uot;tag for the renderer", there are still many different
ways to tag here - I'm just looking for a clue as to which one might result
in the rendering I'm looking for. If there isn't one, how can I get the
default Mapnik rendering to draw a thin, contrasting outline aroun
On the turn restrictions page, there is no mention of only_u_turn, yet I've
found these to exist in the real world.
Any objection to adding this restriction? If not, how do I go about telling
consumers about the change?
Alan Mintz
quot; - I
don't know how that relates to the WGS84/GPS and/or survey elevation but
I'd expect them to be close.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
and height tags.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
; to mean the height of an object -
one would always use/expect to read "height" for that. The words are not
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
a road that has semi-permanent barriers to vehicles and
humans at both ends (perhaps because it's washed out or otherwise unsafe).
If those barriers are to vehicles only, I would add foot=yes. I think/hope
this is what the access page on the wiki attempts to
such gated communities as access=private.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2012-04-15 01:10, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
How would you distinguish an entry for visitors from an entry for
residents only?
name= or ref= or whatever else Mapnik was designed to render on a gate.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
gging on a node at a higher
priority than using the "house" icon associated with addr:housenumber.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2012-04-15 13:55, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
On 4/15/2012 6:30 AM, Alan Mintz wrote:
At 2012-04-15 01:10, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
How would you distinguish an entry for visitors from an entry for
residents only?
name= or ref= or whatever else Mapnik was designed to render on a gate.
If an odd number, assume a center turn lane (e.g. lanes=5 means 2 forward,
2 backward, 1 center).
+1 to the rest.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2012-04-20 08:29, Eugene Alvin Villar wrote:
One possible way is to introduce ISO country codes (in all caps) and
with a format similar to int_name::
PH_name:en=Panatag Shoal
I would go with name:en-PH=* or name:en:PH=* to mimic the standard IETF
language tag format.
Alan Mintz
At 2012-04-21 23:36, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Apr 21, 2012 2:29 PM,
"Eugene Alvin Villar"
> On Sat, Apr 21, 2012 at 7:30 AM, Paul Johnson
> > On Apr 20, 2012 9:04 AM, "Alan Mintz"
ption for this
type of object appears to be oneway=yes.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tag:amenity%3Dtaxi . Add
taxi=motorcycle;car;hov or maybe individual tags like motorcycle=yes, etc.
in the style of
http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Access#Transport_mode_restrictions .
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing li
ional subdivision is regularly used
in addresses.
In the US, we have a first-level subdivision in addr:state, addr:city is
second-level, and there is no third-level specified in an address.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
coastline somewhere, maybe the central coast (south of San Francisco). You
might also check the San Diego area.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
ain Michael's has such things as well as art supplies and
has been tagged shop={craft|crafts|art}.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
the tags, and the ability is there (as someone
from Indonesia pointed out) to create your own presets (or have them
created for you) and name them whatever you want. Other editors have
limited and/or hierarchical tagging with icons that accomplish the same
Alan Mintz
[Moved from dev]
At 2012-07-26 01:42, Richard Fairhurst wrote:
>Alan Mintz wrote:
>> Semi-colons are the agreed-upon way to provide multiple values for a
>> field. It seems wrong to "warn" of their use, especially given the
>> demonstrated potential to c
somewhere (like maybe handicap-accessible), you have a collision.
I suggest "award:="
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
least? I "know" that if it's data created by a US Federal
agency, it's public domain, but what about US state and local governments
(does the same law -- use of public funds = public domain -- apply)?
Alan Mintz
At 2012-07-26 15:11, Frederik Ramm wrote:
On 26.07.2012 23:57, Alan Mintz wrote:
It is possible that the organisation publishing the ratings has some
sort of copyright or database right to them. For example I don't think
it will be legal to copy TripAdvisor ratings into OSM.
This may
Now that the redaction is finished, is there a need to keep any odbl=clean
tags, or does it make sense to remove them if making other edits to objects.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
ng it in OSM. I'm given to understand that, in France in
particular, this information is commonly known and mentioned when
describing a restaurant.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
Definitely the latter - a mobile home park.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2012-07-27 15:23, Pieren wrote:
On Fri, Jul 27, 2012 at 4:00 PM, Alan Mintz
> Just to be clear, this is exactly the case I envision, and something our
> crowd-source model should be good at - people seeing/knowing from local
> knowledge that a restaurant has a certain star r
At 2012-07-29 13:19, Pieren wrote:
On Sat, Jul 28, 2012 at 1:54 AM, Alan Mintz
> I said nothing about "copying all Michelin rating[s]". We've been talking
> about surveys and local knowledge from people seeing the ratings in the
> window or advertising or word-of
with tracks=2 into two separate
parallel tracks, each would be tagged tracks=1 (or have no tracks=* tag
at all, since this is documented to mean the same thing as
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
, single-family
home lots. If I do, they are highway=service + service=driveway, with
access=private if gated or posted no-trespassing.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
r the county?
