Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - shop=musical_instrument

2013-09-21 Thread Andreas Labres
On 21.09.13 18:00, Matthijs Melissen wrote: > For shops selling musical instruments, there are currently two tags in use: > shop=musical_instrument and shop=musical_instruments. The singular (1327) is > used nearly 10 times as much as the plural (126). This IMHO is a consequence of Key:shop sugges

Re: [Tagging] Power tower and pole usefulness

2013-09-21 Thread Andreas Labres
On 21.09.13 21:16, Ole Nielsen wrote: > On 21/09/2013 21:01, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: >> I continue to oppose the usage of man_made=tower for electricity lattice >> towers (that what has been power=tower until now and which is 4,8 >> Million times in use). Why should we change this well establish

[Tagging] shop=social_market ?

2013-09-21 Thread Andreas Labres
Hi! Does "social market" make sense to native English speakers? I'm looking for tagging what is called in German: Sozialmarkt oder Sozialladen Also the "Tafeln" https://de.wik

Re: [Tagging] tag man_made=campanile to be replaced with man_made=belfry?

2014-02-13 Thread Andreas Labres
For me those are rather synonym (but different regions/cultures obviously build them much different). In German the word "Glockenstapel" doesn't exist (at least in our latitude, 48°). The Nordic "Klockstapel" as well as the Italian "Campanile" translate to "Glockenturm" (which means bell tower) in

Re: [Tagging] tag man_made=campanile to be replaced withman_made=belfry?

2014-02-14 Thread Andreas Labres
There is something similar in Greece: Those are "Glockenturm" (aka bell tower) in German. Those see

Re: [Tagging] Pistemap proposal

2014-02-25 Thread Andreas Labres
On 25.02.14 22:27, Janko Mihelić wrote: > landuse=winter_sports > I don't like this way of confining a ski resort. Agreed. This probably is an area where grass is growing. Maybe it is used as a meadow in summer, maybe this is covered with straw, maybe it is used to produce hay. This could only be

Re: [Tagging] origin of some fire_hydrant tagging

2014-02-27 Thread Andreas Labres
Richard, fire_hydrant:type should remain unchanged, as this is negotiated with local fire departments here in Austria (as well as Germany). At least this is true for pillar and underground, those are most common and most important. Then there are fixed suction points, either from a pond or from t

Re: [Tagging] Structure on the end of tunnel to cover sun and avoid bright blindness

2014-05-14 Thread Andreas Labres
On 14.05.14 11:33, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > PMJI, but this looks much like the end of runway 16/34 of Vienna International Airport, so neither sun nor avalanche protection... ;) /al ___ Tagging

Re: [Tagging] shop: area or way?

2014-05-25 Thread Andreas Labres
On 25.05.14 09:37, Peter Wendorff wrote [a perfect explanation]. I'd like to add one thing: A closed way just is a closed way (think of a roundabout junction). Adding a shop=* tag makes it an area (so you don't need an extra area=yes tag)! /al ___ Tagg

[Tagging] MyPlace self-storage facilities

2014-07-04 Thread Andreas Labres
Is there a clue how to tag such self-storage facilities (eg. MyPlace): Taginfo finds: 94shop=storage_units 46shop=storage 16shop=self_storage (plus some typos/uppercase/withspace) /al

Re: [Tagging] MyPlace self-storage facilities

2014-07-04 Thread Andreas Labres
There are also some amenity=self_storage, BTW: We probably should fix one as the "correct" one for those self-storage facilities (and put this into the wiki). /al (nice

Re: [Tagging] Kindergarten, Childcare and Preschool

2014-07-22 Thread Andreas Labres
Here is a comparison: And let me add, things and terms here in Austria differ from Germany: On 23.07.14 01:48, Andreas Goss wrote: [for Germany] > - Kinderkrippe (under 3 years) > - Kindergarten (3

Re: [Tagging] Kindergarten, Childcare and Preschool

2014-07-28 Thread Andreas Labres
On 23.07.14 10:36, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > inside the Kindergarten there seems to be the same concept (separation of > "Kleinkindergruppe (Krippe)", see eg here: > > ) Sure. But IMO this could be expres

Re: [Tagging] Kindergarten, Childcare and Preschool

2014-07-28 Thread Andreas Labres
Additionally, preschool (FWICT) could be expressed as amenity=school, age=5-6 /al ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Kindergarten, Childcare and Preschool

