Re: [Tagging] Swimming pool facilities

2017-09-27 Thread Jean-Marc Liotier
On Tue, 26 Sep 2017 18:38:15 +0200 Selfish Seahorse wrote: > (2) indoor swimming pools seem not to be tagged Because they do not appear on imagery, so fewer people are in a position to map them... But nothing keeps anyone from tagging them. ___ Tagging

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Safwat Halaby
shop=garden_centre is already established. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Safwat Halaby
There's garden_centre for less specialized shops. ___ Tagging mailing list

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Dave Swarthout
IMO, a garden_centre is not the same sort of shop as one that sells agricultural equipment although gardening is still considered agriculture. It caters to the backyard gardener by selling seeds, lawnmowers, potted plants, fertilizer in small bags and hand tools for gardening, all in relatively sm

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Mark Bradley
Thanks for all the replies. It seems there are two already-established tagging schemes for what I want to map. They are shop=agrarian or shop=trade trade=agricultural_supplies According to Taginfo, these schemes are used approximately equally, so I'll use one of them. That being said,

Re: [Tagging] Swimming pool facilities

2017-09-27 Thread José G Moya Y .
Kevin Kenny wrote: > I'm ignorant. The public (and for that matter, club) pools near me are all > at multisport facilities and multi-use parks. (Typical configuration: fenced-off > swimming facility; administrative building; bathhouse; playing fields for > football, lacrosse, baseball, horseshoes

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > On 27. Sep 2017, at 14:19, Dave Swarthout wrote: > > IMO, a garden_centre is not the same sort of shop as one that sells > agricultural equipment +1 > It's a question of scale and intended audience that differentiates the two > businesses. +1, and of the kind of

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Mark Wagner
On Wed, 27 Sep 2017 13:26:38 +0300 Safwat Halaby wrote: > shop=garden_centre is already established. > > > This isn't a garden center. A garden center is where you'd go to get a half-kilo bag of pre-mixed fertilizer, or a tray of se

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Kevin Kenny
I think my earlier posting on this subject got lost. The Wiki shows 'shop=agrarian' whose definition seems to fit. (The name stinks, but it's there. I'd call it a 'feed and seed store' or a 'farm equipment dealer' depending on whether the sp

[Tagging] Proposed feature - accepted - Power transformer extension

2017-09-27 Thread François Lacombe
Hi all, The proposal regarding power transformers had been adopted last week. As a really technical subject, it was really nice to get numerous feedbacks, thank you :) The cleanup is in progress, and will take a little time to be completed The page power=transformer contains already all useful in

[Tagging] Devices key

2017-09-27 Thread François Lacombe
Hi, The key devices=* got its page on the wiki It has been introduced for a very specific topic, but can be useful in many situations. It was intended to group equivalent devices (lights, ATM, car-park meters... and power transformers) on the same n

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Craig Wallace
On 2017-09-27 23:45, Kevin Kenny wrote: I think my earlier posting on this subject got lost. The Wiki shows 'shop=agrarian' whose definition seems to fit. (The name stinks, but it's there. I'd call it a 'feed and seed store' or a 'farm eq

Re: [Tagging] Devices key

2017-09-27 Thread Martin Koppenhoefer
sent from a phone > On 28. Sep 2017, at 01:24, François Lacombe wrote: > > It has been introduced for a very specific topic, but can be useful in many > situations. > It was intended to group equivalent devices (lights, ATM, car-park meters... > and power transformers) on the same node. th

Re: [Tagging] How to tag "agricultural centers"

2017-09-27 Thread Dave Swarthout
shop=agrarian is terrible, I agree. Is this a shop that caters to "agrarians" or does it sell "agrarians"? Nor do I like shop=trade, trade=agricultural_supplies. I don't think of farming or agriculture as a trade similar to that practiced by a plumber or electrician, but maybe that's only me. On

Re: [Tagging] Devices key

2017-09-27 Thread Dave Swarthout
The Wiki article in the link describes only the suffix form of the devices keyword. Therefore IMO the title of the page is misleading. I found only 2 instances of devices=* in Taginfo. Do you intend to expand the article or restrict the use of the term devices as a standalone tag? Dave On Thu, Se