Vào lúc 08:22 2022-11-21, Carlos Sánchez đã viết:
In a lot of cases, users are using local names in the values for species
and genus keys.
This is an error as genus and species only exist in latin. For
local/vulgar name users should use another key or be obtained using the
wikidata information.
I suggest changing species:language to l
<https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:loc_name>oc_name:language as
for the same species there exists a huge variability of common names,
not only differing by language.
Wiki for species:wikidata: Key:species:wikidata - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Wiki for species: Key:species - OpenStreetMap Wiki
Use of the key species: Resultados de la búsqueda | OpenStreetMap
Taginfo <https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/search?q=species>
loc_name=* is for the local name of the feature itself, in other words,
the local version of name=*. Some famous trees are known by proper
names, but that's different than the (common) name of the species as a
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