2014-07-28 Thread Andreas Labres
On 28.07.14 11:22, Pieren wrote: > No, the "age" might greatly differ depending in which > continent/country/educational system you are. The distinction in "what kind of" school expressed in the amenity tag makes no sense. Here the pre-school education takes place in the Kindergarten. And if there

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Tag:leisure=gym

2014-07-31 Thread Andreas Labres
sport=fitness seems to have won: 816sport=fitness 320leisure=fitness_centre 88sport=gym 81leisure=gym 26leisure=fitness 21leisure=gymnasium

Re: [Tagging] separator for addr:housenumber=*

2014-08-19 Thread Andreas Labres
On 18.08.14 16:04, fly wrote: > On the English wiki page [1] "comma" is the proposed separator for > several values of addr:housenumber. > This contradicts our rule of using "semi-colon" as separator of values > and I do not have a clue why. I would not at all put different housenumbers into one t

Re: [Tagging] separator for addr:housenumber=*

2014-08-19 Thread Andreas Labres
On 19.08.14 23:17, fly wrote: > but 265-267 is wrong Disagree. addr:housenumber is the official number given to that building. And if it's "265-267", then addr:housenumber=265-267 is the only correct implementation of this. This is not a listing, this is a label only. /al __

Re: [Tagging] landuse=grass => natural=grass

2014-09-17 Thread Andreas Labres
On 18.09.14 00:33, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > from landuse, meadow would imply grass for me Meadow IMO means there is some usage taken from the grass/hay (Weide, Futterwiese,...). I use landuse=grass in urban areas (Grünstreifen am Straßenrand), for grass areas that are not a garden but there u

Re: [Tagging] landuse=grass => natural=grass

2014-09-18 Thread Andreas Labres
On 18.09.14 09:07, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > wouldn't these be better tagged with "road" or "highway" as landuse values? > Typically they are part of the road. We probably misunderstand us... This here: In the south are "Böschungen" t

Re: [Tagging] landuse=grass => natural=grass

2014-09-18 Thread Andreas Labres
On 18.09.14 09:07, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > wouldn't these be better tagged with "road" or "highway" as landuse values? > Typically they are part of the road. We probably misunderstand us... This here: In the south are "Böschungen" t

[Tagging] Truckage company

2014-10-08 Thread Andreas Labres
Hi! Any suggestion how to tag a transport company (a company forwarding goods, don't know how you call these guys from the "Güterbeförderungsgewerbe" like DPD etc. in English)? I mean these guys here (DPD depots in Austria): /al ___

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] Release openstreetmap-carto v2.23.0

2014-10-30 Thread Andreas Labres
There are some different terms for lodging, bed & breakfast, guest house, boarding house, pension, inn, hostel, motel, appartment house (?), chalet, and hotel. Guest house seems to be (plz correct me) a generic term for bed & breakfast as well as pension as well as inn. Maybe these should be sortet

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - Street cabinet - Voting

2014-11-17 Thread Andreas Labres
On 17.11.14 16:18, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > > yes, street cabinet is the actual name for this kind of thing, so using this > as tag seems best to describe what this proposal aims to describe. Simply > search for "street cabinet" in google (or another image search engine) then > research images

Re: [Tagging] New openstreetmap-carto version: please check country and state boundaries

2014-12-11 Thread Andreas Labres
On 11.12.14 10:11, Pieren wrote: > I didn't find a level=3 boundary relation for Croatia either. Pieren, Croatia is diveded into twenty /županije/ [0] (plus Zagreb) which is NUTS3, in size probably like french arrondissements, importance probably is higher. There are two statistical regions (NUTS

Re: [Tagging] New openstreetmap-carto version: please check country and state boundaries

2014-12-11 Thread Andreas Labres
On 11.12.14 10:43, Holger Jeromin wrote: > This is used for the short labels at zoom 4. Just look at the US at that > zoom level. Labeling parts of countries in Europe at z4 (and z5) only makes sense for really big countries. [0] /al [0] Have a look for yourself:

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - addrN:*

2015-01-15 Thread Andreas Labres
On 15.01.15 12:23, Andrew Shadura wrote: > This particular proposal seems to be a terrible solution to this problem. It > requires changes to the software, and the tagging scheme is ugly as hell. At > the same time, there's much simpler and better solution: placing address nodes > inside the buildi

[Tagging] Overhead signs (Überkopfwegweiser)