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
When you get info for adjoining
intersections, they could be used to construct a true picture of the range
of possible addresses.
This area shows the results of a survey of both pseudo-addresses (from
street signs) and actual ones (from mailboxes): http://osm.org/go/TaBihQXG4-
(Yes, I need to discu
At 2009-12-22 02:07, Erik Johansson wrote:
>On Mon, Dec 21, 2009 at 10:25 PM, Alan Mintz
> wrote:
> > At 2009-12-21 11:01, Roy Wallace wrote:
> >>... If you don't know where the other end of the
> >>street is, you can't use an addr:interpolation way, so it s
, the pseudo-nodes could be replaced by whatever
scheme is used to represent the range of addresses between them.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
(e.g. highway=motorway_link if the roads are highway=motorway).
This seems consistent with the description of highway=*_link.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
I use substation for the occasional, smaller, usually single-user complex
with just a few transformers, fed by lower voltage lines (usually 12-60 kV
in the US I think).
Unless people have largely ignored the wiki in practice, I'd suggest
leaving it as is, in lieu of having to gl
trical plants. For example, there are a few steam power plants where
>steam is distributed outside the plant and is used for motive force other
>than to turn electrical generators.
Aren't these simply "steam plants"? I thoug
bad, changing is difficult. If we spontaneously redefine
>"power=station", we will a) change the meaning of existing tags, and
>b) cause confusion amongst people who know the current tags. But at
>least we eventually end up at a situation which makes sense and won't
>cause so much mistagging.
> >This will motivate the mappers much more to "do it
> > right" than to conform to whatever rules set/changed in the wiki.
>So, you essentially say it's easier to keep drilling these bad
>definitions into people's heads, now and forever, than to fix them.
>Are you saying also that we should never change the definitions of any
>Tagging mailing list
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
- music=no|band;dj
- music:type=rock;oldies;salsa;etc.
- sport=billiards;darts;projectile_vomiting :)
- smoking=no|yes|patio
- smoking:type=cigarette;cigar;pipe
- cannabis=yes (bringing it back around to the subject of the thread :) )
Alan Mintz
(incorrect usage)
- 4 are substations (correct usage)
So, it seems that there is both correct and incorrect usage in similar
amounts so far. I hope to report back with power=sub_station and
power=generator, as well as a count of editing users, soon.
Alan Mintz
y ultimately have to
carry both IDs.
I might put parentheses around the value if it is not currently signed that
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
he source generally implies what type of information was used from it,
though there is some overlap (like using tract maps to provide exact
measurements for new streets or those with unclear imagery).
I have no opposition, though, to the more precise:
source:location=survey;usgs_imagery + sour
be from the
http://www.openstreetmap.org/browse/changeset/* page)? I'd sure like to be
able to clean up my occasional mistakes. I use these comments to keep track
of my progress on a particular survey or area.
Alan Mintz
e_ref=*]? I'll note
that JOSM has an icon for access=no, but not access=private. I can then tag
the way with source:access=* +source_ref:access=*.
[1]That is, holding that the sign states what is taken to be the prima
facie safe speed. Any traffic court judges here?
[2]survey beca
section as complete (that is, to state
that all turn restrictions have been tagged)?
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-03-12 20:07, John Smith wrote:
>On 13 March 2010 14:05, Alan Mintz wrote:
> > Any suggestion on how to tag an intersection as complete (that is, to state
> > that all turn restrictions have been tagged)?
>Why not just tag those that are incomplete?
There are bridges over freeways called "utility overcrossings" that contain
pipelines, electrical cables, etc., but do not support any kind of foot or
vehicle traffic. Any suggestions on how to tag these? Obviously bridge=yes
+ layer=1, but I can't find an appropriate highway=
Distinct from town halls, there are privately-owned banquet/reception halls
for hosting special events, like wedding receptions, meetings, etc. How
should these be tagged?
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
had used "northbound" instead of "North" after
the recent issues with street name expansion, which may create ambiguities.
[3] This can be particularly useful for those brain-dead (IMO) places where
they don't bother to indicate the direction on the sign. I almost always
ection at that point, which is technically more
accurate anyway. Plus, there are usually turn restrictions that are easier
to deal with on a single-node intersection:
Alan Mintz
ast on Sunset Boulevard to Cross Street
, then continue 2.5 miles east on Crystal Ave to destination."
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
where the ways change sides (and are therefore are going the wrong
direction sometimes). This is different than what I proposed.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
logically, governed by a single switching strategy - that a
single node (or polygon) is more topologically accurate than 2 or 4
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-04-28 12:40, Xan wrote:
>How can i tag compass rose, like that
>or wind rose?
