shop=agrarian is terrible, I agree. Is this a shop that caters to
"agrarians" or does it sell "agrarians"?

Nor do I like shop=trade, trade=agricultural_supplies. I don't think of
farming or agriculture as a trade similar to that practiced by a plumber or
electrician, but maybe that's only me.

On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 6:26 AM, Craig Wallace <>

> On 2017-09-27 23:45, Kevin Kenny wrote:
>> I think my earlier posting on this subject got lost.
>> The Wiki shows 'shop=agrarian' whose definition seems to fit.
>> (The name stinks, but it's there. I'd call it a 'feed and seed store' or
>> a 'farm equipment dealer' depending on whether the specialty is feed, seed,
>> fertilizer, pesticides, etc., or tractors, combines, etc.)
> Yes, "agrarian" is a rubbish name for this. Sounds like it is based on a
> mistranslation.
> It would rarely be called this in English. Agrarian is usually more of an
> obscure political/economic concept.
> Would make more sense just to call it shop=agricultural. With subtags for
> seed, fertilizer, tools etc
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