2015-01-16 Thread Andreas Labres
Hello, I'd like to suggest an idea to map overhead signposts ("Überkopfwegweiser" in German): Here is a photo of the sign to be mapped: To map: Put a node on the way of the street exactly where the sign is located and

Re: [Tagging] patron saints

2015-01-26 Thread Andreas Labres
On 26.01.15 08:37, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > I am not sure if you are kidding here, but obviously this is referring to a > certain episode in the life of Mary, mother of Jesus, and not to a saint > called Heimsuchung with his last name. I answer in German because it's too hard for me to trans

[Tagging] route=running

2015-02-04 Thread Andreas Labres
Hi! Would it be O.K. to add route=running to the Wiki? There are many running courses (with signs) here in Austria: Currently this tag is used 262 times: and I'd like to add

Re: [Tagging] route=running

2015-02-13 Thread Andreas Labres
On 05.02.15 06:44, Andreas Labres wrote: > Would it be O.K. to add route=running to the Wiki? I'd also need a value for nordic walking routes, could this be route=nordic_walking? Here is an example of the signpost for a running and a walking route:

Re: [Tagging] route=running

2015-02-13 Thread Andreas Labres
On 07.02.15 13:55, 715371 wrote: > > > I do not really like to use leisure=track there, so may be you have a > better idea. May be route=running does it all. It seems that at least the bridge is used by runners as well as strollers. So it seems to me

Re: [Tagging] route=running

2015-02-13 Thread Andreas Labres
On 13.02.15 14:04, Bryce Nesbitt wrote: > Is there a seasonal difference in the routes? Absolutely. This has nothing to do with each other. Of course, a cross-country skiing track is lead along what is a forestry track in summer or so. But that's what a route relation is good for. But the signpost

Re: [Tagging] Deprecating aerialway=goods

2015-02-18 Thread Andreas Labres
On 18.02.15 14:36, Richard Z. wrote: > suggest deprecating this particular value of aerialway -1 A "Materialseilbahn" is a special type of aerialway (Seilbahn) and should have its own value. See the picture linked in the wiki. This is not a cable car, this is not a gondola, it is a "Materialseilb

Re: [Tagging] Deprecating aerialway=goods

2015-02-19 Thread Andreas Labres
Richard, Those "Materialseilbahnen" (ropeways for goods) are typical in the Alps to supply alpine huts (where everybody can get something to eat and stay overnight) with everything that is needed. The only alternative there is a helicopter flight... On 19.02.15 12:24, Richard Z. wrote: > try ha

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - Reception Desk

2015-03-12 Thread Andreas Labres
Sorry, but amenity= is the wrong key. Should be tourism= IMHO. /al ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Outdoor DSLAM

2015-04-20 Thread Andreas Labres
I'm looking for a good tagging for an outdoor DSLAM: (in Austria they are called ARU = "Access Remote Unit" and bear a label "ARU###", so they are

Re: [Tagging] Outdoor DSLAM

2015-04-21 Thread Andreas Labres
> location=outdoor (It is actually outdoor) This doesn't make sense to me. The location is given by the coordinates. If those coordinates are within an area building=yes can be determined if necessary. But "Outdoor DSLAM" is a fixed term (AFAICT) for this FTTC cabinets. Maybe street_cabinet=FTTC

Re: [Tagging] shop=marine RFC

2016-03-15 Thread Andreas Labres
On 15.03.16 11:45, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: 2016-03-15 11:32 GMT+01:00 Malcolm Herring >: Yes. Chandleries cater for all types of small craft. +1 to shop=boat_supplies then +1 And this is an example I'd tag this way: /al

[Tagging] furniture maker

2016-03-31 Thread Andreas Labres
What would be the "correct" English term (craft=* value) for a "furniture maker"? And what if that craftsman works on both building houses and making furniture ("Bau- und Möbeltischlerei" in German)? /al ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetm

Re: [Tagging] Is it a man_made=mast?

2016-04-04 Thread Andreas Labres
On 04.04.16 13:31, Mateusz Konieczny wrote: On wiki man_made=mast is described as "usually a small tower of only a few meters height" ( ) AFAICT man_made=mast corresponds to the usage of the German "Mast"

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - RFC - natural=ridge

2011-11-08 Thread Andreas Labres
Martin, "Ridge" IMO closest means "Kamm" in German. eg. "Nordkette" north of Innsbruck (German) - we should distinguish this from - a whole mountain range ("das Gebirge" in German) eg.

