Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - RFC - Start moving proposal announcements to the new forum

2022-11-21 Thread Davidoskky via Tagging
The new forum may be also more capable of handling large volume of posts - you can easily mute threads and entire categories. It's also possible to subscribe to only the first post in a category. Thus, you may set to be notified whenever a new proposal is posted and only then choose if you

Re: [Tagging] Feature Proposal - Voting - highway=scramble

2022-11-21 Thread Asa Hundert
There is still considerable heat in the voting. Ballot casting time will be extended to give three weeks of voting. Hungerburg ___ Tagging mailing list htt

[Tagging] species:language to loc_name:language

2022-11-21 Thread Carlos Sánchez
In a lot of cases, users are using local names in the values for species and genus keys. This is an error as genus and species only exist in latin. For local/vulgar name users should use another key or be obtained using the wikidata information. I suggest changing species:language to l

Re: [Tagging] species:language to loc_name:language

2022-11-21 Thread Marc_marc
Hello, Le 21.11.22 à 17:22, Carlos Sánchez a écrit : I suggest changing species:language to l oc_name:language as for the same species there exists a huge variability of common names, not only differing by language. I disagree loc_name is a l

Re: [Tagging] wheel baths for disinfection

2022-11-21 Thread IIVQ
On 21/11/2022 08:15, Warin wrote: On 21/11/22 12:54, Matija Nalis wrote: On Mon, 21 Nov 2022 08:58:29 +0800, Timeo Gut wrote: Wheel baths for disinfection are used to prevent the spread of diseases in agricultural areas. They're most often found at roads and tracks that go through plantati

Re: [Tagging] species:language to loc_name:language

2022-11-21 Thread Minh Nguyen
Vào lúc 08:22 2022-11-21, Carlos Sánchez đã viết: In a lot of cases, users are using local names in the values for species and genus keys. This is an error as genus and species only exist in latin. For local/vulgar name users should use another key or be obtained using the wikidata information.

Re: [Tagging] species:language to loc_name:language

2022-11-21 Thread Mateusz Konieczny via Tagging
Not sure how change proposed in the second paragraph solves what you mentioned in the first. It also goes against established meaning of loc_name loc_name:en is for English local name of a tree, not for English name of its species (this is rarely used as local names are rarely in multiple langua