I like man_made=compass_rose . Based on the wikipedia article, it seems the
more current term.
At 2010-04-28 13:13, Xan wrote:
>En/na Alan Mintz ha escrit:
> > At 2010-04-28 12:40, Xan wrote:
> >
> >> How can i tag compass rose, like that
> >> http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Archivo:RosaDeLosVientosTorreDeHercules.jpg
> >>
> >> or wind rose?
s the
German one. All three contain "fish", though.
>Also, we have shop=butcher, not shop=meat.
Because butcher is the commonly-used English word, perhaps because there
are many more of them than places that sell only seafood.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
t_food and mixed tags would be okay in general, I still would
>like some guidance or suggestions on what to do for tagging Chipotle, as a
>specific case.
I call it fast_food, based on my criteria above.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-05-04 08:24, Stephen Gower wrote:
>Those calling for shop=fish rather than shop=fishmonger - what would you
>use for
>the pet fish shop?
I've been using shop=pet. I suppose you could get more specific by adding a
species or type key.
At 2010-05-04 12:04, Phil! Gold wrote:
>* Alan Mintz [2010-05-04 09:47 -0700]:
> > I generally regard fast_food as a place where you have to walk up to a
> > counter and order your food. Even if they do bring it out to your table
> > when ready, they will not generally com
At 2010-05-04 18:15, Greg Troxel wrote:
>Alan Mintz writes:
> > At the risk of bringing up the ambiguous meaning of "cafe" discussion
> again
> > :) I'm using cafe for coffee-houses like Starbucks, with very limited,
> > usually pre-made, offering
far up in position (and the same priority) so it was being rendered instead
of the other more definitive tags (like amenity I think).
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
daries, tags that are to be assumed (inherited) by
contained objects (e.g. sidewalk=yes, surface=paved, lanes=2, maxspeed=25
mph, etc.). I currently don't tag these, but it would be useful to visitors
to know them.
Alan Mintz
Periodically along US highways, there are giant scales for trucks to get a
weight certificate to comply with various laws. How should these be tagged?
How about:
highway=motorway_link for the ramps linking to the motorway
highway=scale for the scale node/area
Alan Mintz
place to put the name of the school.
I draw the boundary and tag it with amenity=school, name=*, etc.:
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
rooms. This describes the typical highway rest area in the US. I
like highway=rest_area for these. I may never have seen what is described
in the wiki for highway=services - with commercial vendors of fuel and food.
Alan Mintz
At 2010-06-02 02:58, =?UTF-8?Q?M=E2=88=A1rtin_Koppenhoefer?= wrote:
>there are antennas, which IMHO do not fall in the tower category
Except for AM broadcast towers, which are the antennas themselves.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailin
>Well I am talking about roads . that was one reason why I used highway
>tag . Road tagging is quite confusing for us in developing nations
>because of the wide difference in european roads.
I think highway=living_street is
At 2010-06-27 00:24, Alan Mintz wrote:
Is the device near the upper right of this pic:
http://sites.google.com/site/am909geo/osm-1/TsunamiAlert.jpg a tsunami
warning siren? I've seen a number of similar devices in coastal areas.
This particular one is at 33.4993, -117.67656.
Not any more. It wasn't even self-consistent - the entry for jewellery
(correctly) says that jewelry is the US spelling. Wiktionary does not seem
to have attained the level of quality present in Wikipedia. Not enough
used for turning/merging in and out of
driveways. I consider this like the freeway merging lanes; I've just
been counting the driving lanes and not the turning lane also. See
Canyon Road at:
If someone has the last US tagwatch, we could do a better
comparison, but there does seem to be a growing problem here.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-07-23 18:53, John Smith wrote:
On 23 July 2010 23:48, Alan Mintz wrote:
> I spend a totally unreasonable amount of time mapping turn restrictions
> (mostly no-u-turn) as it is, and even that is hard to justify.
I was trying to say that it takes far too long to create this re
y the potential to have
extremely accurate maps of things (like hydrants, exits, extinguishers)
that may not exist anywhere else. I'd certainly find that welcome in a
bullding that's on fire.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
extremely accurate maps of things (like hydrants, exits, extinguishers)
that may not exist anywhere else. I'd certainly find that welcome in a
building that's on fire.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
hose by itself.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-07-28 01:49, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
On Wed, Jul 28, 2010 at 3:50 AM, Alan Mintz
> There are also fire hoses which are attached to building water supplies and
> fan-folded inside largish glass-front metal cases inset into walls.
> emergency=fire_hose maybe, tho
source: / source_ref: pairs for various keys :
Any objection to me adding these?
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
is just considered part of the same
I ignore them.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
, for roads in the USFS system I'm using:
For Forest Highways (generally major paved roads): ref=FH nn (e.g.
name=Angeles Crest Highway + ref=FH 61).
