2015-02-06 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
In the USA occasional sections of even Interstate highways are open to bicycles, where no equivalent route exists. There's some argument to tag these as bike paths to avoid the tag soup of lanes, and ensure the (unusual) situation is perfectly clear. ___

Re: [Tagging] Lifecycle concepts, "REMOVED"

2015-02-06 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Mon, Feb 2, 2015 at 7:53 AM, Janko Mihelić wrote: > But what if hikers still refer to the spot? Like "Let's go to the burnt > alpine hut, and then go left". That is a pretty important landmark, even if > there is no sign of the hut any more. Maybe we can tag it as place=locality. > Clearly, t

Re: [Tagging] courtyards

2015-02-08 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Sun, Feb 8, 2015 at 10:40 AM, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > > in architecture you'd definitely consider a courtyard part of a building, > and volumes are distinguished in fully closed, open at the top and closed > on top but open at the sides (at least in German building codes aka DIN), > but if

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - temperature

2015-02-11 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Tue, Feb 10, 2015 at 9:04 PM, Warin <> wrote: > > A hotel room that has air conditioning may be both heated or cooled > depending on the desired temperature and the ambient temperature (and the > air conditioner). It usually supplies a measure of fresh air too. I think > tha

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - temperature

2015-02-11 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 1:59 PM, Warin <> wrote: > Why do you consider heated and cooled an 'interesting characteristic' > and how do you see it being rendered on to a map? Is it more > 'important/significant' than the suggested temperature values? If so .. why > has it not b

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - temperature

2015-02-11 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 8:51 PM, johnw wrote: > >>> > >> Danger-cold > >> cold > >> cool > >> mild > >> warm > >> hot > >> danger-hot What are some example nodes, where this proposed tag may apply, and how you might suggest tagging. Here are a few possible nodes I thought of:

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - temperature

2015-02-12 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 11:51 PM, Warin <> wrote: > I'd add the tag to any node where I thought the temperature important, > significant and I knew the temperature .. even if only subjective .. such as > hot. If the temperature changes .. then I'd leave the temperature tag off

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - temperature

2015-02-12 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
> Why is a node needed? Here some samples.. Do you have any examples where a specific temperature is measurable? Do you imagine these tags getting used for buildings like motel rooms, huts and caves: and if so what's the suggested tagging scheme for the typical cases? -- Oft

Re: [Tagging] Tagging Voting system- time for reform?

2015-02-12 Thread Bryce Nesbitt
On Thu, Feb 12, 2015 at 6:57 AM, Paul Johnson wrote: > You're missing the point. OSM is already a meritocracy and tagging > schemes either float or they don't, in the wild, under their own merit. > There's no reforms that could be made to change this short of locking out > the ability to use key

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