Sounds like something like "advertising=display_window" or similar would
make more sense
On Mon, Nov 20, 2023, 21:29 Martin Koppenhoefer
> sent from a phone
> > On 20 Nov 2023, at 20:59, Anne-Karoline Distel
> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > is there a way to tag shops that are n
Hello all,
I'm glad to announce that crossing:markings was approved with 29 votes for, 1
vote against and 3 abstentions. Thank you to all who participated. In the
coming days I will be doing the post-vote clean up, as well as updating the
relevant pages.
Alex (popball)
I think it does rase the question (albeit quite an edge case) of how to
interpret access restrictions. For example, is a pedicab allowed down a way
with bicycle=no, taxi=yes? How about taxi=no and bicycle=yes?
Georg schrieb am So., 25. Sept. 2022, 23:47:
> Hi Dolly,
> > Has the OSM dat
I've been pondering whether to add name:en to European train stations when
the English announcement is usually translated. For example Cologne South
for the train station Köln Süd.
Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging schrieb am Fr.,
6. Jan. 2023, 04:27:
> Jan 5, 2023, 17:36 by frede...@rem
The proposal for a new tag `amenity=showground` is now open for comments:
This proposal attempts to fill a void for facilities which are essentially
an open field to host event (typically with tents, temporary attractions,
etc) T