For Forest Roads/Routes/Truck Trails: ref=FR yDxx (e.g. name=Upper Monroe
Road + ref=FR
At 2010-08-16 00:24, Samat K Jain wrote:
On Monday, August 16, 2010 01:03:17 am, Alan Mintz wrote:
> For Forest Highways (generally major paved roads): ref=FH nn (e.g.
> name=Angeles Crest Highway + ref=FH 61).
> For Forest Roads/Routes/Truck Trails: ref=FR yDxx (e.g. name=Upper Monr
At 2010-08-17 02:19, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:03:17 -0700, Alan Mintz wrote:
> For Forest Highways (generally major paved roads): ref=FH nn (e.g.
> name=Angeles Crest Highway + ref=FH 61). For Forest Roads/Routes/Truck
> Trails: ref=FR yDxx (e.g. name=Upper Monroe R
:left=lane for a one-way road with
a bike lane on the left in a place where traffic keeps right.
Prefix the value with opposite_ if bicycle traffic flows opposite to motor
vehicle traffic.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
applies (having a meaning opposite
to that documented for except=*). I have documented examples where I need
this for restrictions that apply only to trucks, to avoid having to list
every other possible vehicle type.
Alan Mintz
At 2010-08-17 14:33, Paul Johnson wrote:
On Tue, 17 Aug 2010 13:44:58 -0700, Alan Mintz wrote:
> At 2010-08-17 02:19, Paul Johnson wrote:
>>On Mon, 16 Aug 2010 00:03:17 -0700, Alan Mintz wrote:
>> > For Forest Highways (generally major paved roads): ref=FH nn (e.g.
the water surface.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
suggest glass instead of glaziery - the latter sounds like
someplace that glazes things (regardless of the definition)
- gardening should be gardener in keeping with the other values that are
named for the craftsman, not the craft
Alan Mintz
At 2010-08-24 01:43, Peter Körner wrote:
Am 24.08.2010 10:28, schrieb Alan Mintz:
At 2010-08-24 01:08, =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Peter_K=F6rner?= wrote:
some months ago I started a craft= proposal in my wiki user space:
My observations
decide priorities (thought this problem exists also when there are both
amenity and leisure keys present, for example). Personally, I would rather
see an arbitrary priority than nothing at all (the current state).
Alan Mintz
I would not propose both generator:output=* and generator:output:*=yes. I
think it should be one or the other (probably the latter until we
rationally deal with, or drop, semi-colons).
Is there a plan to convert the existing data?
Alan Mintz
At 2010-08-28 01:49, Tom Chance wrote:
On 28 August 2010 04:30, Alan Mintz
Is there a plan to convert the existing data?
I thought about that, but I'm not sure how to proceed. Any advice is
I could, of course, just download all data
d the signed name in
"alt_name". I also report the signage error to the responsible
public works department (usually the city in incorporated areas,
otherwise the county). I also add a FIXME tag with a note to re-check it
in the future. I've been responsible for a number o
e done here?
old_name is documented for other objects. old_operator makes sense instead
of operator, too.
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
r of circuits the tower can
handle (not necessarily how many are currently strung on it, which is
specified in power=line + cables=*). The number of cables per circuit is
implied by the type of transmission, with the default of 3-phase
At 2010-09-07 10:27, Nathan Edgars II wrote:
On Tue, Sep 7, 2010 at 9:10 AM, Alan Mintz
> tower_type=a_frame :
> http://sites.google.com/site/am909geo/osm-1/power_a_frame.jpg Usually seen
> as the input and output interfaces of a substation. The example shows
two of
> t
ot be mapped.
"Special"/historical trees could be mapped tagged historic=yes
This approx 50 sq mi area of Bakersfield, CA, USA contains over 41,000
trees that were imported:
node[bbox=-119.15,35.29,-119.0,35.38][natural=tree]. No other descriptive
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-09-07 17:51, =?UTF-8?Q?M=E2=88=A1rtin_Koppenhoefer?= wrote:
2010/9/8 Alan Mintz :
> At 2010-09-04 09:12, Erik Johansson wrote:
> I've taken a slightly different approach. I use landuse=residential to
> outline the entire related area. I then add that way to a relati
ts). My limited experience is that they are
built more like houses/townhomes. I wouldn't be averse to adding
housing_type=duplex for these. Are there tri-, quad-, etc. plexes?
Alan Mintz
Tagging mailing list
At 2010-09-08 01:37, Erik Johansson wrote:
On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 12:12 AM, Alan Mintz
> At 2010-09-04 09:12, Erik Johansson wrote:
>> I would like to tag areas with apartment buildings, and small houses
>> for a single family differently, at the moment I
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