[Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread José G Moya Y .
Hi! Path 374362033 ( https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/374362033 ) is a building with no windows in Calle del Fúcar, 28014 Madrid that contains a phone exchange (originally it was a gigantic relay system for the phones of the area, now probably replaced with smaller computers and microcontrollers)

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > On 16. Sep 2018, at 06:23, Joseph Eisenberg > wrote: > > boundary=administrative may have up 9 levels in some places (admin_level 2 to > 10) even admin_level 11 in some places: https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/keys/admin_level#values https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Anton Klim
Hi, The telecom tagging scheme (on wiki) definitely had a tag for telephone exchanges. For a building without windows, I’d suggest building=service > 16 сент. 2018 г., в 8:48, José G Moya Y. написал(а): > > Hi! > > Path 374362033 ( https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/374362033 ) is a building

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Chris Hill
On 16/09/2018 08:48, José G Moya Y. wrote: Hi! Path 374362033 ( https://www.openstreetmap.org/way/374362033 ) is a building with no windows in Calle del Fúcar, 28014 Madrid that contains a phone exchange (originally it was a gigantic relay system for the phones of the area, now probably repl

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Warin
Not all of them have no windows. I'd tag it as what it is, building=telephone_exchange. That would be suitable with or without windows. I have added a section on them to https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Talk:WikiProject_Telecoms#Telephone_Exchange You can attempt to contact the original m

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Andy Townsend
Re "central office", it's not really an English term.  I'm guessing that it was translated from French - see https://lists.openstreetmap.org/pipermail/tagging/2018-June/037016.html and https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Telecom_local_loop .  The English term that matches thi

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 16 September 2018, Joseph Eisenberg wrote: > On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 1:23 AM Christoph Hormann wrote: > > > Are you objecting to the idea of tagging places as well as > > > boundaries? What about the protected area / aboriginal lands > > > boundaries? > > > > * I don't think any tagging

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Simon Poole
Am 16.09.2018 um 11:53 schrieb Andy Townsend: > Re "central office", it's not really an English term. Wasn't there just a longish discussion about this, and that its origin goes back to marketing language used by Bell? signature.asc Description: OpenPGP digital signature _

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Joseph Eisenberg
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 7:26 PM Christoph Hormann wrote: > > would it be a problem to also search for boundaries of > > aboriginal_lands in addition to 8 admin boundary levels? > > I am not really familiar with the legal status of aboriginal lands in > various parts of the world and how use of th

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread François Lacombe
Sent from a phone Hi all Please have a look to RFC https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Telecom_local_loop We wish to introduce telecom=* to specify functional role of such facilities Building=central_office is less consistent Building=service is more suitable All the best Fra

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Paul Allen
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 12:57 PM, François Lacombe < fl.infosrese...@gmail.com> wrote: > > Please have a look to RFC > https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Proposed_features/Telecom_local_loop > > We wish to introduce telecom=* to specify functional role of such > facilities > Building=central_offi

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Paul Allen
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 12:21 PM, Joseph Eisenberg < joseph.eisenb...@gmail.com> wrote: [...] I don't (yet) have an opinion either way on the feasibility or desirability of tagging languages used in a region. But this... It should be interpreted with the individual language name tags. > If the d

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 16 September 2018, Joseph Eisenberg wrote: > > *Would it be feasible for database users to query > boundary=aboriginal_lands along with the admin boundaries*? As said i can't really form an opinion on this without a real world example, the corresponding data and a suggestion how this sh

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Joseph Eisenberg
Sorry, the example may not have been clear. It was simple an example of a bilingual tag that might be used in a place where signs show the name in Chinese characters, plus a latin alphabet version. This might happen in an overseas Chinese community. I was mainly looking for a combination of two tag

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > On 16. Sep 2018, at 13:57, François Lacombe wrote: > > Building=central_office is less consistent > Building=service is more suitable for me, both would be ok, I definitely would not use building=industrial which is clearly a step back, although it is used quite frequent

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Joseph Eisenberg
"you would need extensive external data to determine how to actually display combinations of names (which obviously depends on the languages and scripts involved)" Do you mean how to decide which name is displayed "first"? On the left / on top etc? I think that's up to map designers. But I supp

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Christoph Hormann
On Sunday 16 September 2018, Joseph Eisenberg wrote: > "you would need extensive external data to determine how to > actually display combinations of names (which obviously depends on > the languages and scripts involved)" > > Do you mean how to decide which name is displayed "first"? On the > lef

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Clifford Snow
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 3:50 AM Simon Poole wrote: > > Wasn't there just a longish discussion about this, and that its origin > goes back to marketing language used by Bell?- As a former Bell System employee I can tell you we used the term central office to describe buildings that contained a

Re: [Tagging] Telephone exchange

2018-09-16 Thread Paul Allen
On Sun, Sep 16, 2018 at 3:50 PM, Clifford Snow wrote: > > Not sure what the British English equivalent would be to central office. > Telephone Exchange. -- Paul ___ Tagging mailing list Tagging@openstreetmap.org https://lists.openstreetmap.org/listin

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Michael Patrick
FYI, the U.S. NGA ( National Geospatial Agency ) provides the NGA GEOnet Names Server (GNS) with both a viewer and text lookup . Also available are various web services

Re: [Tagging] Mapping language borders, tagging offical languages?

2018-09-16 Thread Graeme Fitzpatrick
On Sun, 16 Sep 2018 at 20:26, Christoph Hormann wrote: > > I am not really familiar with the legal status of aboriginal lands in > various parts of the world and how use of the names differs betweeen > the inside and the outside. I have a hard time imagining an aboriginal > land with a distinct