Re: [Tagging] Feature proposal - RFC - natural=ridge

2011-11-08 Thread Andreas Labres
On 08.11.11 16:26, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > So how would you tag a de:"Grat"? Don't know what the correct English phrase would be. Maybe the mountain guys @talk-at know... User fkv/0/ has done a lot of mountain edits, AFAICT. BTW, should also be discussed rendering-wise, comparing a cliff (wh

Re: [Tagging] tagging of "ele" / elevation data e.g. in the context of towers

2012-02-20 Thread Andreas Labres
On 20.02.12 12:44, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > a) ele is the elevation of the ground around/below the tower (in the > case of a mountain summit it would be the elevation of the mountain, > not the tower). elevation vs altitude vs height: /

Re: [Tagging] gym as an amenity value

2012-03-09 Thread Andreas Labres
On 09.03.12 11:04, Erik Johansson wrote: > You mean: leisure=sport_centre probably leisure=sport*s*_centre ;) But leisure=fitness_centre would make sense to me (it's different from, say, a soccer club). BTW, can anybody tell me what is ment with those 622 "fitness_stations"? http://taginfo.opens

Re: [Tagging] Clean-up the seamark landmark tags on the wiki (and perhaps later in the db)

2012-11-25 Thread Andreas Labres
On 24.11.12 20:59, Martin Koppenhoefer wrote: > what about landmark=yes? IMO it should read maritime_landmark=yes to indicate, that this tower or building or quary or whatever is a landmark that is suitable for maritime navigation. This key can then be used for a maritime map to decide whether to

Re: [Tagging] Proposed feature - age groups in schools / ISCED update

2012-11-28 Thread Andreas Labres
Tagging ISCED [0] doesn't help for Austria, too. Also, AHS typically include both level 2 and 3. Tagging school types can probably only be solved on a national level (and probably doesn't make any sense, globally). So tagging minimum ages would make the most sense to me. ISCED 1 = 6-10 (Grundst

Re: [Tagging] Is the difference between power station and sub station clear?

2013-01-25 Thread Andreas Labres
On 25.01.13 10:29, Janko Mihelić wrote: > Problem with this is that you have to define the exact area that delimits a > big from a small substation, and the exact voltage. What about stations that > are big in area, but low in voltage? And vice-versa? There is a clear distinction between Hochspann

Re: [Tagging] Landuse vs Place - conversation at talk-key-landuse in wiki

2013-02-15 Thread Andreas Labres
Those have nothing to do with each other. "landuse" defines land utilisation of an area. "place" defines a name for a location (a geonym). The only thing you can say about a place name (other than locality!) is that it derives from some kind of settlement. /al

Re: [Tagging] fire_hydrant extensions proposal

2013-03-11 Thread Andreas Labres
Richard, On 09.03.13 20:07, Richard Welty wrote: > i've started drafting a proposal for some tags to extend the fire_hydrant > tagging system. Please keep in mind, there already a rather big list of possible tags: (only in German)

Re: [Tagging] fire_hydrant extensions proposal

2013-03-11 Thread Andreas Labres has many details, too. /al ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Historic huts

2013-03-27 Thread Andreas Labres
On 28.03.13 06:45, Steve Bennett wrote: > tourism=attraction (to increase the chance that the historic=* actually > renders as something...) Don't tag for the renderer! amenity=shelter by itself renders. Only tag it as a tourism=attraction if it /is/ a tourism attraction. /al ___

Re: [Tagging] Historic huts

2013-03-28 Thread Andreas Labres
On 28.03.13 11:18, Erik Johansson wrote: > This sounds more like an tourism attraction than a hut though If it is a tourism attraction tag it as tourism=attraction (that's what I said). But don't tag it for this reason: "to increase the chance that the historic=* actually renders as something..."

Re: [Tagging] Historic huts

2013-03-28 Thread Andreas Labres
On 28.03.13 11:25, Janko Mihelić wrote: > Tourism=attraction is quite an ambiguous tag. It is a good hint what to highlight on/in a tourist map/app. Of course this is a subjective decision, but it is of value that somebody did this decision. But not if it is based on "to increase the chance of ren

Re: [Tagging] wayside_shrine - Bildstock - Marterl

2013-03-29 Thread Andreas Labres
On 28.03.13 20:43, Clifford Snow wrote: > Why not use the existing historical=shrine? The correct tagging would be historic=wayside_shrine I agree it makes no difference if the shrine (we call it "Marterl") stands on the ground or i

Re: [Tagging] Wiki article about key "hov"

2013-03-29 Thread Andreas Labres
I don't have an opinion about the issue (trust you that we need it). But does the abbreviation "HOV" make sense? There are good reasons why we avoid abbreviations in tags. Wouldn't some relation to "carpool lane" make more sense (in that it is understood my more people)? They are always lanes, ar

Re: [Tagging] pastry and confectionery

2013-06-02 Thread Andreas Labres
PMJI, Here (in Vienna ;) the distinciton is "Bäckerei" (= bakery, who also sell sweets like those "Viennoiseries") vs "Konditorei" (= pâtisserie) (those are different crafts). Don't know what the correct English translation is for the latter, it seems to be confectionery. N.B. most of the "Kondit

Re: [Tagging] pastry and confectionery

2013-06-02 Thread Andreas Labres
On 02.06.13 19:11, Murry McEntire wrote: > I do see bakery (baked goods) and confectionery (candy, chocolates) You have to differentiate baked goods between bread and viennoiseries (=Bäckerei) vs cakes/desserts (=Feinbäckerei, =pâtisserie). Both are (different) craftsmanships. And you have to diff

Re: [Tagging] Are addresses ... objects vs attributes

2013-07-25 Thread Andreas Labres
On 25.07.13 09:33, Peter Wendorff wrote: > a pool that allows swimming leisure=swimming_pool (more than 291.000!) is prevailing, I would say. /al ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Power poles & tower : power vs man_made

2013-08-13 Thread Andreas Labres
power=tower ... 4'667'869 power=pole . 1'144'985 Looks "established". It makes no sense (and there is IMHO no need) to change these. /al ___ Tagging mailing list

[Tagging] Delivery post boxes

2013-09-09 Thread Andreas Labres
Hi! How would you tag delivery post boxes/letterboxes where letters are delivered (you can't drop in mail to be sent there)? They shouldn

Re: [Tagging] Snowshed voting

2010-03-15 Thread Andreas Labres
On 15.03.10 16:42, Sam Vekemans wrote: > The proposal of > Do you mean an avalanche gallery (German "Lawinengalerie", something like, a technical structure that protects from avalanches,

[Tagging] Dancing school

2010-08-13 Thread Andreas Labres
Hello, What would be the best way to tag *dancing schools*? In Germany they are authorized by the *ADTV* (both links in German) in Austria they are authorized by the *VTÖ* (in German)

Re: [Tagging] Dancing school

2010-08-16 Thread Andreas Labres
Proposal: /al ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Dancing school

2010-08-16 Thread Andreas Labres
On 17.08.10 01:29, Richard Welty wrote: > amenity=special_school > or something on that order, and then subtag with school= I can't see any benefit subsuming those "...schools that are no schools" under one tag. They all need special icons, there is no generic icon for these. One more thing, a d

Re: [Tagging] Dancing school

2010-08-16 Thread Andreas Labres
On 17.08.10 02:46, Richard Welty wrote: > there are dancing schools and there are dancing schools Well, maybe we need a subtag... ;) /al ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] Dancing school

2010-08-17 Thread Andreas Labres
On 17.08.10 17:11, John Smith wrote: > The whole point of all the was to avoid adding any more amenity=* tags > unnecessarily, it's already an overly abused dumping ground and makes > it difficult for doing generic icons for POIs... I can't follow your argument here. A dancing school (or is ist c

Re: [Tagging] tagging single trees

2010-09-07 Thread Andreas Labres
Hello, I don't see the problem why one could not tag every tree as "this is a tree" and additionally tag some of these as "this one is special, some kind of landmark or something". (We have some "Bildbäume" here that could be tagged additionally.) And the Garmins and others would probably only i

Re: [Tagging] [OSM-talk] Feature Proposal - Voting - Craft

2010-09-08 Thread Andreas Labres
On 08.09.10 09:56, M∡rtin Koppenhoefer wrote: > there is a big franchise in Germany who offers exactly this: > In Austria they even offer ink cartridge refill ;) Happy tagging /al ___ Tagging ma

[Tagging] Telephone MDF (was: Pls explain?)

2011-02-12 Thread Andreas Labres
On 11.02.11 13:40, Steve Bennett wrote: > And, slightly more seriously, man_made=MDF - what's that about? There is a German description for this: MDF = Main Distribution Frame (they are called "Hauptverteiler" ["HV"] in German, in Germany